Purpose: to provide a community updatable web page demonstrating uses for the BWidget toolset, enhancing the docs, pointing to tutorials, etc. ---- Can anyone discuss the various cross platform issues relating directly to BWidgets? For instance, when I try the demo on a Mac using a Tclkit version of Tcl and Tk, I find a number of errors when trying to test the progress indicator, the -armcommand, the french and german language dialog boxes, the select color dialog box, etc. ---- What additional documentation is needed for BWidgets? What new widgets have you written based on the BWidgets toolkit? Is the source available for re-use? ---- '''BWidget Examples''' The BWidget documentation could really benefit from a few examples, illustrating some of the details. '''Paned Window''' set pw [PanedWindow .topframe -side bottom] for {set i 0} {$i<5} {incr i} { set p [$pw add -minsize 100] set t [text $p.text] pack $t } pack $pw pack .topframe ---- See also [A vertical-tab notebook] - [Windows Registry Browser] - [Multi-column display in text widget] - [Beveled lines] - [Creating a BWidget Widget]