Version 3 of IP-geolocation

Updated 2010-10-04 10:59:03 by fr

Example of getting geolocation information of IP's via free ipinfodb service

The code below is run from the command line with the ip as argument.


package require http
package require JSONRPC

set ip $argv
puts "get geo data from $argv"

#get the desired data
set ht [::http::geturl$ip]
set geo_ip [json::json2dict [::http::data $ht]]
::http::cleanup $ht

# some sample processing stuff
if {[dict get $geo_ip Status] == "OK"} {
    foreach key [dict keys $geo_ip] {
        set value [dict get $geo_ip $key]
        if {$value != ""} {
            puts "$key => $value"

Sample session:

 rob@rob-desktop:~/Public$ ./ip-geo
 get geo data from
 Ip =>
 Status => OK
 CountryCode => US
 CountryName => United States
 RegionCode => 48
 RegionName => Texas
 City => Houston
 ZipPostalCode => 77002
 Latitude => 29.7523
 Longitude => -95.367