Error processing request


HTTP_USER_AGENTMozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; [email protected])



Unknow state transition: LINE -> END






INNER {returnImm {Unknow state transition: LINE -> END} {}} CALL {my render_wikit {Google Image Search Slideshow} {This is a simple Google Image search result slideshow that I ([Andy Gaskell]) did.  It just asks for a search word or words, and then goes to [Google] image search and requests a page, then [screenscrape]s the results and renders them into a Tk slideshow that the user can go next and previous on.  Add any ideas, tweaks or suggestions.  It would be easy to change it to save the images to a file or to an ftp site or whatever.

Some disclaimer stuff. Since it's based on screen-scraping it's at the mercy of Google's [html] code, so the could change their code and break it at anytime. I've tested it on [Windows] with [ActiveTcl] and Fedora 4 with [ActiveTcl], and it worked ok. 

The whole code is just pasted in below, it's got a fair few comments in, but any bits that don't make sense, just add a question.

 # Google image search slideshow
 # this is a simple app that screen-scrapes Google image search results
 # and creates a slideshow of the results,  uses tck and tk.
 # user setable parameters.
 # Image size variable, for example...
 # all:              small%7Cmedium%7Clarge%7Cxlarge
 # medium and large: medium%7Clarge%7Cxlarge
 # xlarge:           xxlarge
 set sizevar "small%7Cmedium%7Clarge%7Cxlarge"
 # numlines or deepnumlines x 20 = numpics, because 20 pics per page
 # numlines is the maximum number of image search result pages
 set numlines 8  ;# cap on search
 # deepnumlines is the maximum number of image search result pages from an individual site if a site has multiple images
 set deepnumlines 8  ;# cap on deep search
 # max images
 set imagecap 500
 # load packages
 package require http
 package require jpeg
 package require base64 ; # in tcllib, part of ActiveTcl
 package require img::jpeg 
 wm title . "google viewer"
 # create the entry box
 set searchvar "" 
 #labelframe .entryfr -text "Type Search Value And Hit Enter"
 labelframe .entryfr -text "Search Value"
 entry .entryfr.entrybox -textvariable searchvar 
 pack .entryfr .entryfr.entrybox -padx 5 -pady 5
 bind .  <KeyPress-Return> {
     destroy .entryfr
 tkwait window .entryfr
 # just to kill if theyt close the window
 if { $searchvar == "" } exit
 # show the console for debug
 catch {console show}
 # bump the min size of window up
 wm minsize . 800 600 
 # image set-up
 image create photo imgarray(0) -data "R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAP///wAAACwAAAAAAQABAAACAkQBADs="
 set imgurls(0) "no images loaded"
 set currimg 0
 # gui frames
 labelframe .cfr -text "controls"
 labelframe .ifr -text "image"
 pack .cfr .ifr -side top -fill both
 # gui controls
 button .cfr.prev -text "<" -command { previmage }
 button -text ">" -command { nextimage }
 label .cfr.lb1 -text "Search:"
 label .cfr.searchtxt -textvariable searchvar
 label .cfr.lb2 -text "  Image:"
 label .cfr.imgoftxt -text "0"
 label .cfr.lb3 -text "of"
 label .cfr.imgcounttxt -text "0"
 label .cfr.lb4 -text "  url:"
 label .cfr.imgurltxt -text "loading"
 pack .cfr.prev .cfr.lb1 .cfr.searchtxt .cfr.lb2 .cfr.imgoftxt  .cfr.lb3  .cfr.imgcounttxt .cfr.lb4 .cfr.imgurltxt -side left
 # gui image
 label .ifr.gimg -image imgarray($currimg) -bd 1 -relief sunken
 pack .ifr.gimg -side left
 # keyboard binding
 bind .  <KeyPress-Right> nextimage
 bind .  <KeyPress-Left> previmage
 bind .  <KeyPress-Escape> exit
 bind .  <KeyPress-space> exit
 # pretend to be a browser, an old one, so javascript is used by the website
 ::http::config -accept "*/*"
 ::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 1.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
 # functions for buttons - next image
 proc nextimage { } {
     global currimg
     global imgurls
     set currimg [expr $currimg+1]
     if { [catch { .ifr.gimg configure -image imgarray($currimg) } msg] } {
         # must be at the end of the array
         puts $msg
         set currimg [expr $currimg-1]
     } else {
         # must be ok
         .cfr.imgoftxt configure -text $currimg  
         .cfr.imgurltxt configure -text $imgurls($currimg)
 # functions for buttons - prev image
 proc previmage { } {
     global currimg
     global imgurls  
     if { $currimg != 0 } {
         set currimg [expr $currimg-1]
