Version 16 of List the call stack

Updated 2023-03-17 13:29:04 by Dereckson

The following will list the entire call stack at entry to a proc or method.

    proc x {a} {
       puts "Entered x, args $a"
       set distanceToTop [info level]
       for {set i 1} {$i < $distanceToTop} {incr i} {
          set callerlevel [expr {$distanceToTop - $i}]
          puts "CALLER $callerlevel: [info level $callerlevel]"
    # ...

KPV Here's another version which prints out argument values (even default one). (See also Pstack.)

proc stacktrace {} {
    set stack "Stack trace:\n"
    for {set i 1} {$i < [info level]} {incr i} {
        set lvl [info level -$i]
        set pname [lindex $lvl 0]
        append stack [string repeat " " $i]$pname
        foreach value [lrange $lvl 1 end] arg [info args $pname] {
            if {$value eq ""} {
                info default $pname $arg value
            append stack " $arg='$value'"
        append stack \n
    return $stack

# Testing code

proc A { } {
    B 3
proc B { x } {
    C [incr x] 2
proc C { x y {z 5} } {
    D [incr x] [incr y] $z
proc D { x y z} {
    E [incr x] [incr y] [incr z]
proc E {x y z } {

Napier notes that the above solutions will not work if you are using TclOO as info args my will result in an error.

DKF: Yes, there's other mechanisms for introspecting TclOO methods on the stack. The self class/self method command when run in the right stack scope will be useful, as will info class definition and/or info object definition: self class and self method say what is running, and info class definition is like info args and info body rolled into one. (Methods aren't quite procedures. They're just very similar.)

Martyn Smith Notes that this does not work for namespace procedures either which are not qualified when called, the info args $pname generates an error because pname is not qualified.

namespace eval ns {
    proc a {} {
        puts ns::a
        b hello
    proc b {x} {
        puts ns::b
        puts "=========\n[stacktrace]\n=========="

CRN: For solving namespace issue you can use info frame. Here a small exemple :

proc callstack {} {
    set stack [list "Stacktrace:"]

    for {set i 1} {$i < [info level]} {incr i} {
        set level [info level -$i]
        set frame [info frame -$i]

        if {[dict exists $frame proc]} {
            set pname [dict get $frame proc]
            set pargs [lrange $level 1 end]
            lappend stack " - $pname"
            foreach arg $pargs {
                lappend stack "   * $arg"
        } else {
            lappend stack " - **unknown stack item**: $level $frame"

    return [join $stack "\n"]

DcK Building an error handler to report issues to monitoring systems like Sentry, I needed a more programmatic-oriented stacktrace, and that's exactly what you can get with by combining info frame -$n and info level -$n information. As frames can go further than level, the second one is only partially available.

Based on crn code that becomes:

proc callstack {} {
    set frames {}

    set maxlevel [info level]
    for {set i 0} {$i < [info frame]} {incr i} {
        set frame [info frame -$i]
        if {[dict exists $frame level]} {
            set level [dict get $frame level]
            if {$level < $maxlevel} {
                dict append frame level_info [info level -$level]
        lappend frames $frame

    return $frames