'''http://luajit.org/%|%LuaJIT%|%''' is a remarkably fast [JIT] compiler that is source- and binary extension-compatible with [Lua] 5.1. ** LuaJIT bindings with [Critcl] ** [dbohdan] 2017-06-04: This module lets you define procs in JIT-compiled Lua. With it you can write fast numerical or [binary data]-processing commands in a high-level, [garbage collection%|%garbage-collected] language instead of C. The bindings translate Lua tables to Tcl lists (when a Lua proc returns those), but not vice versa. To use the module you will need Tcl 8.5 or 8.6, LuaJIT 2.x (Lua 5.1-5.3 are also supported, but won't give you the dramatic speed boost), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pkg-config%|%pkg-config%|% and [Critcl] 3.1.11 or later. Earlier versions of Critcl will not work. Unlike [tcl-duktape], this extension does not manage multiple instances of the guest language per host interpreter (it was easier to prototype this way and based on my past experience I think [YAGNI]). If you need multiple LuaJIT instances you can [interp create%|%create a separate Tcl interpreter] for each. *** Code *** ====== # Tcl bindings for LuaJIT and Lua 5.1-5.3. # This module requires a recent version of Critcl, pkg-config and a LuaJIT 2.x # or a Lua 5.1-5.3 development package for your OS. # Copyright (c) 2017 dbohdan. # License: MIT. package require critcl 3.1.11 if {![::critcl::compiling]} { error {critcl found no compiler} } namespace eval ::luajit { variable bindingsVersion 0.1.0 # Set the variable ::luajit::luaPackage in your code (set or # ::luajit::luaHeaders and ::luajit::luaLib directly) before sourcing or # requiring this module to use a different version of Lua. if {![info exists luaPackage]} { # The default Lua package. # variable luaPackage lua5.1 # variable luaPackage lua5.2 # variable luaPackage lua5.3 variable luaPackage luajit } if {![info exists luaHeaders]} { variable luaHeaders [exec pkg-config --cflags $luaPackage] } if {![info exists luaLib]} { variable luaLib [exec pkg-config --libs $luaPackage] } } critcl::cheaders $::luajit::luaHeaders critcl::ccode { #include #include #include #define LUAJIT_CDATA ((lua_State *) cdata) } critcl::clibraries $::luajit::luaLib critcl::cinit { lua_State *L = luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs(L); } {} critcl::ccommand luajit::eval {cdata interp objc objv} { size_t len; int rc; const char *lua_res; if (objc != 2) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "code"); return TCL_ERROR; } rc = luaL_loadstring(LUAJIT_CDATA, Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[1], NULL)) || lua_pcall(LUAJIT_CDATA, 0, 1, 0); lua_res = lua_tolstring(LUAJIT_CDATA, -1, &len); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewByteArrayObj(lua_res, len)); lua_pop(LUAJIT_CDATA, 1); if (rc == 0) { return TCL_OK; } else { return TCL_ERROR; } } -clientdata L critcl::ccode { Tcl_Obj* table2tcl(ClientData cdata, Tcl_Interp *interp, lua_State *L, int index) { Tcl_Obj* result = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL); lua_pushnil(L); index--; while (lua_next(L, index) != 0) { Tcl_Obj* kv[2]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int kv_index = -2 + i; if (lua_istable(L, kv_index)) { kv[i] = table2tcl(cdata, interp, L, kv_index); if (kv[i] == NULL) { return NULL; } } else { /* Can't call lua_tolstring() unconditionally because it changes the internal representation of the value. It will throw off lua_next() if a value that was a number becomes a string. */ if (lua_isnumber(LUAJIT_CDATA, kv_index)) { kv[i] = Tcl_NewWideIntObj( lua_tonumber(LUAJIT_CDATA, kv_index) ); } else { size_t lua_str_len; const char* lua_str = lua_tolstring(LUAJIT_CDATA, kv_index, &lua_str_len); kv[i] = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj(lua_str, lua_str_len); } } if (Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, result, kv[i]) != TCL_OK) { return NULL; } } lua_pop(L, 1); } return result; } } critcl::ccommand luajit::call {cdata interp objc objv} { int err; int i; int len; int level = lua_gettop(LUAJIT_CDATA); int nresults = -1; int listc; Tcl_Obj **listv; Tcl_Obj *results; if (objc < 2) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "funcpath ?arg ...?"); return TCL_ERROR; } /* Traverse tables to find the function to call. */ if (Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, objv[1], &listc, &listv) != TCL_OK) { Tcl_SetObjResult( interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("can't process function path list", -1) ); return TCL_ERROR; } if (listc == 0) { Tcl_SetObjResult( interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("function path can't be empty", -1) ); return TCL_ERROR; } lua_getglobal(LUAJIT_CDATA, Tcl_GetStringFromObj(listv[0], NULL)); if (lua_isnil(LUAJIT_CDATA, -1)) { Tcl_SetObjResult( interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("global Lua variable not found", -1) ); lua_pop(LUAJIT_CDATA, 1); return TCL_ERROR; } for (i = 1; i < listc; i++) { lua_getfield(LUAJIT_CDATA, -1, Tcl_GetStringFromObj(listv[i], NULL)); lua_remove(LUAJIT_CDATA, -2); } if (lua_isnil(LUAJIT_CDATA, -1)) { Tcl_SetObjResult( interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("Lua function not found", -1) ); lua_pop(LUAJIT_CDATA, 1); return TCL_ERROR; } /* Push the arguments. */ for (i = 2; i < objc; i++) { char* arg = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(objv[i], &len); lua_pushlstring(LUAJIT_CDATA, arg, len); } /* Call the function. */ err = lua_pcall(LUAJIT_CDATA, objc - 2, LUA_MULTRET, 0); nresults = lua_gettop(LUAJIT_CDATA) - level; /* Process multiple return values. */ results = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL); for (i = nresults - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Tcl_Obj *elem = NULL; int index = -1 - i; if (lua_istable(LUAJIT_CDATA, index)) { elem = table2tcl(cdata, interp, LUAJIT_CDATA, index); if (elem == NULL) { Tcl_SetObjResult( interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("can't convert Lua table to list", -1) ); err = 1; break; } } else { size_t lua_str_len; const char* lua_str = lua_tolstring(LUAJIT_CDATA, index, &lua_str_len); elem = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj(lua_str, lua_str_len); } if (Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, results, elem) != TCL_OK) { Tcl_SetObjResult( interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("can't create result list", -1) ); err = 1; break; } } if (nresults == 1) { Tcl_Obj* result; Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, results, 0, &result); Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, result); } else { Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, results); } lua_pop(LUAJIT_CDATA, nresults); if (err) { return TCL_ERROR; } else { return TCL_OK; } } -clientdata L proc ::luajit::safe-name {text} { string trim [regsub -all {[^[:alnum:]]+} $text _] _ } proc ::luajit::ljproc {name arglist body} { set luaName [safe-name $name] set luaArgs {} set procBody "luajit::call $luaName" foreach arg $arglist { if {$arg eq {args}} { append procBody " {*}\$args" lappend luaArgs ... } else { append procBody " \$$arg" lappend luaArgs $arg } } ::luajit::eval "function ${luaName}([join $luaArgs ,])\n$body\nend" proc $name $arglist $procBody } proc ::luajit::assert-equal {actual args} { set matched 0 foreach expected $args { if {$actual eq $expected} { set matched 1 break } } if {!$matched} { if {[string length $actual] > 200} { set actual [string range $actual 0 199]... } error "expected \"[join $args {" or "}]\",\n\ but got \"$actual\"" } } proc ::luajit::dict-sort d { set res {} foreach key [lsort [dict keys $d]] { set value [dict get $d $key] if {[llength $key] % 2 == 0} { set key [dict-sort $key] } if {[llength $value] % 2 == 0} { set value [dict-sort $value] } lappend res $key $value } return $res } proc ::luajit::test {} { if [catch {luajit::eval { print("using " .. jit.version) }}] { luajit::eval { print("using " .. _VERSION) } } assert-equal [luajit::call {string find} abcdef cd] {3 4} catch {luajit::call {} abcdef cd} err assert-equal $err {function path can't be empty} catch {luajit::call {nope bogus} foo} err assert-equal $err {global Lua variable not found} catch {luajit::call {math bogus} foo} err assert-equal $err {Lua function not found} luajit::ljproc add {a b} { return a + b } assert-equal [luajit::call add 5 7] 12 12.0 assert-equal [add 5 7] 12 12.0 luajit::ljproc divmul {a b} { return math.floor(a / b), a % b, a, b } assert-equal [luajit::call divmul 7 3] {2 1 7 3} {2 1.0 7 3} assert-equal [divmul 7 3] {2 1 7 3} {2 1.0 7 3} luajit::ljproc varargs {a b c args} { return a, b, c, {...