is the web page of the original author of the [GIF] creation library GD. Originally, when [Compuserve] created GIF, the file format most commonly used included a compression algorithm that was patented by UNISYS (see [LZW]). When UNISYS began enforcing their patent, work on free GIF creation libraries shifted from generating compressed files using the patented algorithm to creating image files uncompressed. [LV] libgd 2.0.33 (as of 2004) works with gifs, jpegs, and pngs, as well as other formats. '''Bullonya.''' It is a bad thing. [fly] includes libgd with gif, [jpeg], and [png] support. The GD home page: or, in 2009, -------- [ramsan] It seems to be an old TCL GD 1.1.1 Extension here: ---- [Michael I. Schwartz]'s Tcl extensions at include a GD package. ---- [Spencer Thomas] has another GD extension at ---- [gdtclft] also is a Tcl layer around GD. All of these seem to be developed around the same [Spencer Thomas] code. ---- As of 2009, [tclgd] has Tcl's most current GD binding. <> Graphics | JPEG | Package