HoMi-(2008-12-04) The story continuous: * First it was [FullyTransparentDigitalClock] by [slebetman] * Then it was [FlickerFreeTransparentDigitalClock] with some improvements by me * And now it is the !!!!!! **FullyTransparentDigitalClock2** !!!!!! On both pages mentioned above I have stated that it could possible to program a 100% flicker free transparent digital clock. Now I know it is possible. I gave the program a complete redesign and spend them some nice additional features.<
>This features are: * The clock is fully configurable in size, color and display style. * The clock it can be placed on the screen at the most common positions. * The clock uses a ressource file to hold the user defined configuration. And again, sorry for some mistakes in language and grammar but I'm not a english native speaker. Feel free to correct these mistakes, but after this remove this remark. Thanks and have fun. And here comes the code: ---- ====== ########################################################################### # FullyTransparentDigitalClock2.tcl -- # # idea by slebetman # 100% flicker-free and configurable version by HoMi # # usage: # - to show the config dialog click on a segment of a digit # - to use a changed configuration without leaving the config dialog # click the Apply button # - to use a changed configuration and leave the config dialog click # the OK button # - to leave the config dialog without making any changes click the # Cancel button # - to exit the clock cklick on the X button of the config dialog ########################################################################### # to make it starkit-able package require Tk ########################################################################### # configuration # read configuration from a ressource file if it exist # if not use a base configuration set rcFile [file join [file dirname [info script]] .clockrc] if {![catch {set resfile [open $rcFile]}]} { array set config [read $resfile] } else { set config(position) URC ;# base position of the clock:\ Upper Right Corner set config(style) 24 ;# clock style 12h/24h set config(showDelims) 1 ;# show delimiters set config(showSecs) 1 ;# show seconds set config(color) green ;# segment color set config(segSize) 10 ;# size of one segment set config(digitWidth) 5 ;# width of one digit set config(digitHeight) 9 ;# height of one digit } ########################################################################### # segment data # # coords for each segment: # name {X Y width height} array set segmentData { a {1 0 3 1} b {0 1 1 3} c {4 1 1 3} d {1 4 3 1} e {0 5 1 3} f {4 5 1 3} g {1 8 3 1} :1 {0 2 1 1} :2 {0 6 1 1} } # required segments to show the whole digit # digit {required segments} array set segmentData { allSegs {a b c d e f g} 0 {a b c e f g} 1 { c f } 2 {a c d e g} 3 {a c d f g} 4 { b c d f } 5 {a b d f g} 6 {a b d e f g} 7 {a c f } 8 {a b c d e f g} 9 {a b c d f g} delim {:1 :2} } ########################################################################### # initialise clock array - this array holds the # current configuration and state values of the clock # # description of the elements within the clock array: # position # style # showSecs # showDelims # color # segSize # the meaning of the elements above is the same as in the config # array # baseX - upper left corner of the clock display in pixels # baseY # digitHeight - the digit height in pixels # digitWidth - the digit width in pixels # h1 - the tens digit value of the current hour value # h2 - the unit digit value of the current hour value # m1 - the tens digit value of the current minute value # m2 - the unit digit value of the current minute value # s1 - the tens digit value of the current second value # s2 - the unit digit value of the current second value # halfSec - this flag is used to let the delimiters blink # draw - this flag is used to avoid drawing and refreshing of # the clock at the same time set clock(draw) 0 ########################################################################### # DrawSegment -- # # draw a segment of a digit # #Arguments: # segmentName widget name of the segment # x y upper left corner of the segment # width heigth width and height of the segment # #Results: # none proc DrawSegment {segmentName x y width height} { global clock toplevel $segmentName -borderwidth 2 -relief raised \ -background $clock(color) \ -highlightthickness 0 -takefocus 0 wm overrideredirect $segmentName 1 wm geometry $segmentName ${width}x${height}+${x}+${y} if {[lindex [winfo server .] 