         .ifr.gimg configure -image imgarray($currimg)
         .cfr.imgoftxt configure -text $currimg  
         .cfr.imgurltxt configure -text $imgurls($currimg)
 # Save data from a URL to a variable
 proc httptovar { url } {
    # strip invalid chars from the URL
    set url [ string map { "\"" "" " " "+" } $url ]
    puts "URL: $url"
    if { [catch { set readpage [http::data [::http::geturl $url -timeout 10000 ] ]} msg] } {
       puts "http error - $msg"
       return "error - $msg"
    } else {
       puts "http ok, url: $url"
       return $readpage
 # get links from page, screenscraping
 proc getlinksfromvar { firstpage } {
     set startchar 0
     set linklist ""
     # loop through each link in the page while there are still ocurances of the string in firstpage     
     while {[string first "<a href=/imgres?imgurl=" $firstpage $startchar] != -1} {
         # find the end of the above string to fing the start of the image
         set startchar [ expr [string first "/imgres?imgurl=" $firstpage $startchar] + 15]
         # get the end of the image string
         set endchar [ expr [string first "&imgrefurl=" $firstpage $startchar]-1 ]
         # add it to the list
         lappend linklist "[ string range $firstpage $startchar $endchar ]"
         incr startchar
     return $linklist
 # build search string to pass in and print it for debug
 set searchstr "[ format %s $searchvar ]&svnum=10&hl=en&c2coff=1&btnG=Google+Search&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&imgsz=[ format %s $sizevar ]&as_filetype=&imgc=&as_sitesearch=&safe=off"
 puts "searchstr: $searchstr"
 # seed val, just so it's existing                        
 set firstpage [ httptovar "" ]
 # screen-scrape the image search results html
 set lineCount 0
 while { $lineCount < $numlines} { 
     puts "$searchstr&start=[ expr $lineCount * 20 ]"
     set newpage [ httptovar $searchstr&start=[ expr $lineCount * 20 ] ]
     if { [string first ">Next<" $newpage] == -1 } {
         puts "no more links"
         # so break out of this loop 
         set lineCount $numlines
     } else {
         set firstpage "$firstpage $newpage"
         incr lineCount
 set deepfirstpage ""
 set startchar 0
 set deeplinecount 0
 # loop through each link in the deep page while there are still ocurances of the string in firstpage    
 while {[string first "&nbsp;<a class=fl href=" $firstpage $startchar] != -1} {
     # find the end of the above string to fing the start of the image
     set startchar [ expr [string first "&nbsp;<a class=fl href=" $firstpage $startchar] + 25]
     # get the end of the image string
     set endchar [ expr [string first ">" $firstpage $startchar]-1 ]
     # for each google page of deep results, add the html to the deepfirstpage
     while { $deeplinecount < $deepnumlines} { 
         # read the html of the google page results
         set deepnewpage [ httptovar[ string range $firstpage $startchar $endchar ]%22&start=[ expr $deeplinecount * 20 ] ]
         if { [string first ">Next<" $deepnewpage] == -1 } { 
             puts "no more links"
             # so break out of this loop
             set deeplinecount $deepnumlines     
         } else {
             # append it to deepfirstpage
             set deepfirstpage "$deepfirstpage $deepnewpage"
             incr deeplinecount
     # increment the page of google results
     incr startchar
     set deeplinecount 0
 # read all the image locations from the html text
 set links [ getlinksfromvar $firstpage ]
 set deeplinks [ getlinksfromvar $deepfirstpage ]
 # print standard links data
 puts "\nl links: [llength $links]"
 puts "\nl deeplinks: [llength $deeplinks]"
 # merge links together
 set links "$links $deeplinks"
 puts "\nboth links: [llength $links]"
 set valcount "0"
 set imgproced "0"
 foreach val $links {
     # check less than imagecap
     if { $imgproced < $imagecap } {
         puts "\nLink is (number $valcount): $val"
         if { [catch {image create photo imgarray($valcount) -data [ httptovar $val ]} msg] } {
             # error reading image
             puts "error: $msg"
         } else {
             # image read ok
             .cfr.imgcounttxt configure -text $valcount
             set imgurls($valcount) $val
             set valcount [ expr $valcount + 1 ]
         # count the total read right or wrong
         incr imgproced
 puts "read $valcount of $imgproced read corectly"
 puts "Done"

