[GWM] Trace [trace] can be performed within an Itcl [itcl] class for tracing member variables being modified, accessed etc. Here is how to do it. The main difference from basic Tcl [trace] is to use the itcl::scope command to get the full name of the variable for the trace command. As implemented here the trace calls a method of the class giving access to all the elements of the class for debugging. A trace can also be used as in [trace] to modify further class member variables (or update Tk widgets or whatever) whenever the variable is modified. package require Itcl itcl::class testtrace { variable member "";#[eval $$name1] constructor {} { if {1==0} { Here is the trace set to a local variable. Note use of itcl::scope. This calls the method traceit of the class. } trace add variable [itcl::scope member] write "$this traceit" } if {1==0} { Here is the method traceit which is called whenever member is modified. Here I output simply the object's name, the variable modified and its new value. You might like a stack trace as well, that is an exercise for the interested reader. } method traceit {name1 name2 op} { ;# the method which "debugs" the class set v [$this info variable $name1 -value] puts "Class $this, variable \"$name1\" set to >>$v<<" } method setmember {v} { set member $v} method getmember {} { return $member } } set tic [testtrace tickle] ;# one instance of class testtrace set tock [testtrace secondclass] ;# another instance of class testtrace $tic setmember blob ;# set the member, returns a traceit $tic setmember gurkin $tic getmember $tic setmember "Open trace" $tock setmember "Hello from trace" $tic setmember "Open the [$tic getmember] door" The output from this is: Class ::tickle, variable "member" set to >>blob<< Class ::tickle, variable "member" set to >>gurkin<< Class ::tickle, variable "member" set to >>Open trace<< Class ::secondclass, variable "member" set to >>Hello from trace<< Class ::tickle, variable "member" set to >>Open the Open trace door<< ---- [[[Category tcllib]]] | [[[Category Development]]] | [[[Category Debugging]]] | [[[Category Object Orientation]]]