0] == "Windows"} { wm attributes $segmentName -topmost 1 } bind $segmentName <1> { if ![winfo ismapped .] { wm deiconify . # the following 2 lines are a workaround for disabling the apply # button after the window is mapped the first time # since the scale widget fires its command if it is mapped the # first time and the apply button should be disabled if no config # parameter has changed # Note: This behavior is not a bug but the correct behavior of the # scale widget. update .bb.apply config -state disabled } raise . focus -force . } } ########################################################################### # DrawDigit -- # # draw a digit of the clock # #Arguments: # rootname the rootname of the digit # x y upper left corner of the digit # what what should be drawn # a number or a delimiter # #Results: # none proc DrawDigit {rootname x y what} { global clock segmentData if {[string length $what] == 1 && [string is integer -strict $what]} { foreach seg $segmentData($what) { foreach {xd yd wd ht} $segmentData($seg) break set xd [expr {$x + $xd*$clock(segSize)}] set yd [expr {$y + $yd*$clock(segSize)}] set wd [expr {$wd*$clock(segSize)}] set ht [expr {$ht*$clock(segSize)}] DrawSegment $rootname$seg $xd $yd $wd $ht } } else { foreach seg $segmentData(delim) { foreach {xd yd wd ht} $segmentData($seg) break set xd [expr {$x + $xd*$clock(segSize)}] set yd [expr {$y + $yd*$clock(segSize)}] set wd [expr {$wd*$clock(segSize)}] set ht [expr {$ht*$clock(segSize)}] DrawSegment $rootname$seg $xd $yd $wd $ht } } } ########################################################################### # DrawClock -- # # draw the whole clock either at startup or # after a reconfiguration # #Arguments: # none # #Results: # none proc DrawClock {} { global clock segmentData # wait if a refresh is in progress if $clock(draw) { after 100 DrawClock return } set clock(draw) 1 # destroy "old" clock foreach dig {h1 h2 delim1 m1 m2 delim2 s1 s2} { if {$dig == "delim1" || $dig == "delim2"} { foreach seg $segmentData(delim) { destroy .$dig$seg } } else { foreach seg $segmentData(allSegs) { destroy .$dig$seg } } } # draw clock with new configuration if {$clock(style) == 12} { foreach {H M S} [split [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%I.%M.%S"] .] break } else { foreach {H M S} [split [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H.%M.%S"] .] break } set sx $clock(baseX) set sy $clock(baseY) foreach {h1 h2} [split $H {}] break DrawDigit .h1 $sx $sy $h1 set clock(h1) $h1 incr sx [expr {$clock(digitWidth)+$clock(segSize)}] DrawDigit .h2 $sx $sy $h2 set clock(h2) $h2 incr sx [expr {$clock(digitWidth)+$clock(segSize)}] if $clock(showDelims) { DrawDigit .delim1 $sx $sy delim1 } incr sx [expr {2*$clock(segSize)}] foreach {m1 m2} [split $M {}] break DrawDigit .m1 $sx $sy $m1 set clock(m1) $m1 incr sx [expr {$clock(digitWidth)+$clock(segSize)}] DrawDigit .m2 $sx $sy $m2 set clock(m2) $m2 if $clock(showSecs) { incr sx [expr {$clock(digitWidth)+$clock(segSize)}] if $clock(showDelims) { DrawDigit .delim2 $sx $sy delim2 } incr sx [expr {2*$clock(segSize)}] foreach {s1 s2} [split $S {}] break DrawDigit .s1 $sx $sy $s1 set clock(s1) $s1 incr sx [expr {$clock(digitWidth)+$clock(segSize)}] DrawDigit .s2 $sx $sy $s2 set clock(s2) $s2 } set clock(halfSec) 1 set clock(draw) 0 } ########################################################################### # RefreshDigit -- # # refresh a digit of the clock # #Arguments: # rootname the rootname of the digit # x y upper left corner of the digit # oldVal current value of the digit # newVal value which should be shown by the digit # #Results: # none proc RefreshDigit {rootname x y oldVal newVal} { global clock segmentData # determine which segments are not required for newVal # and destroy these segments foreach seg $segmentData($oldVal) { if {[lsearch $segmentData($newVal) $seg] == -1} { destroy $rootname$seg } } # determine which segments must be shown aditional for newVal # and create these segments foreach seg $segmentData($newVal) { if {[lsearch $segmentData($oldVal) $seg] == -1} { foreach {xd yd wd ht} $segmentData($seg) break set xd [expr {$x + $xd*$clock(segSize)}] set yd [expr {$y + $yd*$clock(segSize)}] set wd [expr {$wd*$clock(segSize)}] set ht [expr {$ht*$clock(segSize)}] DrawSegment $rootname$seg $xd $yd $wd $ht } } } ########################################################################### # RefreshClock -- # # refresh the whole clock by doing the following things: # - let the delimiters disappear after a half second # - refresh the whole display after a full second # both depending on the value of clock(halfSec) # #Arguments: # none # #Results: # none proc RefreshClock {} { global clock segmentData # wait if a refresh is in progress if $clock(draw) { return } set clock(draw) 1 # let the delimiters disappear if clock(halfSec) is 1 if $clock(halfSec) { if $clock(showDelims) { foreach dig {delim1 delim2} { foreach seg $segmentData(delim) { destroy .$dig$seg } } } set clock(halfSec) 0 set clock(draw) 0 return } # refresh the clock if clock(halfSec) is 0 if {$clock(style) == 12} { foreach {H M S} [split [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%I.%M.%S"] .] break } else { foreach {H M S} [split [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H.%M.%S"] .] break } set sx $clock(baseX) set sy $clock(baseY) foreach {h1 h2} [split $H {}] break if {$h1 != $clock(h1)} { RefreshDigit .h1 $sx $sy $clock(h1) $h1 set clock(h1) $h1 } incr sx [expr {$clock(digitWidth)+$clock(segSize)}] if {$h2 != $clock(h2)} { RefreshDigit .h2 $sx $sy $clock(h2) $h2 set clock(h2) $h2 } incr sx [expr {$clock(digitWidth)+$clock(segSize)}] if $clock(showDelims) { DrawDigit .delim1 $sx $sy delim1 } incr sx [expr {2*$clock(segSize)}] foreach {m1 m2} [split $M {}] break if {$m1 != $clock(m1)} { RefreshDigit .m1 $sx $sy $clock(m1) $m1 set clock(m1) $m1 } incr sx [expr {$clock(digitWidth)+$clock(segSize)}] if {$m2 != $clock(m2)} { RefreshDigit .m2 $sx $sy $clock(m2) $m2 set clock(m2) $m2 } if $clock(showSecs) { incr sx [expr {$clock(digitWidth)+$clock(segSize)}] if $clock(showDelims) { DrawDigit .delim2 $sx $sy delim2 } incr sx [expr {2*$clock(segSize)}] foreach {s1 s2} [split $S {}] break if {$s1 != $clock(s1)} { RefreshDigit .s1 $sx $sy $clock(s1) $s1 set clock(s1) $s1 } incr sx [expr {$clock(digitWidth)+$clock(segSize)}] if {$s2 != $clock(s2)} { RefreshDigit .s2 $sx $sy $clock(s2) $s2 set clock(s2) $s2 } } set clock(halfSec) 1 set clock(draw) 0 } ########################################################################### # ClockExit -- # # show a user dialog and if the user selects yes then save the # current configuration to a ressource file and exit the clock # #Arguments: # none # #Results: # none proc ClockExit {} { global rcFile config if {[tk_messageBox -title "Digital Clock" -icon question -type yesno \ -message "Would you switch off the clock?"] == "yes"} { set resfile [open $rcFile w] puts $resfile [array get config] close $resfile exit } } ########################################################################### # ConfigClock -- # # configure the clock with the parameters from the resource file # after startup or # with the parameters given by the config dialog # #Arguments: # none # #Results: # none proc ConfigClock {} { global config clock # transfer the config parameters foreach elem [array names config] { set clock($elem) $config($elem) } # calculate size for one digit set clock(digitWidth) [expr {$config(digitWidth)*$clock(segSize)}] set clock(digitHeight) [expr {$config(digitHeight)*$clock(segSize)}] # calculate the size for the whole clock set displayWidth \ [expr {$clock(digitWidth)+$clock(segSize)+$clock(digitWidth)}] ;# hour incr displayWidth \ [expr {3*$clock(segSize)}] ;# + delimiter incr displayWidth \ [expr {$clock(digitWidth)+$clock(segSize)+$clock(digitWidth)}] ;# + minutes if $clock(showSecs) { incr displayWidth \ [expr {3*$clock(segSize)}] ;# + delimiter incr displayWidth \ [expr {$clock(digitWidth)+$clock(segSize)+$clock(digitWidth)}] ;# + seconds } set displayHeight $clock(digitHeight) # calculate