Purpose: A cookbook approach to creating a Wiki of your own. ---- dlb: has anyone been successful in running the new (07-Nov-2000)VFS wikit via CGI ? -- if not, are there still older versions available ? I've been having a hell of a time getting wikit running as a cgi process , is there someone I can direct questions to ?? [LV]: Did you check the link above about Wikits and CGI? Did you put up a note on the Gripes about Wikit, or Wikit Problems, pages? VPT: 17th Feb '02 - the current wikit.tkd runs as a cgi process (at least on Linux). I put the tclkit in /usr/bin since that was in the PATH in apache's environment (as displayed by the printenv cgi-bin script). I then put the wikit.tkd in the cgi-bin directory and set the permissions to rwx for the user apache runs as (I'm a lttle uncomfortable with having the write permission set but at least it only has the permissions of the apache user). Editing a page with Mozilla 0.9.8 fails with, [error] (26)Text file busy: exec of /var/www/cgi-bin/wikit.tkd failed whilst editing with Netscape Communicator works. This failure mode has been reported before see [Running wikit as a CGI script]. Actually the edit succeeds although the browser reports an error. In any case it only fails if you are using Mozilla local to the server. ---- [MDD]: What would be really nice would be if someone would create a Starkit that combines tclhttpd and the wikit into one turnkey wiki server. Performance should be better, since you wouldn't have to use CGI. ---- [Category Wikit]