An '''icon''' is a graphical image used within a [GUI] as a compact form of communication, often about an action that may be taken by selecting the icon. ** See Also ** [fileicons] : tcllib [ico] : [FamFamFam] : [|%Steve Havelka's Iconizer%|%] : Add icons to your apps quickly and easily with Steve's Iconizer tool. [BWidget] : supports toolbars with icons very nicely [ICONS], by Adrian Davis : includes an excellent collection of beautiful icons, complete with the supporting software to integrate them into your [Tk] application [Nuvola], by David Vignoni : a free set of [icon%|%icons] [license%|%licensed] under the [LGPL] [Tklib] [ico] [package] : icon-related capabilities for [Tk] [|%Tango] : a library of public-domain icons (and a GPL naming tool) following the conventions. Proposed for adoption into [Fossil] in [|%this mailing list thread]. No Tk convenience wrapper yet, but easy to wrap in an [|%ICONS library] [|%Material Design Icons] : some hundred "flat-earth" icons in SVG and other formats used on newer Android versions. A small Tk wrapper using tdom and tksvg including demo code is in [|%AndroWish's assets folder]. ** Disambiguation ** [Icon Programming Language]: <> GUI | Language | Glossary