'''[Robin] - 2009-06-20 15:48:38'''

I tried it with ActiveTCL and XP and had to comment out "package require jpeg" which was giving me an error.
Could you modify it to display an infinite stream of images, say every 2 seconds?
I tried a bastardized version of that, just going back and forth among the fixed set of images, by adding 

set x 3
set rincrement 1
while { $x==$x } { 
        puts "\nl lets wait 300"
        after 300
        if { $x==12 } { set rincrement -1 }
        if { $x==0 } { set rincrement 1 }
        incr x $rincrement
        if { $rincrement == 1 } { 
        puts "\n next image" 
        nextimage } else { 
        puts "\n previous image"
        previmage }

at the end of your code, but it causes the whole thing to go unresponsive.

'''[RFox] - April 9, 2013 '''

It might be interesting to recast this application using the Google Custom Search API:
Of course then we'd need an API key somewhere.  That would remove the need to scrape the HTML...just pull the images out of the JSON result(s)

<<categories>> Example | Graphics | Web} regexp2} CALL {my render {Google Image Search Slideshow} {This is a simple Google Image search result slideshow that I ([Andy Gaskell]) did.  It just asks for a search word or words, and then goes to [Google] image search and requests a page, then [screenscrape]s the results and renders them into a Tk slideshow that the user can go next and previous on.  Add any ideas, tweaks or suggestions.  It would be easy to change it to save the images to a file or to an ftp site or whatever.

Some disclaimer stuff. Since it's based on screen-scraping it's at the mercy of Google's [html] code, so the could change their code and break it at anytime. I've tested it on [Windows] with [ActiveTcl] and Fedora 4 with [ActiveTcl], and it worked ok. 

The whole code is just pasted in below, it's got a fair few comments in, but any bits that don't make sense, just add a question.

