[Keith Vetter] 2014-03-14 : I've been working with eBooks for over a decade now, so I thought I'd share a simple command line tool I use to create an epub from a single text or xhtml file. You need to specify the epub's title, author and content, which can be either an xhtml file or raw text (which will get converted into xhtml). You can also specify a cover image. If the xhtml source has images, you can include them also. The command line usage is: epubCreator "Pride and Prejudice" "Jane Austen" p_and_p.xhtml cover.jpg img1.jpg img2.jpg An http://www.idpf.org/epub/30/spec/epub30-publications.html%|%epub file%|% is essentially a zip file with some metadata files and one or more xhtml files with the book's content. ---- '''[ak] - 2014-03-14 23:42:26''' [Tcllib] contains a package [https://core.tcl.tk/tcllib/doc/trunk/embedded/www/tcllib/files/modules/zip/encode.html%|%"zipfile::encode (doc)"] that can obviate the need for 'exec zip'. It requires [Trf] and [zlibtcl] though. Note that while Tcl 8.6 provides zip functions in-core, the [Tcllib] package currently makes no use of that. [KPV] https://core.tcl.tk/tcllib/doc/trunk/embedded/www/tcllib/files/modules/zip/encode.html%|%"zipfile::encode (doc)" won't work because of epub's weird requirement that the first file has to be uncompressed. ---- '''[clif flynt] - 2014-07-14 ''' I modified and extended Keith's code a bit. After some tweaking, I've got it passing the epubcheck validator, accepting multiple files and a couple other tweaks. Check the comments for the new, expanded command line. ---- [KPV] 2018-08-31 -- Inspired by [Clif Flynt]'s changes, I added a bunch more features, including automatically creating a cover image and a TOC. But it's because of [ao3ToEpub] that I finally got around to updating this page. ---- ====== ##+########################################################################## # # epubCreator.tsh -- command line tool to create an epub version 3.0 file # from text or xhmtml files, an optional cover image, style sheets and images. # # The EPUB Contents Document 3.0.1 spec is at # http://www.idpf.org/epub/301/spec/epub-contentdocs.html # A good description of how an epub (version 2.0) file is organinized is at # http://gbenthien.net/Kindle%20and%20EPUB/epub.php # # by Keith Vetter 2014-03-14 # Clif Flynt, 2014-04-01 # Support for multiple text/html files (multiple chapters) # Support for additional .css file # Support for filename.epub different from "book title.epub" # Support for toc.ncx as well as nav.xhtml # http://www.idpf.org/epub/301/spec/epub-contentdocs.html#sec-xhtml-nav # [NCX is part of Epub 2.0 but inserted for backwards compatibility] # Expanded command line processing # Keith Vetter 2015-12-03 # extract title, author, stylesheets and images from html data files # insert a TOC after cover image # create cover image if none given, requires ImageMagick or Tk # cleaned up few bugs # support multiple CSS files # package require fileutil package require base64 package require textutil set version "0.5" array set E { data {} title {*} author {*} cover {*} images {*} css {*} html {*} output {*} toc 1 verbose 1 tk 0 zip {*} } set usage {usage: epubCreator -data file1.txt file2.xhtml file3.xhtml... epubCreator -data file1.txt file2.xhtml file3.xhtml... -title 'Book Title' -author 'last, first' -cover Cover.jpg -images -css stylesheet.css -toc (0/1) -html (0/1) -verbose (0/1) -tk (0/1) -output BookName.epub -data (required) List of data files to include in the text -title Title for book default: extracts title from ... -author Name of author as last, first default: extracts author from -cover An image file for the cover, use "" for no cover default: a cover image will be created using ImageMagick -images Additional images that