I am a Mac developer, mostly in Tcl/Tk. See my software page at [http://www.codebykevin.com] and my blog at [http://www.codebykevin.com/blosxom.cgi]. In addition to several commercial products using [Tk], [Tcl] and [Python], I am the author of several open-source Tcl/Tk packages, both C-level and script-level, to improve Tk's integration on OS X. These packages include the following: [tkdock] - manipulate the Dock icon on OS X [macsheet] - custom sheet dialogs on OS X [tkmacicons] - use Mac-native icons in an application [aquahig] - sensible Mac-conforming defaults for some Tk widgets [macgrowl] - Tcl integration with the Mac Growl notification system [cocoaprint] - Native Mac print dialogs [mactoolbar] - Native Mac toolbar [prefstoolbar] - Native Mac preferences toolbar [tclservices] - Access to the Mac's Services menu [quicklook] - Integration with Mac's QuickLook file preview [macnotify] - bounce the Dock icon for user alerts [windowlist] - implements a Mac-standard "window" menu item I've also developed some cross-platform Tk widgets: [tkwebview] - parses and displays simple HTML [SimpleDND] - intra-application drag-and-drop In my day job, I am self-employed as a book publisher. See [http://www.wordtechcommunications.com]. <> Person