The concept of [little language] seems to be echoed and amplified in the concept of Language Oriented Programming: Wikipedia [] says: : "Language oriented programming is a style of programming in which, rather than solving problems in general-purpose programming languages, the programmer creates one or more domain-specific programming languages for the problem first and solves the problem in those languages." Given Tcl's extremely regular syntax and its habit of using little languages, it is worth considering Tcl as a platform for LOP. This paper [] seems to define and promulgate the term. This [] describes a particular approach to implementing LOP. The concept of [Language Workbench] for processing [Domain-Specific Language]s [] is another conceptual approach. [] and [] are just some links I haven't yet processed [CMcC] ---- 2006-09-13 [Shin The Gin] - Coming from the [Forth] programming language, this sounds ''very'' familiar to me. In Forth you solve programming problems by developing a '''vocabulary''' of '''words''', which in return is quite what you describe here. If You replace 'vocabulary' with 'namespace' and 'word' with 'command' then You're there. <> Concept