Hi folks. I have written a bunch of various applets and utilities, often times to amuse myself at work. Although they were mostly developed in Win32, they ought to run on whatver platform one chooses, be it BeOS, *BSD, Linux, etc. Unless otherwise specified, all projects are covered by the GNU General Public License. Here's an old (1996) picture of me in case you want to stalk me: [http://www.jtang.org/~tang/images/techid.jpg]. My horribly out of date home page is at http://www.jtang.org. Email me at [[concat "tang" "at" "jtang.org"']. (Sorry, I have to start spam-proofing my address[http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=why+spam+sucks].) Personally I don't like authoring HTML pages...so no bandwidth-wasting [Flash]/[ActiveX]/[Javascript]/etc below. Here's what I wrote: * [iConnect4] - implemented the computer AI opponent * [TclStock] - yet another stock ticker program * [TclWeather] - yet another weather applet * [fickle] - a not-so-fast lexical analyzer * [Life] - A color version of the cellular automata ''Life'' * [TkAlign4] - the AI to [Richard Suchenwirth]'s TkAlign4 game, implemented as an alpha-beta pruning tree up to 5 ply deep * [[taccle] - a parser generator (once I figure out how to do ''LALR(1)'' parsing I'll post this) * [[tcldoc2] - javadoc (or ctags or whatnot) for Tcl - so slick that it clones javadoc tags like ''@author'', ''@param'', and ''@see''. ---- [Category Home Page]