[http://mini.net/sdarchive/gbutton.jpg] Available at http://mini.net/sdarchive/gbutton.bin is a package that provides fancy graphical buttons for Tk. Why gbutton? Well, the package needed a prefix to distinguish it from the button widget. And g for graphical seemed obvious. Jeff Hobbs did [http://mini.net/tcl/79.html] suggest "goober", but this has multiple meanings (all of them vaguely applicable). Included are default images providing "jelly buttons" - but the developer can specify any images for the normal, depressed (sigh :-)) and disabled button states. The package is distributed as a [Scripted Document] containing both the source and documentation (in the form on an internal read-only Wiki) - so for more information download the above link and run without arguments (using [TclKit]). [Steve Landers] ----