 # Google image search slideshow
 # this is a simple app that screen-scrapes Google image search results
 # and creates a slideshow of the results,  uses tck and tk.
 # user setable parameters.
 # Image size variable, for example...
 # all:              small%7Cmedium%7Clarge%7Cxlarge
 # medium and large: medium%7Clarge%7Cxlarge
 # xlarge:           xxlarge
 set sizevar "small%7Cmedium%7Clarge%7Cxlarge"
 # numlines or deepnumlines x 20 = numpics, because 20 pics per page
 # numlines is the maximum number of image search result pages
 set numlines 8  ;# cap on search
 # deepnumlines is the maximum number of image search result pages from an individual site if a site has multiple images
 set deepnumlines 8  ;# cap on deep search
 # max images
 set imagecap 500
 # load packages
 package require http
 package require jpeg
 package require base64 ; # in tcllib, part of ActiveTcl
 package require img::jpeg 
 wm title . "google viewer"
 # create the entry box
 set searchvar "" 
 #labelframe .entryfr -text "Type Search Value And Hit Enter"
 labelframe .entryfr -text "Search Value"
 entry .entryfr.entrybox -textvariable searchvar 
 pack .entryfr .entryfr.entrybox -padx 5 -pady 5
 bind .  <KeyPress-Return> {
     destroy .entryfr
 tkwait window .entryfr
 # just to kill if theyt close the window
 if { $searchvar == "" } exit
 # show the console for debug
 catch {console show}
 # bump the min size of window up
 wm minsize . 800 600 
 # image set-up
 image create photo imgarray(0) -data "R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAP///wAAACwAAAAAAQABAAACAkQBADs="
 set imgurls(0) "no images loaded"
 set currimg 0
 # gui frames
 labelframe .cfr -text "controls"
 labelframe .ifr -text "image"
 pack .cfr .ifr -side top -fill both
 # gui controls
 button .cfr.prev -text "<" -command { previmage }
 button -text ">" -command { nextimage }
 label .cfr.lb1 -text "Search:"
 label .cfr.searchtxt -textvariable searchvar
 label .cfr.lb2 -text "  Image:"
 label .cfr.imgoftxt -text "0"
 label .cfr.lb3 -text "of"
 label .cfr.imgcounttxt -text "0"
 label .cfr.lb4 -text "  url:"
 label .cfr.imgurltxt -text "loading"
 pack .cfr.prev .cfr.lb1 .cfr.searchtxt .cfr.lb2 .cfr.imgoftxt  .cfr.lb3  .cfr.imgcounttxt .cfr.lb4 .cfr.imgurltxt -side left
 # gui image
 label .ifr.gimg -image imgarray($currimg) -bd 1 -relief sunken
 pack .ifr.gimg -side left
 # keyboard binding
 bind .  <KeyPress-Right> nextimage
 bind .  <KeyPress-Left> previmage
 bind .  <KeyPress-Escape> exit
 bind .  <KeyPress-space> exit
 # pretend to be a browser, an old one, so javascript is used by the website
 ::http::config -accept "*/*"
 ::http::config -useragent "Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 1.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
 # functions for buttons - next image
 proc nextimage { } {
     global currimg
     global imgurls
     set currimg [expr $currimg+1]
     if { [catch { .ifr.gimg configure -image imgarray($currimg) } msg] } {
         # must be at the end of the array
         puts $msg
         set currimg [expr $currimg-1]
     } else {
         # must be ok
         .cfr.imgoftxt configure -text $currimg  
         .cfr.imgurltxt configure -text $imgurls($currimg)
 # functions for buttons - prev image
 proc previmage { } {
     global currimg
     global imgurls  
     if { $currimg != 0 } {
         set currimg [expr $currimg-1]
         .ifr.gimg configure -image imgarray($currimg)
         .cfr.imgoftxt configure -text $currimg  
         .cfr.imgurltxt configure -text $imgurls($currimg)
 # Save data from a URL to a variable
 proc httptovar { url } {
    # strip invalid chars from the URL
    set url [ string map { "\"" "" " " "+" } $url ]
    puts "URL: $url"
    if { [catch { set readpage [http::data [::http::geturl $url -timeout 10000 ] ]} msg] } {
       puts "http error - $msg"
       return "error - $msg"
    } else {
       puts "http ok, url: $url"
       return $readpage
 # get links from page, screenscraping
 proc getlinksfromvar { firstpage } {
     set startchar 0
     set linklist ""
     # loop through each link in the page while there are still ocurances of the string in firstpage     
     while {[string first "<a href=/imgres?imgurl=" $firstpage $startchar] != -1} {
         # find the end of the above string to fing the start of the image
         set startchar [ expr [string first "/imgres?imgurl=" $firstpage $startchar] + 15]
         # get the end of the image string
         set endchar [ expr [string first "&imgrefurl=" $firstpage $startchar]-1 ]
         # add it to the list
         lappend linklist "[ string range $firstpage $startchar $endchar ]"
         incr startchar
     return $linklist
 # build search string to pass in and print it for debug
 set searchstr "[ format %s $searchvar ]&svnum=10&hl=en&c2coff=1&btnG=Google+Search&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&imgsz=[ format %s $sizevar ]&as_filetype=&imgc=&as_sitesearch=&safe=off"
 puts "searchstr: $searchstr"
 # seed val, just so it's existing                        
 set firstpage [ httptovar "" ]
 # screen-scrape the image search results html
 set lineCount 0
 while { $lineCount < $numlines} { 
     puts "$searchstr&start=[ expr $lineCount * 20 ]"
     set newpage [ httptovar $searchstr&start=[ expr $lineCount * 20 ] ]
     if { [string first ">Next<" $newpage] == -1 } {
         puts "no more links"
         # so break out of this loop 
         set lineCount $numlines
     } else {
         set firstpage "$firstpage $newpage"
         incr lineCount
 set deepfirstpage ""
 set startchar 0
 set deeplinecount 0
 # loop through each link in the deep page while there are still ocurances of the string in firstpage    
 while {[string first "&nbsp;<a class=fl href=" $firstpage $startchar] != -1} {
     # find the end of the above string to fing the start of the image
     set startchar [ expr [string first "&nbsp;<a class=fl href=" $firstpage $startchar] + 25]
     # get the end of the image string
     set endchar [ expr [string first ">" $firstpage $startchar]-1 ]
     # for each google page of deep results, add the html to the deepfirstpage
     while { $deeplinecount < $deepnumlines} { 
         # read the html of the google page results
         set deepnewpage [ httptovar[ string range $firstpage $startchar $endchar ]%22&start=[ expr $deeplinecount * 20 ] ]
         if { [string first ">Next<" $deepnewpage] == -1 } { 
             puts "no more links"
             # so break out of this loop
             set deeplinecount $deepnumlines     
         } else {
             # append it to deepfirstpage
             set deepfirstpage "$deepfirstpage $deepnewpage"
             incr deeplinecount
     # increment the page of google results
     incr startchar
     set deeplinecount 0
 # read all the image locations from the html text
 set links [ getlinksfromvar $firstpage ]
 set deeplinks [ getlinksfromvar $deepfirstpage ]
 # print standard links data
 puts "\nl links: [llength $links]"
 puts "\nl deeplinks: [llength $deeplinks]"
 # merge links together
 set links "$links $deeplinks"
 puts "\nboth links: [llength $links]"
 set valcount "0"
 set imgproced "0"
 foreach val $links {
     # check less than imagecap
     if { $imgproced < $imagecap } {
         puts "\nLink is (number $valcount): $val"
         if { [catch {image create photo imgarray($valcount) -data [ httptovar $val ]} msg] } {
             # error reading image
             puts "error: $msg"
         } else {
             # image read ok
             .cfr.imgcounttxt configure -text $valcount
             set imgurls($valcount) $val
             set valcount [ expr $valcount + 1 ]
         # count the total read right or wrong
         incr imgproced
 puts "read $valcount of $imgproced read corectly"
 puts "Done"

