**Contact info** '''mail:''' jos _dot_ decoster _at_ gmail _dot_ com [jdc] on the Tcler's chat. '''homepage:''' http://sites.google.com/site/josdecoster **Contributions** * A [Space Invaders] game I made. * [tclMIDI], a package to work with [Midi] files. Also try [Muzic] to make music with Tcl. * [midistreamdll], a wrapper for the Windows Midi stream API. * Needed to assist in local elections, I made this little script to allocate the seats according to the [Imperiali] method * Some tkchat hacking in [tkchat bot] * [tclMetarGui]: a [starkit] to display METAR weather data on a world map. * [Tchords]: a scale and chord finder for guitar or bass. * [RMMADWIM]: solve and solve1 skeleton * [Metar stations] * [Metar data] * [World locations] * New wiki [Formatting Rules] * [WubWikit] * [wiki database for offline use] * [webchain]: a web interface to IRC chat * wubchain, a [Wub] based web interface to IRC chat [http://code.google.com/p/wubchain/] * Example using [Google AJAX search API] * [C++ object-style Tcl example extension] * [ar] * [Code Golf Saving Time] * http://code.google.com/p/tcljs/%|%tcljs%|% embeds the Spidermonkey [javascript] interpreter in Tcl, [TEA] based. * http://code.google.com/p/tcljspac/%|%tcljspac%|% provides utility functions needed to process `proxy.pac` files with tcljs * Debugging [The Slow] * [Wub] tutorial presented at [8th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting], available from http://code.google.com/p/wubwikit/downloads/list **Using [BLT] with Tcl 8.5.2** For an application I develop, I'm using the BLT commands `bgexec`, `busy`, `graph` and `barchart`. `bgexec` and `busy` are available as starkits (check [Standalone bgexec] and [busy]), but the `graph` and `barchart` commands have no startkit equivalent. So I had to get BLT going for Tcl 8.5.2. The followings changes were needed: 1. BLT has its own copy of the TkDisplay structure definition. A new member was added to this struct in Tk 8.5.2, which caused a crash of the `busy` command. This new member is `XIMStyle inputStyle;`, found in file `tkInt.h` of the Tk distribution. This member needs to be added to the `TkDisplay` definition as found in `bltWindow.c` file of BLT. 1. Tk must be compiled without [Xft] support. Xft seems to cause trouble with e.g. the `bitmap` command. 1. Some libs need to be added to the link command. This needs to be inserted before `-lX11` in the generated `Makefile` in the `src` and `src/shared` subdirectories: `-lX11 -lXss -lXext`. 1. When using the zoom-stack, some assertion trigger. Commenting them out solved the problem without introducing problems. I removed the 4 `assert` statements in the `BoxesDontOverlap` function in file `bltGrMarker.c`. **Wiki edit statistics** Edit statistics can be generated with this script: ====== package require Mk4tcl mk::file open db wikit-20081226.tkd -readonly proc get_nick {who} { set idx [string first @ $who] if {$idx > 0} { return [string range $who 0 [expr {$idx-1}]] } else { return $who } } mk::loop i db.pages { lassign [mk::get $i name who date] name who date set y [clock format $date -format %Y] incr ys($y) incr w($y,[get_nick $who]) incr p($y,[string range $i 9 end]) mk::loop j $i.changes { lassign [mk::get $j who date] who date set y [clock format $date -format %Y] incr ys($y) incr w($y,[get_nick $who]) incr p($y,[string range $i 9 end]) } } foreach y [lsort -integer [array names ys]] { puts "***$y: $ys($y) edits***" set l {} foreach {k v} [array get p $y,*] { set n [lindex [split $k ,] end] set name [mk::get db.pages!$n name] lappend l [list $name $v] } set n 0 puts "\n%|Page|Number of edits|%" foreach il [lsort -integer -decreasing -index 1 $l] { puts "&|[join $il |]|&" incr n if {$n>20} {break} } set l {} foreach {k v} [array get w $y,*] { lappend l [list [lindex [split $k ,] end] $v] } set n 0 puts "\n%|Nick|Number of edits|%" foreach il [lsort -integer -decreasing -index 1 $l] { puts "&|[join $il |]|&" incr n if {$n>20} {break} } } mk::file close db ====== ------ !!!!!! %|[Category Person]|[Category BLT]% !!!!!!