Version 300 of George Peter Staplin

Updated 2007-09-24 10:24:18 by GPS

I no longer work with/on Tcl and/or Tk. -- (I'm working with Tcl and Tk again after a long break (GPS))

What? This cannot be true? - RS: I hope you'll come back to us some day - if you find a better language, please tell us about it :^)

George Peter Staplin Thank you Richard. I've spent many hours looking for something better than Tcl. I haven't found it. The Tcl community is also very helpful and positive I think, and I dismissed that before, out of ignorance.

SYStems I wish you good luck in your future endeavors. I also hope that you didn't leave because you were disapointed over any lack of interest over NexTk, getting popular and motivating others to work with you is not an easy task, many opensource projects relied on just one programmer, long before others started to contribute. If you really believe in NexTk you should be more stubborn; it can take years before people notice your work.

George Peter Staplin I appreciate your words SYStems. I was near suicide when I wrote the things on the wiki before. I really needed a break, and to recover from some personal issues.

Robert Abitol Never say never. Keep in touch. We'll all be very happy to hear from you again.

Will Dye was interested in my ~/.tclshrc so here it is:

 rename unknown _unknown
 proc unknown {args} {
  global that
  if {[catch {expr $args} temp]} {
   uplevel 1 [concat _unknown $args]
  } else {
   set that $temp

 proc f {
  set fd [open $f r]
  set data [read $fd]
  close $fd
  return $data

 proc sum args {
  set n 0
  foreach a $args {
   set n [expr {$n + $a}]
  return $n

Example usage:

 % 1 + 2 + pow(2,20)
 % sum 1 2 3 4 5
 % .xinitrc

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