'''Graham Ellis''' - Well House Consultants We've provided Tcl, Tcl/Tk and Expect training in the UK and Ireland for over five years now - we run two different public courses (3 days on Tcl followed by 2 days on Tk) three or four times a year - see our training diary [http://www.wellho.net/course/index.html] and course descriptions [http://www.wellho.net/course/tbfull.html] and [http://www.wellho.net/course/tkfull.html]. We find that very often, there's a large group of engineers who are all working together and looking for the same training at the same time, and for a group size of four or more we recommend a private course [http://www.wellho.net/course/otc.html] which can be scheduled to meet your needs, tailored to provide just the topics you need - perhaps adding in Incr-Tcl and/or Expect, and will work out more cost effective than the same number of places on a public course. <> Company