2007-09-04 - [FF] - A simple application the will show you keyboard chords, in every key, every chord!! -- yeah, you'll add those missing! ;) (by editing '''proc makechord''') Notes: * Uses [spinbox menubutton] [KeyboardChords.png] [Tchords] shows chords (and scales) for guitar. ---- ====== package require Tk 8.4 source spin_mb.tcl catch {toplevel .} canvas .c -width 500 -height 80 spin_mb .root -cycle -variable ::root -values {C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B} spin_mb .mode -cycle -variable ::mode -values {maj min 7 maj7 aug dim sus4} grid .c -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 13 grid .root -row 1 -column 0 grid .mode -row 1 -column 1 grid columnconfigure . 12 -weight 1 proc create7keys {cnv x y xsize ysize oct action} { set x1 $x ; set y2 [expr $y+$ysize] ; set sz [expr $xsize/7] ; set x2 [expr $x+$sz] set n [expr $oct*12] foreach K {C D E F G A B} { $cnv create rectangle $x1 $y $x2 $y2 -tags [list k wk ${K}-${oct} n$n] $cnv bind ${K}-${oct} [list $action $cnv ${K}-${oct}] set x1 [expr $x1+$sz] ; set x2 [expr $x2+$sz] if {$K == "E"} {incr n 1} {incr n 2} } set y2 [expr $y+$ysize*0.6] ; set sz [expr $xsize/12] ; set x1 [expr $x] ; set x2 [expr $x1+$sz] set n [expr $oct*12+1] foreach K {C# D# nul F# G# A#} { set x1 [expr $x1+$sz] ; set x2 [expr $x2+$sz] if {$K == "nul"} {incr n 1; continue} $cnv create rectangle $x1 $y $x2 $y2 -tags [list k bk ${K}-${oct} n$n] $cnv bind ${K}-${oct} [list $action $cnv ${K}-${oct}] set x1 [expr $x1+$sz] ; set x2 [expr $x2+$sz] incr n 2 } } proc togglekey {cnv tag} { if {[lsearch -exact [$cnv gettags $tag] act] != -1} \ { $cnv dtag $tag act } \ { $cnv addtag act withtag $tag } upd $cnv } proc setkey {cnv tag {st 1}} { if {[lsearch -exact [$cnv gettags $tag] act] != -1} \ { $cnv dtag $tag act } \ { $cnv addtag act withtag $tag } upd $cnv } proc setkeyN {cnv n {st 1}} { set tag n$n if {[lsearch -exact [$cnv gettags $tag] act] != -1} \ { $cnv dtag $tag act } \ { $cnv addtag act withtag $tag } } proc setroot {cnv notetag} { set ::root [lindex [split $notetag -] 0] set ::nroot [string map {C# 1 D# 3 F# 6 G# 8 A# 10 C 0 D 2 E 4 F 5 G 7 A 9 B 11} $::root] makechord $::nroot $::mode } proc lcheck {l i} {if {[lsearch -exact $l $i] != -1} {return 1} {return 0}} proc onsetmode {args} {makechord $::nroot $::mode} proc onsetroot {args} {setroot .c $::root-1} proc upd {cnv} {foreach {t a v} {k outline black wk fill white bk fill black act fill red} {$cnv itemconfigure $t -$a $v}} proc makechord {root mode} { if {[lcheck $mode maj]} { set intervals {0 7 12 16 19} } if {[lcheck $mode min]} { set intervals {0 7 12 15 19} } if {[lcheck $mode 7]} { set intervals {0 10 16 19 22} } if {[lcheck $mode maj7]} { set intervals {0 11 16 19 23} } if {[lcheck $mode aug]} { set intervals {0 8 12 16 20} } if {[lcheck $mode dim]} { set intervals {0 6 12 15 18} } if {[lcheck $mode sus]} { set intervals {0 7 12 17 19} } if {[lcheck $mode sus4]} { set intervals {0 7 12 17 19} } .c dtag act act foreach i $intervals {setkeyN .c [expr $root+$i]} upd .c } set ::keycount 0 set x 0 for {set i 0} {$i < 3} {incr i} {create7keys .c $x 0 168 75 $i setroot ; incr x 168 ; incr ::keycount 12} upd .c trace add variable ::root write onsetroot trace add variable ::mode write onsetmode set ::root C set ::mode maj ====== ---- <> [AMG]: I found a similar chord finder online, written in [Flash]. Flash program: [http://liyanekim.izlenim.com/flashs/chordsFinder/chords.html] Description: [http://liyanekim.izlenim.com/fl_p.asp?fieldNum=5&productID=9] ''"Find music chords for piano, and listen to the chords playing to you."'' <> GUI | Music