Version 5 of How can I make effective use of the BWidgets toolset

Updated 2003-01-29 18:42:07

Purpose: to provide a community updatable web page demonstrating uses for the BWidget toolset, enhancing the docs, pointing to tutorials, etc.

Can anyone discuss the various cross platform issues relating directly to BWidgets? For instance, when I try the demo on a Mac using a Tclkit version of Tcl and Tk, I find a number of errors when trying to test the progress indicator, the -armcommand, the french and german language dialog boxes, the select color dialog box, etc.

What additional documentation is needed for BWidgets?

What new widgets have you written based on the BWidgets toolkit? Is the source available for re-use?

BWidget Examples

The BWidget documentation could really benefit from a few examples, illustrating some of the details.

Paned Window

    package require BWidget

    set pw [PanedWindow .topframe -side bottom]
    for {set i 0} {$i<5} {incr i} {
        set p [$pw add -minsize 100]
        set t [text $p.text]
        pack $t
    pack $pw
    pack .topframe

See also A vertical-tab notebook - Windows Registry Browser - Multi-column display in text widget - Beveled lines - Creating a BWidget Widget

Recently, Georgios Petasis answered the following question on comp.lang.tcl:

What can I do to make native Tk widgets and BWidgets look closer, when using them on Linux?

George answered:

 option add *highlightBackground [. cget -background]

(this will make your white borders the same colour as the rest of the window...)

If you want to remove completely these "frames", simply use:

 option add *highlightThickness 0

See Enhancing BWidget and Creating a BWidget Widget for more Bwidget help.

Category GUI