the clock position set screenWidth [winfo screenwidth .] set screenHeight [winfo screenheight .] switch -- $clock(position) { ULC { set clock(baseX) 10 set clock(baseY) 10 } URC { set clock(baseX) [expr {$screenWidth-$displayWidth-10}] set clock(baseY) 10 } LLC { set clock(baseX) 10 set clock(baseY) [expr {$screenHeight-$displayHeight-30}] } LRC { set clock(baseX) [expr {$screenWidth-$displayWidth-10}] set clock(baseY) [expr {$screenHeight-$displayHeight-30}] } } # draw the clock DrawClock } ########################################################################### # CreateConfigDialog -- # # create a config dialog by using the main toplevel window # Note: # The right style for this dialog would be a transient toplevel # but the usage of a transient window is not possible since it would # be withdrawn if the main toplevel is withdrawn. And in my opinion # there should be no additional window on the screen during the # normal operation of the clock. # It would be possible to use the # wm attributes window -toolwindow 1 # but this works with MS Windows only. # #Arguments: # none # #Results: # none proc CreateConfigDialog {} { wm title . "clock configuration" wm resizable . 0 0 wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW ClockExit wm withdraw . frame .top -bd 2 -relief raised labelframe .top.style -text style -padx 2 -pady 2 frame .top.style.d radiobutton .top.style.d.d12h -text "12h display" \ -variable config(style) -value 12 \ -command {.bb.apply config -state normal} radiobutton .top.style.d.d24h -text "24h display" \ -variable config(style) -value 24 \ -command {.bb.apply config -state normal} checkbutton .top.style.delim -text "show delimiters" \ -variable config(showDelims) \ -command {.bb.apply config -state normal} checkbutton .top.style.ssecs -text "show seconds" \ -variable config(showSecs) \ -command {.bb.apply config -state normal} frame .top.style.c -padx 2 label .top.style.c.ccol -relief raised -width 2 -bg $::config(color) bind .top.style.c.ccol <1> { set color [tk_chooseColor -title "Select a new digit color" \ -initialcolor $config(color)] if {$color != ""} { set config(color) $color .top.style.c.ccol config -bg $config(color) .bb.apply config -state normal } } label .top.style.c.clbl -text "digit color" bind .top.style.c.clbl <1> { set color [tk_chooseColor -title "Select a new digit color" \ -initialcolor $config(color)] if {$color != ""} { set config(color) $color .top.style.c.ccol config -bg $config(color) .bb.apply config -state normal } } frame .top.style.s scale .top.style.s.sscl -orient horiz -from 2 -to 20 \ -variable config(segSize) \ -command {.bb.apply config -state normal;#} label .top.style.s.slbl -text "clock size" labelframe .top.place -text "clock position" -padx 2 -pady 2 radiobutton .top.place.ulc -text "upper left corner" \ -variable config(position) -value ULC \ -command {.bb.apply config -state normal} radiobutton .top.place.urc -text "upper right corner" \ -variable config(position) -value URC \ -command {.bb.apply config -state normal} radiobutton .top.place.llc -text "lower left corner" \ -variable config(position) -value LLC \ -command {.bb.apply config -state normal} radiobutton .top.place.lrc -text "lower right corner" \ -variable config(position) -value LRC \ -command {.bb.apply config -state normal} frame .bb button .bb.ok -text OK -width 10 -command { array set ::oldConfig [array get ::config] ConfigClock wm withdraw . } button .bb.cancel -text Cancel -width 10 -command { array set ::config [array get ::oldConfig] .top.style.c.ccol config -bg $::config(color) .bb.apply configure -state disabled wm withdraw . } button .bb.apply -text Apply -state disabled -width 10 -command { array set ::oldConfig [array get ::config] ConfigClock .bb.apply configure -state disabled } pack .top.style.d.d12h .top.style.d.d24h -side left pack .top.style.d -anchor w pack .top.style.delim -anchor w pack .top.style.ssecs -anchor w pack .top.style.c.ccol .top.style.c.clbl -side left pack .top.style.c -anchor w pack .top.style.s.sscl .top.style.s.slbl -side left pack .top.style.s -anchor w grid .top.place.ulc .top.place.urc -sticky w grid .top.place.llc .top.place.lrc -sticky w pack .top.style .top.place -padx 2 -fill both pack .top -padx 4 -pady 2 -fill x pack .bb.apply .bb.cancel .bb.ok -side right -padx 4 -pady 2 pack .bb -pady 2 -anchor e update idletasks set screenWidth [winfo screenwidth .] set screenHeight [winfo screenheight .] set x [expr {([winfo screenwidth .]