} } assert-equal [luajit::call varargs foo bar baz a b c] \ {foo bar baz {1 a 2 b 3 c}} assert-equal [varargs foo bar baz a b c] {foo bar baz {1 a 2 b 3 c}} catch {luajit::ljproc foo {} {blah}} err assert-equal $err \ {[string "function foo()..."]:3: '=' expected near 'end'} \ {[string "function foo()..."]:3: syntax error near 'end'} luajit::ljproc bar {} {return nope['bogus']} catch bar err assert-equal $err \ {[string "function bar()..."]:2: attempt to index global\ 'nope' (a nil value)} \ {[string "function bar()..."]:2: attempt to index a nil value\ (global 'nope')} luajit::ljproc table-1 {} { return 1, {a = 1, b = 2, c = 3}, 3, 4, 5 } set res [table-1] lset res 1 [luajit::dict-sort [lindex $res 1]] assert-equal $res {1 {a 1 b 2 c 3} 3 4 5} unset res luajit::ljproc table-2 {} { return {} } assert-equal [table-2] {} luajit::ljproc table-3 {} { return {2, 3, 4} } assert-equal [luajit::dict-sort [table-3]] {1 2 2 3 3 4} luajit::ljproc nested-table-1 {} { return {a = 1, b = 2, c = {3, 4, 5}, d = {e = 6, f = 7}} } assert-equal [luajit::dict-sort [nested-table-1]] \ {a 1 b 2 c {1 3 2 4 3 5} d {e 6 f 7}} luajit::ljproc nested-table-2 {} { local t1 = {a = 1, b = 2} local t2 = {hello = {-3, -2, -1}} t2[t1] = {0, 1, 2} return t2 } assert-equal [luajit::dict-sort [nested-table-2]] \ {{a 1 b 2} {1 0 2 1 3 2} hello {1 -3 2 -2 3 -1}} # Benchmark. set s {} set refValue 0 for {set i 0} {$i < 1024*1014} {incr i} { incr refValue [expr {$i % 256}] append s [format %c [expr {$i % 256}]] } proc char-sum-1 data { set sum 0 set len [string length $data] for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { binary scan $data "@$i cu" byte incr sum $byte } return $sum } proc char-sum-2 data { set sum 0 foreach c [split $data {}] { scan $c %c byte incr sum $byte } return $sum } luajit::ljproc lj-sum data { local sum = 0 for i = 1, #data do sum = sum + data:byte(i, i) end return sum } assert-equal [char-sum-1 $s] $refValue assert-equal [char-sum-2 $s] $refValue assert-equal [lj-sum $s] $refValue puts [time {char-sum-1 $s} 5] puts [time {char-sum-2 $s} 5] puts [time {lj-sum $s} 5] puts [time {::luajit::call lj_sum $s} 5] } # If this is the main script... if {[info exists argv0] && ([file tail [info script]] eq [file tail $argv0])} { ::luajit::test } ====== *** Benchmark tests *** ======none using LuaJIT 2.0.4 798469.2 microseconds per iteration 682693.4 microseconds per iteration 2614.4 microseconds per iteration 2527.8 microseconds per iteration ====== ** Creating a Tcl interpreter in LuaJIT ** [dbohdan] 2016-09-17: LuaJIT comes stock with a really nice http://luajit.org/ext_ffi.html%|%FFI library%|%. The code below is a translation of [PYK]'s example from the [Ffidl] page that shows how to create a Tcl interpreter in LuaJIT. ====== #! /usr/bin/env luajit ffi = require("ffi") -- The following line is for openSUSE Tumbleweed. If you run a different OS -- you should probably replace it with something like -- local tcl = ffi.load("tcl8.6") local tcl = ffi.load("/usr/lib64/libtcl8.6.so") ffi.cdef[[ typedef struct Tcl_Interp Tcl_Interp; typedef struct Tcl_Obj Tcl_Obj; typedef struct Tcl_DString { char *string; int length; int spaceAvl; char staticSpace[200]; } Tcl_DString; Tcl_Obj * Tcl_NewStringObj(const char *bytes, int length); Tcl_Interp * Tcl_CreateInterp(void); char * Tcl_GetCwd(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_DString *cwdPtr); int Tcl_InterpDeleted(Tcl_Interp *interp); char * Tcl_GetString(Tcl_Obj *objPtr); int Tcl_EvalObjEx(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr, int flags); ]] local interp = tcl.Tcl_CreateInterp() local script = tcl.Tcl_NewStringObj("puts [pwd]", -1) tcl.Tcl_EvalObjEx(interp, script, 0) local pwd = ffi.new("Tcl_DString") tcl.Tcl_GetCwd(interp, pwd) print(ffi.string(pwd.string)) ====== ** Discussion ** <>Critcl | Foreign Interfaces | Language | Package