Version 287 of George Peter Staplin

Updated 2006-11-16 10:44:08

I no longer work with/on Tcl and/or Tk.

RLH What? This cannot be true? - RS: I hope you'll come back to us some day - if you find a better language, please tell us about it :^)

SYStems I wish you good luck in your future endeavors. I also hope that you didn't leave because you were disapointed over any lack of interest over NexTk, getting popular and motivating others to work with you is not an easy task, many opensource projects relied on just one programmer, long before others started to contribute. If you really believe in NexTk you should be more stubborn; it can take years before people notice your work.

RA Georges, oups! Sorry, the English spelling: George (no s); you are a very talented programmer in search of something: software, a team, an interesting project, a way of life, a new challenge, recognition. Something. It's only but normal at your age. You might find what you're looking for. If not, you will have had a great journey anyway and this ultimately is what really counts. So you win anyway.

I do respect your quest for a certain kind of recognition but I don't share this point of view. Personally, I have stuff programmed for me, for my taste and I really don't give a toot if I am the only one who believes in it or not. As long as I like it, this is all that counts. I frankly don't care about what others think. I derive a lot of pleasure in using software I have programmed for myself. But you are not like that and I respect your difference.

Never say never. You have gone pretty far in Tcl programming and I am sure that given the right Tcl project, you'll enter it with your legendary enthusiasm, passion and immense talent.

Don't do things for the principle. Never do things for the principle. It's not because you said goodbye today that you shouldn't decide to come back in 2-3 weeks or whenever. Allow yourself to change your mind. Travel light, think light, act light.

I wouldn't be surprised if you become a part of the Tcl core-team in a few years.

Therefore I am sure we'll still hear about you in the future.


Will Dye was interested in my ~/.tclshrc so here it is:

 rename unknown _unknown
 proc unknown {args} {
  global that
  if {[catch {expr $args} temp]} {
   uplevel 1 [concat _unknown $args]
  } else {
   set that $temp

 proc f {
  set fd [open $f r]
  set data [read $fd]
  close $fd
  return $data

 proc sum args {
  set n 0
  foreach a $args {
   set n [expr {$n + $a}]
  return $n

Example usage:

 % 1 + 2 + pow(2,20)
 % sum 1 2 3 4 5
 % .xinitrc

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