Giggle [] is a [weblog] application written in [Tcl] written by [Steve Cassidy]. Giggle is a clone of Blosxom [] or at least started out that way. Messages are text files stored on disk; the first line is the title; the rest is the message. See [] for an example blog. Any thought of Giggle having some sort of way for the author to contribute to the blog dynamically from the net? From an internet cafe, one may or may not have ssh access to one's server. Of course, I suppose for a distributed mechanism, one could just use an authenticated wiki-type setup. [SC] yes, this is on the list. The idea would be to allow a POST to the Giggle URI create a new weblog entry. This could also allow comments to be posted on blog entries, just POST to the URI corresponding to the message you're commenting on. This would need to include some kind of authentication, maybe a password along with the POSTed story would be enough. ---- [Category Application] | [Category Internet]