[Arjen Markus] (24 october 2008) As follow-up to my experiments with Snit, here is one with XOTcl. See the comp.lang.tcl thread referred to in the code for some background information. ====== # wrap_integral.tcl -- # Small experiment with XOTcl: wrapping some of the # numerical functions in Tcllib, to get a more object-oriented # approach. # # See: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.tcl/browse_frm/thread/8b42068973229a2e?hl=en# # package require XOTcl package require math::calculus # integrable -- # Define a simple class that allows you integrate a function (f) # For individual objects, the function f must be defined separately # ::xotcl::Class integrable integrable method integral {a b} { # # Romberg returns the value and an error estimate. Just return the # value of the integral. # lindex [::math::calculus::romberg [list [::xotcl::self] f] $a $b] 0 } # main -- # Test this very basic type: # - Create a few objects each with its own function f # integrable obj1 integrable obj2 integrable obj3 ;# No function f for this one! obj1 proc f {x} {expr {$x}} obj2 proc f {x} {expr {$x*exp(-$x)}} foreach {a b} {1 2 3 4 5 6} { puts "$a -- $b: [obj1 integral $a $b] [obj2 integral $a $b]" } # # Override the existing function ... # puts "Defining a new function for the object:" obj1 proc f {x} {expr {$x*cos($x)}} puts "0 -- 2: [obj1 integral 0 2]" # # Express error # puts "This ought to cause a run-time error: \[obj3 integral 1 2\]:" puts "1 -- 2 (obj3): [obj3 integral 1 2]" ====== ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Numerical Analysis] | [Category Object Orientation] |% !!!!!!