Version 7 of Introspection

Updated 2002-12-04 15:38:21

What sorts of introspection are there? What sorts should there be? This is the omnium gatherum of introspective issues in Tcl.

Please add to this if you can. Examples and discussions of implementation issues are particularly welcome!

See the Introspection package by Bruce Adams too.


File System (Basic)
This sort of OS introspection is pretty much expected of every language in existence. Key commands are [file] and [glob].
Tcl has plenty of support for this. You can not only list the variables that exist (using several [info] subcommands) but you can also determine if they are arrays (various [array] subcommands) and even perform introspection on the activity affecting that variable (the [trace] command.)
You can easily get a list of the currently defined commands (use [info commands] of course.) The one wart is that it is difficult to get a list of the commands that are auto-loadable. Mostly this doesn't matter, of course, but it is a little niggle. There are times when being able to get the commands available from an extension, or from tcl, without having to parse error msgs, would be useful. The same goes for getting the options that a command offers. And for that matter, in cases where a command takes a fixed set of values for a particular option, it would be useful to get this fixed set back as a list, so that it could be formatted for visual display and selection.
There is masses of excellent support for procedure introspection (various [info] subcommands.) Some people have even adapted this to create sophisticated debugging tools. Ref needed
Dead easy to introspect.
? Various [interp] subcommands.
File System (Advanced)
There is not currently a standard mechanism in the core for getting the remaining free space on any particular volume (TclX?) The volume listing support is patchy ([file volumes] works fine on Windows (Mac?) but only ever returns / on Unix systems - from some points of view this is correct, but it is a bit of a pain as you then are forced to grok the info out of /etc/m*tab...)
Processor Time
Tough to measure, since elapsed wall-clock time is definitely not the right thing to measure (different systems run at different speeds, naturally) so it may be better to measure the number of commands executed/evaluations of code chunks performed. (Byte-code would need to be adapted to keep these numbers correct, of course!) Note that [info cmdcount] offers part of the information you would want already.
Memory Use
The other biggie. The main problems stem from handling the case where you are transferring an object from one thread or interpreter to another. Do you then change the ownership of that object and consequently the memory used by the interpreters? What about objects that are shared between interps? Who should own [source]d source code? You don't want a particular thread to take a hit or not simply because it dynamically loads a piece of Tcl before another thread does in the same process... (Self-generated stuff is easier.)

What have I missed? :^) - DKF

Just noting that my inspiration for the last two on the list is to enable the creation of monitors (written in Tcl) for safe-Tcl interpreters to stop a whole extra bunch of denial-of-service attacks. That they would be useful for other things is just a happy bonus...


See above, Interpreters.


OK, for channels, I suppose we want to know what channels are available, and whether they are opened for reading and/or writing (in addition to the information currently available with [fconfigure], that is.) We do not want to have a mechanism for determining if a particular channel is ready for reading or writing, since we want to enforce the use of the event-based mechanism. Do we want to have introspection of the event system?

Being able to tell if a particular command is an alias (and what it is an alias to, if that is in the same interpreter) would be nice. In fact, it might be nice to have a mechanism that says what kind of command a particular name is referring to. The kinds that people ought to be able to ask about (for commands in their own interpreter) should include:

  • Procedure - you can get the info now by using [info proc $name], but that is messy.
  • Compiled - something like [set] that gets handled specially (and efficiently.)
  • Alias - the command in question is an alias for another command.
  • Defined - the fallback answer (if the command exists.) Aliases from other interpreters come under this heading, and it might be reasonable for the introspector to return whether the command was defined with Tcl_CreateCommand() or Tcl_CreateObjCommand() (important to know if you really want to avoid Tcl_Obj "string-foot" creation!)

Why not let programs introspect on aliases coming in from other interpreters? Well, this might allow a script running under SafeTcl to figure out exactly what commands were being monitored by its interpreter's master. This information is probably not useful in any respect - though I cannot see how it could be used to damage the integrity of the system, you cannot give a name for an interpreter that is not yourself or a child of yourself. In other words, there is no meaningful value that the introspection system could return!


  • 'Open for R/W' looks good. Same for enforcing usage of fileevent.
  • Do we want to have introspection of the event system?. Well, I would like to have that sometimes, when trying to figure out what I did wrong in an event-driven system (like my SMTP/POP/... engines :-). This makes me notice another thing however: All introspection (interfaces) so far is/are polling-based, i.e. I have to ask for the information, explicitly. Especially with the event-system it is highly desirable to have a callback-based (notification) interface telling me automatically about changes in the system. It would make the task of debuggers (Tuba/TclPro) easier too if they had hooks telling them the relevant things without requiring them to overload a multitude of commands affecting the state.
  • Back to channels: 'fconfigure -type' to get the type of the channel (file, pipe, socket, pty?...). And, if the Trf patch ever makes it into the kernel, a list of all channeltypes stacked upon each other.


What resources (X, Windows, Mac) does a particular widget or command use, what values can that resource hold?

What environment variables does a particular command or widget use?


Isn't the first Tk introspection, and not Tcl introspection? Not that it is a bad thing, but...?

The second is probably not always possible to tell without actually running the code (computed env-var names!)


Besides Bruce's package, what tools are available for introspection? Does anyone know of anyone interested in supporting Tkinspect?

What about registered signal handlers? Generally overlooked, but an important behavioural characteristic of programs. I've always wished that sighandlers had become a standard 'section' of man pages.


I've always thought that TCL's greatest introspection feature was most powerfully demonstrated by the rmt demo. Being able to determine the command set of another application at runtime is pretty useful introspection. A nice extension to rmt would be to actually have it query the other app and build a menu dynamically!

ATW, again :)

EE: If you liked the rmt demo, you'll love tkcon... building a menu of available commands, though? why? just do [lsort [info commands]]], and you've got the complete ordered list.

escargo 4 Dec 2002 - I was losing some sleep over some questions having to do with introspection and GUI Building Tools. If I have a GUI Building Tool, and I update my implementation of Tcl/Tk (say from 8.3 to 8.4), is it possible for the tool to know about new commands (e.g., panedwindow, labelframe), so that it can, through introspection, automatically be able to create GUIs using them.

Similarly, what would user-created megawidgets need to do to be able to make themselves known as widgets by the GUI Building Tools so that they could automatically be known.

In a full object system with inheritence or interfaces or protocols, new objects that obey the right protocol could be automatically managed. In Tcl and Tk, if I develop a new geometry manager, how would a GUI builder know that it existed and how to communicate with it?

Certainly individual commands that obey cget and configure will respond with their options, but how would a GUI builder know that a command produces a container or a widget that can be put into a container? Or that it's something as exotic as a new geometry manager that puts things into containers?

I see this as a way of using introspection to keep GUI Building Tools from becoming obsolete, and to easily be extended with new widgets (or even new OO extensions).

Category Debugging