[http://www.braziliantranslation.net/pics/luconthebeach.jpg] My name is Luciano Espirito Santo. I live in Santos, SP, Brazil. http://tinyurl.com/cj3ku How to contact me: % package require base64 % ::base64::decode "bWFpbHRvOiBsdWNpYW5vQEJyYXppbGlhblRyYW5zbGF0aW9uLm5ldCAtIFBs ZWFzZSBhZGQgIkkgYW0gYSB0Y2xlciIgdG8gdGhlIFN1YmplY3QgbGluZSBv ciB5b3VyIG1lc3NhZ2Ugd2lsbCBiZSBkcm9wcGVkIGludG8gL2Rldi9udWxs" Many people call me Mr. Santo, but Espirito Santo is my family name. It means "the Holy Ghost", but I am not catholic. Actually, I don't subscribe to any religion, except maybe [The Tao of Tcl] and the Friday Night Holy Pizza Congregation. And since Tcl is so generous with foreign languages/characters, let's do it right: "EspĂ­rito" has an accented '''i'''. I am not a programmer like almost everyone in the Tcl'ers wiki; I am a translator, I have this site: http://www.BrazilianTranslation.net But I like to program in my spare time. I did a lot of [PHP] in 2001 and 2002 and eventually married [Tcl]/[Tk] in 2003. Tcl has become my first choice in all my scripting leisure time. As a translator, I like to play with words. I also spend a lot of time wrestling with [sed]. Of course, I love [Regular Expressions]. These have been my humble contributions to this wiki so far: * [AutoCorrect] * [char2ent] * [A Little Clipboard Daemon] * [It's An Alias World!] * [Importing auto correct entries into SIM messenger] ---- [SupremeXeN.com KommandEr] 2008-01-14 Moved [Wiki with style] hack to [Hack the Wiki Style to Your Liking] ---- !!!!!! %|[Category Person]|% !!!!!!