Purpose: Demo using [XML] style output for '''ls''' information. ---- [RS] wrote the basic structure of this, and [LV] did some hacking to extend it. Feel free to correct or extend this example to make it even more useful. See [Formatting file information in CSV] for a variation using the [tcllib] [csv] package. ---- #! /usr/tcl83/bin/tclsh #simple sample, produces well-formed XML # Date formatting by ls is somehow tricky, might be done in other ways proc puts! s {global file;catch {puts $file $s}} proc putserr! s {catch {puts stderr [format "%s: %s" $::argv0 $s]}} proc putsdebug! s {global debugfile debug;if { $debug } { puts $debugfile $s}} proc ls-l-xml { {directory {.}} {pat {*}} } { if { ! [file isdirectory $directory] } { putserr! [format "Invalid directory: .%s." $directory] return } if { ! [file executable $directory] } { putserr! [format "Unable to access directory: .%s." $directory] return } cd $directory puts! set filelist [glob -nocomplain $pat] if {[llength $filelist]} { foreach i [split [eval exec /bin/ls -dl $filelist] \n] { foreach {priv links uid gid size Mon Day Hr} [lrange $i 0 7] break set name [lrange $i 8 end] ;#name may contain whitespace. file lstat $name stat set Yr [clock format $stat(mtime) -format %Y] switch -regexp -- $priv { "^d" { set Type "directory" } "^-" { set Type "file" } "^l" { set Type "symbolic_link" } default { set Type $stat(type) } } puts! "" } } puts! } set flag {} set help 0 set directory {.} set filter {*} set file stdout set debugfile stderr set filename {} set debug 0 # If this script was executed, and not just "source"'d, handle argv if { [string compare [info script] $argv0] == 0} { while {[llength $argv] > 0 } { set flag [lindex $argv 0] putsdebug! [format "flag = %s" $flag] switch -- $flag { "-help" { putserr! "[format "USAGE: ?-directory dirName? ?-filter globPat? ?-file outputFileName?"]" exit 1 } "-debug" { set debug 1 set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] } "-directory" { set directory [lindex $argv 1] putsdebug! [format "directory is %s" $directory] set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] } "-filter" { set filter [lindex $argv 1] putsdebug! [format "filter is %s" $filter] set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] } "-file" { set filename [lindex $argv 1] putsdebug! [format "filename is %s" $filename] if { [file isdirectory $filename] } { putsdebug! "filename is a directory" putserr! [format "file must not be directory: .%s." $filename] exit 2 } if { [file exists $filename] && ! [file writable $filename] } { putsdebug! "filename is not writable" putserr! [format "file must be writable: .%s." $filename] exit 3 } set file [open $filename "w"] putsdebug! "filename is open" set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] } "-debugfile" { set debugfilename [lindex $argv 1] putsdebug! [format "debugfilename is %s" $debugfilename] if { [file isdirectory $debugfilename] } { putsdebug! "debugfilename is a directory" putserr! [format "file must not be directory: .%s." $debugfilename] exit 4 } if { [file exists $debugfilename] && ! [file writable $debugfilename] } { putsdebug! "debugfilename is not writable" putserr! [format "file must be writable: .%s." $debugfilename] exit 5 } set debugfile [open $debugfilename "w"] putsdebug! "debugfilename is open" set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] } default { break } } } } if { [llength $argv] != 0 } { putserr! "[format "WARNING! Extraneous arguments ignored; .%s." $argv]" } ls-l-xml $directory $filter exit 0 ---- [JMN] 2005-12-04 Modified to produce valid xml (no error raised) for empty (or no filter match) directory, fixed argv0 to be global in putserr!, fixed to handle filenames containing whitespace. ---- [[ [Category XML] | [Category File] ]]