is the short signature of Matthias Kraft. I use this sig here and elsewhere. I also use ''MatzeK'' at various occasions, mainly in Yahoo groups and at [SourceForge]. I am a Software Engineer Specialist at [Company: Software AG] in Germany. To install our software on [Unix] systems a [Tcl/Tk] based application is used. And I am the one who is still maintaining it. As we are moving away from this installer I mostly have to program [Java] these days ... ---- ***Page Creations*** Well, I thought these pages are missing: * [Source Documentation Tools] * [Simple AJAX Example] * [tmag] * [lzip] * [tprfkill] ---- ***Work in Progress*** Refactoring of [tclunit] to separate function and GUI, then adopting it to generate|%jUnit compatible XML%|% reports. ---- ***Raw Ideas*** There is an idea I had before looking into that [AJAX] stuff: It would be nice if one could just exchange the UI by changing the namespace of the used UI toolkit ... switch -- $ui { gui { # Graphical UI: Tile set uins "::ttk" set toplevel "" } cli { # Console UI: a resurrection of ck maybe set uins "::ctk" set toplevel "" } web { # Web UI: something AJAX driven set uins "::wtk" set toplevel [getSessionId] } } set button [${uins}::button $toplevel.b -text "Choose Me" -command [list choosen]] I am opting for [Tile] as it already comes within a namespace. Some things may need to be moved or aliased from [Tk] still. It also gets its appearance through user defineable styles. Which is common in todays web applications too. The old [ck] stuff I accidentally just stumbled over while looking if there is some ncurses binding for Tcl. It mimics Tk more. All three UI packages would need to implement the same API... ---- ***Bookmarks*** * [eTcl] * [Nokia E90 Communicator / Symbian 60 Tcl/Tk Support ?] * [FMM] ---- ***Notes to recollect later*** * got through [Category TclX] and check interesting functionality on current Unix Systems ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Person] |% !!!!!!