It's easier to reference my stuff by LV than to type out the entire name - others find the name hard to remember the spelling at times... I'm also known as lwv in the change records, or Larry W. Virden. See [Larry Virden] for more details about me... Quote of the day (thanks to [Donal Fellows]...): "Windows is a car with square wheels (architecture) and a huge engine (hype, etc.), capable of of making the car move despite the square wheels. Linux is a car with round wheels but a small engine, capable of making the car go despite the small engine." -- John Latham ---- Misc. wiki pages that need a link... poor little things... If someone locates or starts a relevant page for any of these links, please feel free to add the link there, then delete the specific link from this page. I just put them here so that I have some idea what sorts of pages are needed. 1. [APJ] 1. [ashish patnaik] 1. [blacknet] 1. [Bumgarner misc Tcl functions] 1. [CAST] 1. [CML] 1. [toy solar system] 1. [programming in 2050] 1. [imgsizer] 1. [threads & callbacks] 1. [sample installation script] 1. [application_runner_&_wrapper] 1. [josemaria] 1. [comments on software patents] 1. [SaVi] 1. [spin] 1. [xcrysden] 1. [color explorer] 1. [ipat-s software suite] 1. [ecolab] 1. [nanocad] 1. [simos] <> Tcl'ers | Person