Purpose: A cookbook approach to creating a Wiki of your own. ---- [MR]: It'd be remiss to not mention other Wiki systems, that might be easier to get going in a particular environment... my [ProjectForum] and [CourseForum] systems are particularly easy in this regard.. no bias of course! ---- Note that logging goes to stdout (or is it stderr) so you should expect to redirect it if you want logs that you can monitor. Also, the default wikit.kit content has some unfilled links (pages Starkit (10), Tclkit (11), Incr Tcl (12), Adding Help to Starkits (13)). The [wiki] format can be highly addictive. Don't miss a chance to get acquainted with the [Notebook App], a very good tool for one to keep their personal notes. ---- dlb: has anyone been successful in running the new (07-Nov-2000)VFS wikit via CGI ? -- if not, are there still older versions available ? I've been having a hell of a time getting wikit running as a cgi process , is there someone I can direct questions to ?? [LV]: Did you check the link above about Wikits and CGI? Did you put up a note on the Gripes about Wikit, or Wikit Problems, pages? VPT: 17th Feb '02 - the current wikit.tkd runs as a cgi process (at least on Linux). I put the tclkit in /usr/bin since that was in the PATH in apache's environment (as displayed by the printenv cgi-bin script). I then put the wikit.tkd in the cgi-bin directory and set the permissions to rwx for the user apache runs as (I'm a lttle uncomfortable with having the write permission set but at least it only has the permissions of the apache user). Editing a page with Mozilla 0.9.8 fails with, [error] (26)Text file busy: exec of /var/www/cgi-bin/wikit.tkd failed whilst editing with Netscape Communicator works. This failure mode has been reported before see [wikit under CGI]. Actually the edit succeeds although the browser reports an error. In any case it only fails if you are using Mozilla local to the server. ---- [MDD]: What would be really nice would be if someone would create a Starkit that combines tclhttpd and the wikit into one turnkey wiki server. Performance should be better, since you wouldn't have to use CGI. 11apr03 [jcw] - Yes, that would be cool, but it may need some work (either to make it properly keep state with repeated requests, or to make it work in a slave interp which gets re-inited on each access). Meanwhile, as of a month or so, code was added to wikit so it has its own simple-minded http server, courtesy of [PS]. I just looked, and see that for some reason it comes up in read-only mode, no idea why. Anyway, the command to make it work is: ./wikit.kit -httpd 8080 Or on Windows, I suppose you could do: tclkitsh wikit.kit -httpd 8080 Then you can access it as http://my.machine.name:8080/ [TV] (jun 18 03) Easy to use 'personal' web services seem like a good idea to me, everyone dsl, energy friendly cheap server computers.. Beware that tclhttpd being a fine and interesting program has MAJOR security loopholes when you start it (at least the versions I saw) out_of_the_box, which may already take some work, though I can download and have a server running in 15 min I guess. I mean the upload option together with .tml gives you unlimited tcl power on the webserver machine with simple means, and on a non user restricted od like many ms windows versions, that means total control from all over the world is possible once you hook up to the internet. Not that most people would know how. Can be solved easily enough though, I'll see if I can make a neat page with a start-and-go tclhttpd install variation. ([Brent Welch] For the record, I've never heard of tclhttpd granting "total control" of its host to anyone. If there is an exploit of the file upload feature, I'd like to know about it. And besides, you can create a [minimal tclhttpd] that doesn't have anything you might worry about.) ---- 5may03 [MDD] - Has anyone worked out how to get it working in writeable mode? If so, what's the trick? [LV] what do you mean, writable mode? You want to write into the wikit.kit file itself? Or do you mean to create writable wikit.tkd data files? [MDD] If you look above at [jcw]'s comment, it currently comes up in read-only mode. That is, when you access the wiki via a remote browser, you can't edit the pages. How do you fix this? LV: Good question. Here's what I tried - I made certain I ran the tclkit from a directory which was writable by anyone. I also made certain that the .tkd file that wikit expects was writable by anyone. However, it didn't appear to make a difference - still I am unable to edit pages. Anyone else have ideas? 5may03 [PS] The trick is to finish the POST handler. Right now the wikit only supports GET requests. IIRC, you need about 15 to 30 lines of code to finish it, I just never got round to it. Hint: POST data will come in multiple [[file readable events]], you'll need to aggregate those (use the Content-Length header), before you call the request handler. May 5, 2003 : LV : Ah, so MDD, the answer to your question is "you have to write some code before you can get it writable". June 26, 2003 : [Jeff Smith] : refering to [jcw]'s comments regarding getting it to work under tclhttpd, the Session module in tclhttpd provides a session state array and a slave interpreter which can keep state for the life of the session. Check out [http://www.freewebs.com/headsup/formkitse.htm] for an example. July 18, 2003 :RP:If I use wikit in CGI then I can get a writable Wikit? If the anwser is true, how can I use the wikit in cgi? Is there anyone can help me? Besides the mini.net or http://www.equi4.com/wikit/, are they using Wikit to setup their website? [LV] I played some with it, but not much; i wanted things to be a bit different - with some users able to write and others not. but managing the passwd setup is a bother, so i've pretty much given up on the idea. 2003-10-28 [Michael Heca] [Wikit write patch] 2004-2-29 [Brent Welch] Here is a CGI script I've used to launch wikit: #!/bin/sh here=/http/wiki cd $here WIKIT_CSS=/htdocs/stylesheet.css export WIKIT_CSS echo HTTP/1.0 200 ok exec /usr/pan/bin/tclkit $here/bin/wikit.kit $here/panasas.tkd ---- [Category Wikit]