'''[Robin] - 2009-06-20 15:48:38'''

I tried it with ActiveTCL and XP and had to comment out "package require jpeg" which was giving me an error.
Could you modify it to display an infinite stream of images, say every 2 seconds?
I tried a bastardized version of that, just going back and forth among the fixed set of images, by adding 

set x 3
set rincrement 1
while { $x==$x } { 
        puts "\nl lets wait 300"
        after 300
        if { $x==12 } { set rincrement -1 }
        if { $x==0 } { set rincrement 1 }
        incr x $rincrement
        if { $rincrement == 1 } { 
        puts "\n next image" 
        nextimage } else { 
        puts "\n previous image"
        previmage }

at the end of your code, but it causes the whole thing to go unresponsive.

'''[RFox] - April 9, 2013 '''

It might be interesting to recast this application using the Google Custom Search API:
Of course then we'd need an API key somewhere.  That would remove the need to scrape the HTML...just pull the images out of the JSON result(s)

<<categories>> Example | Graphics | Web}} CALL {my revision {Google Image Search Slideshow}} CALL {::oo::Obj740667 process revision/Google+Image+Search+Slideshow} CALL {::oo::Obj740665 process}




Unknow state transition: LINE -> END
    while executing
"error $msg"
    (class "::Wiki" method "render_wikit" line 6)
    invoked from within
"my render_$default_markup $N $C $mkup_rendering_engine"
    (class "::Wiki" method "render" line 8)
    invoked from within
"my render $name $C"
    (class "::Wiki" method "revision" line 31)
    invoked from within
"my revision $page"
    (class "::Wiki" method "process" line 56)
    invoked from within
"$server process [string trim $uri /]"
