Version 1 of Firework Display

Updated 2005-02-02 15:21:33

if 0 {

From comp.lang.tcl:

Anyone got a pure tcl firework display? I'm putting together a little program to drill my kids on their math facts (add/sub/mult/div), and I want a "reward" for getting x in a row right kind of thing. My wife is insisting on a firework display as one of the rewards. However, my life is insisting that I continue to do all those other things like work, shovel snow, blah blah blah. Consequently I don't have the time to climb the animation learning curve.

I've looked at the particles thing on the wiki but I don't see a "quick" way to adjust it to a firework burst and decay.

If I get a good solution I'll post it on the wiki.

Thanks, Eric Amundsen Rochester MN

-- My own reply a few days later

OK, so y'all decided to leave it as an exercise for the writer to do this one. I looked over the Particle system some more ( ), read the helpful canvas tutorial from captaincrumb ( ), reviewed the canvas man page, let it all stew over the weekend, and came up with this while waiting through my kids' piano lessons yesterday.

I realize this "pure" tcl solution uses itcl - I like itcl and consider it part of my core tcl distribution - I'm not going to argue this point.


        package require Tk
        package require Itcl

        set ::_pi [expr {2 * acos(0)}]
        set ::_2_pi [expr {$::_pi * 2}]

        # this little proc nukes everything already in existance and redifines my classes,
        # thus allowing me to simply resource into a console while developing
        proc redef {} {

                # nuke everything
                catch {.fd stop} {}
                catch {itcl::delete class FireworkDisplay} {}
                catch {itcl::delete class Spark} {}
                catch {destroy .c} {}

                # the main animation class - keeps a list of sparks and traces to draw and update
                itcl::class FireworkDisplay {
                        constructor {c args} {}
                        public {

                                # creates new sparks and traces
                                method explode {}

                                # updates existing sparks and traces
                                method moveSparks {}

                                # start/stops the animation
                                method start {} {
                                        set moveAfterId [after 25 [itcl::code $this moveSparks]]
                                        set explodeAfterId [after [eval randInt $explosionInterval] [itcl::code $this explode]]
                                method stop {} {after cancel $explodeAfterId;after cancel $moveAfterId}

                                # various parameters to adjust the look of the display - should be self explanatory
                                variable lifespanRange {40 80}
                                variable velocityRange {2 4}
                                variable explosionInterval {500 800}
                                variable numSparksRange {10 22}

                        private {
                                method randInt {{lower 0} {upper 1}} {return [expr {int(rand() * ($upper - $lower + 1) + $lower)}]}
                                variable canvas ""
                                variable sparks [list]
                                variable explodeAfterId
                                variable moveAfterId

                # could probably just be taken care of with arrays, but I like classes
                # anyway, this is a spark
                # this should probably be split into two classes, an explosion class,
                # which hold the lifespan, age and velocity,
                # and then a spark class which hold the angle of the spark
                itcl::class Spark {
                        public {
                                variable vel ""
                                variable sparkId ""
                                variable trailId ""
                                variable angle ""
                                variable lifespan 30
                                variable age 0


        # animation update, called about 40 times per second
        # (minus processing time in here and explosion creation)
        itcl::body FireworkDisplay::moveSparks {} {

                # sparks might get deleted, so keep a list of sparks that don't die
                set tempSparkList [list]

                foreach spark $sparks {

                        # a spark has died
                        if {[$spark cget -age] > [$spark cget -lifespan]} {

                                # remove it and it's trail from the canvas and destroy the object
                                $canvas delete [$spark cget -sparkId]
                                $canvas delete [$spark cget -trailId]
                                itcl::delete object $spark
                        } else {

                                # spark still kicking, so compute next position
                                set xDelta [expr {[$spark cget -vel] * cos([$spark cget -angle])}]
                                set yDelta [expr {[$spark cget -vel] * sin([$spark cget -angle])}]
                                $canvas move [$spark cget -sparkId] $xDelta $yDelta

                                # and extend its trail
                                foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$canvas coords [$spark cget -trailId]] {}
                                $canvas coords [$spark cget -trailId] $x1 $y1 [expr {$x2 + $xDelta}] [expr {$y2 + $yDelta}]
                                $spark configure -age [expr {[$spark cget -age] + 1}]

                                # and keep it alive
                                lappend tempSparkList $spark
                set sparks $tempSparkList
                set moveAfterId [after 25 [itcl::code $this moveSparks]]

        itcl::body FireworkDisplay::constructor {c args} {
                set canvas $c
                $c configure -background black

        # create a new explosion
        itcl::body FireworkDisplay::explode {} {

                # create is somewhere in the middle 80% of the canvas
                set centerx [randInt [expr {int([$canvas cget -width] * 0.1)}] [expr {int([$canvas cget -width] * 0.9)}]]
                set centery [randInt [expr {int([$canvas cget -height] * 0.1)}] [expr {int([$canvas cget -height] * 0.9)}]]

                # randomize the look of the sparks and trail
                set numSparks [eval randInt $numSparksRange]
                set vel [eval randInt $velocityRange]
                set lifespan [eval randInt $lifespanRange]
                set sparkColor #[format %X%X [randInt 0 15] [randInt 0 15]][format %X%X [randInt 0 15] [randInt 0 15]][format %X%X [randInt 0 15] [randInt 0 15]]
                set trailColor #[format %X%X [randInt 0 15] [randInt 0 15]][format %X%X [randInt 0 15] [randInt 0 15]][format %X%X [randInt 0 15] [randInt 0 15]]

                # without this all explosions have a spark going directly to the right - boring!
                set angleOffset [expr {$::_2_pi / ([randInt 1 100] * double($numSparks))}]

                # craete the sparks and trails
                for {set j 0} {$j < $numSparks} {incr j} {
                        lappend sparks [Spark #auto]

                        # place trail first so the spark is on top of the trail
                        set trailId [$canvas create line $centerx $centery $centerx $centery -fill $trailColor -width 3]
                        set sparkId [$canvas create oval [expr {$centerx - 4}] [expr {$centery - 4}] [expr {$centerx + 4}] [expr {$centery + 4}] -fill $sparkColor -outline $sparkColor]
                        [lindex $sparks end] configure        \
                                -lifespan $lifespan        \
                                -sparkId $sparkId        \
                                -trailId $trailId        \
                                -vel $vel        \
                                -angle [expr {$j * $::_2_pi / double($numSparks) + $angleOffset}]

                set explodeAfterId [after [eval randInt $explosionInterval] [itcl::code $this explode]]

        canvas .c
        foreach {w h} [wm maxsize .] {}
        wm geometry . [set w]x[set h]+0+0
        grid .c -column 0 -row 0 -sticky news
        grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1
        grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1
        FireworkDisplay .fd .c
        .c configure -height $h -width $w