-[winfo reqwidth .])/2}] set y [expr {([winfo screenheight .]-[winfo reqheight .])/2}] wm geometry . +$x+$y } ########################################################################### # every -- # # the well known every proc from Richard Suchenwirth # it executes every given milliseconds delay a given script # #Arguments: # ms the delay in milliseconds # body the script to be executed # #Results: # none proc every {ms body} {eval $body; after $ms [info level 0]} ########################################################################### # now lets start CreateConfigDialog ConfigClock # save the current configuration to restore it if the user changes some # parameters in the config dialog and after this he desides to cancel the # configuration without making changes array set oldConfig [array get config] # refresh the clock display every half second every 500 RefreshClock ====== ---- **Questions** [LV] When I try the above clock, using Tcl/Tk 8.6, running on solaris 8 and displaying back to Windows XP, I notice a peculiar problem. When I select, on the config panel, the radio button for display in the lower right corner, then press Apply, the clock disappears and never returns - but the program keeps running. Does anyone else see this? Anyone have a suggestion for fixing it? Selecting any of the other 3 corner config options seems to work fine. [[a bit later...]] Never mind. I suspect I'm the only person in the world who will see this problem. See, my 2 monitor system is set up so that the monitors have different resolutions. That way, when I am having a hard time reading text on one screen, I drag the window to the other screen and automatically see it a bit larger. In the case of this application, however, the calculation for where the window should go puts it off the screen. I can hard code an override - no big deal... ---- HoMi-(2008-12-29) Since it was X-mas and I have thought that it would be a nice idea to make you a little X-mas present.<
>This is for all of you who prefer a 5x7 segment raster display for the digits rather than the well known 7 segment digit display. This clock looks very pretty with a "clock size" value lower than 8 (almost like a LED display). To use this display style make the following two changes to the code above: * Change the value config(digitHeight) from 9 to 7 within the configuration area * Replace the definition of the segment data with the following code fragment: ====== ########################################################################### # segment data # # coords for each segment of a digit set j 0 set segmentData(allSegs) {} foreach seg {a b c d e f g} { for {set i 0} {$i <= 4} {incr i} { set segmentData($seg$i) "$i $j 1 1" lappend segmentData(allSegs) $seg$i } incr j } # coords for the delimiters array set segmentData { :1 {0 2 1 1} :2 {0 4 1 1} } # required segments to show the whole digit # digit {required segments} array set segmentData { 0 {a1 a2 a3 b0 b4 c0 c4 d0 d4 e0 e4 f0 f4 g1 g2 g3} 1 {a2 b1 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g1 g2 g3} 2 {a1 a2 a3 b0 b4 c4 d3 e2 f1 g0 g1 g2 g3 g4} 3 {a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 b3 c2 d1 d2 d3 e4 f0 f4 g1 g2 g3} 4 {a0 a3 b0 b3 c0 c3 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 e3 f3 g3} 5 {a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 b0 c0 d0 d1 d2 d3 e4 f0 f4 g1 g2 g3} 6 {a2 a3 b1 c0 d0 d1 d2 d3 e0 e4 f0 f4 g1 g2 g3} 7 {a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 b4 c3 d2 e1 f1 g1} 8 {a1 a2 a3 b0 b4 c0 c4 d1 d2 d3 e0 e4 f0 f4 g1 g2 g3} 9 {a1 a2 a3 b0 b4 c0 c4 d1 d2 d3 d4 e4 f3 g1 g2} delim {:1 :2} } ====== Note, that you must delete the ressource file .clockrc, since it holds the old digit height, or edit that file and change the value after the word digitHeight from 9 to 7. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Application] | [Category Date and Time] |% !!!!!!