might be reference by text default: extracts image tags from all the source files -css An optional css file if you want special formatting default: extracts stylesheets referenced in all the source files -toc 1 include a TOC after the cover page, 0 omit TOC default: 1 include TOC -html 1 if data already HTML, 0 if text default: examines each source files for its format -verbose 1 for more verbose messages -tk Make cover image: 0 use ImageMagick, 1 use Tk if no ImageMagick default: 0 use ImageMagick -output The name for the .epub file, use "" for no output default: uses basename of the first source file By default, epubCreator will examine the source files for title, author, css and images. It will create a cover image, a cover page and table of contents for you. You can disable any of these features by specifying an empty value for the appropriate flag. } array set media_types {"" "" .png image/png .gif image/gif .jpg image/jpeg .jpeg image/jpeg .svg image/svg+xml .css text/css} proc Usage {emsg} { puts stderr $emsg$::usage if {$::tcl_interactive} {error ""} exit 0 } proc INFO {msg} {if {$::E(verbose)} {puts "I: $msg"}} proc WARN {msg} {puts stderr "W: $msg" ; flush stderr} proc ERROR {msg} {puts stderr "E: $msg" ; exit 1 } proc INFO_LIST {who values} { set msg "found [Plural [llength $values] $who]" if {$values ne {}} { append msg ": [join $values {, }]" } INFO $msg } proc ParseArgs {} { global E argv if {"-help" in $argv || "--help" in $argv} { Usage "" } if {[string index [lindex $argv 0] 0] ne "-"} { Usage "Error: bad option [lindex $argv 0]\n\n" } foreach arg $argv { if {([string first "-" $arg] == 0)} { set index [string range $arg 1 end] if {![info exists E($index)]} { Usage "Error: unknown option '$arg'\n\n" } set E($index) {} } else { if {[llength $E($index)] == 0} { set E($index) $arg } else { lappend E($index) $arg } } } if {[llength $E(data)] == 0} { Usage "Error: no input files specified\n\n" } # Allow -verbose, -tk and -toc to be flags without values foreach idx {verbose tk toc} { if {$E($idx) eq ""} { set E($idx) 1 } } INFO "creating epub from [Plural [llength $E(data)] {data file}]" } proc Init {} { global E set guid [guid] if {$E(zip) eq "*" || $E(zip) eq ""} { set E(output,tempdir) [file join [::fileutil::tempdir] "epubCreator_$guid"] } else { set E(output,tempdir) $E(zip) } INFO "tempdir $E(output,tempdir)" ExtractMetadata if {$E(title) eq "*"} { set E(title) "My Ebook" INFO "no title information found, using $E(title)" } if {$E(author) eq "*"} { set E(author) "epubCreator" set E(author,pretty) $E(author) INFO "no author information found, using $E(author)" } else { set E(author,pretty) $E(author) set rest [lassign [split $E(author) ","] last first] if {$rest eq "" && $first ne ""} { set E(author,pretty) "[string trim $first] [string trim $last]" INFO "author pretty name: $E(author,pretty)" } } if {$E(output) eq "*"} { set E(output,final) [file normalize "[file rootname [lindex $E(data) 0]].epub"] } elseif {$E(output) eq ""} { set E(output,final) "" } else { set E(output,final) [file normalize "[file rootname $E(output)].epub"] } set E(epub) EPUB set E(epub,tempdir) [file join $E(output,tempdir) $E(epub)] set E(opf,name) [file join $E(epub) package.opf] set E(opf,tempname) [file join $E(output,tempdir) $E(opf,name)] set E(nav,tempname) [file join $E(epub,tempdir) "nav.xhtml"] set E(ncx,tempname) [file join $E(epub,tempdir) "toc.ncx"] set E(mimetype) mimetype set E(mimetype,tempname) [file join $E(output,tempdir) $E(mimetype)] set E(meta-inf) META-INF set E(meta-inf,tempdir) [file join $E(output,tempdir) $E(meta-inf)] set E(meta-inf,tempname) [file join $E(meta-inf,tempdir) container.xml] set E(date) [clock format [clock seconds] -gmt 1 -format "%Y-%m-%dT%TZ"] set E(guid) "ebook:$guid" if {$E(cover) eq "*" && ! [::BlankCover::CanMakeCoverImage]} { INFO "skipping making cover image, requires ImageMagick" set E(cover) "" } if {$E(cover) eq "*"} { set E(cover,source) [file join $E(epub,tempdir) "_created_cover.jpg"] } else { set E(cover,source) $E(cover) } set E(cover,name) [file tail $E(cover,source)] set E(cover,media_type) $::media_types([file extension $E(cover,source)]) set E(manifest,stylesheets) " " set E(manifest,images) " " set E(css,link) " " file delete -force $E(output,tempdir) file mkdir $E(output,tempdir) file mkdir $E(meta-inf,tempdir) file mkdir $E(epub,tempdir) file mkdir [file dirname $E(output,final)] return } proc MakeEpubFiles {} { global E MakeOPF_Stylesheets MakeOPF_Images set ncxs "" set navs "" set E(manifest,sources) {} set E(opf,spine_items) "" set play_order -1 if {$E(cover,source) ne ""} { if {$E(cover) eq "*"} { ::BlankCover::MakeCoverImage $E(title) $E(author,pretty) $E(cover,source) } else { INFO "adding cover image: [file tail $E(cover,source)]" file copy $E(cover,source) $E(epub,tempdir) } incr play_order set html_name [MakeCoverPage] set navlabel "Cover Page" append navs [subst $::NAV_XHTML1] append ncxs [subst $::CONTENT_NCX1] } else { INFO "skipping cover page" } # Add our table of contents (nav.xhtml) unless user asks not to or if # there's only 1 source file if {$E(toc) == 2 || ($E(toc) && [llength $E(data)] > 1)} { INFO "adding TOC" incr play_order set html_name [file tail $E(nav,tempname)] set navlabel "Table of Contents" append navs [subst $::NAV_XHTML1] append ncxs [subst $::CONTENT_NCX1] } else { INFO "skipping TOC" } # Add all our source files for {set idx 0} {$idx < [llength $E(data)]} {incr idx} { # 1. add item into manifest # 2. add item into spine # 3. extract title for nav and toc # 4. add item into nav.xhtml # 5. add item into toc.ncx # 6. copy file to $E(epub,tempdir) to be zipped up # a. possibly convert to xhtml set data_file [lindex $E(data) $idx] INFO "processing $data_file" set html_name "[file tail [file rootname $data_file]].xhtml" set manifest_id "id_file_$idx" append E(manifest,sources) \ " \n" append E(opf,spine_items) " \n" set navlabel [GuessChapterTitles $data_file [expr {$idx + 1}]] incr play_order append navs [subst $::NAV_XHTML1] append ncxs [subst $::CONTENT_NCX1] set tempname [file join $E(epub,tempdir) $html_name] CopyTextFile $data_file $tempname } WriteAllData $E(mimetype,tempname) "application/epub+zip" WriteAllData $E(meta-inf,tempname) [subst $::CONTAINER_XML] WriteAllData $E(opf,tempname) [MakeOPF] WriteAllData $E(nav,tempname) "$::NAV_XHTML0\n$navs$::NAV_XHTML2" WriteAllData $E(ncx,tempname) "[subst $::CONTENT_NCX0]\n$ncxs\n$::CONTENT_NCX2" } ##+########################################################################## # # TextToHtml -- Converts text files to html by adding correct header and footer # proc TextToHtml {src} { global E set data [ReadAllData $src] if {! [IsHtmlData $data]} { INFO "converting $src to html" set data [string map {& & < < > > \x22 " ' '} $data] ; list regsub -all -line {^$} $data {

} data set data "


" set data [MakeHtmlPage $data $E(title)] } else { set data [FixHtml $data] if {! [HasHtmlHeader $data]} { INFO "adding header" set data [MakeHtmlPage $data $E(title)] } } return $data } proc IsHtmlData {data} { if {$::E(html) ne "*"} { return $::E(html) } if {[string first " -1} { return 1 } if {[string first " -1} { return 1 } return 0 } proc HasHtmlHeader {data} { if {[string first " -1} { return 1 } return 0 } proc FixHtml {data} { # Found some pages had "
" without closing slash return [regsub -all {
} $data {
}] } proc MakeHtmlPage {body title} { global E set html "[subst $::HTML_TEMPLATE]" return $html } proc Plural {num word} { if {$num != 1} {append word "s"} return "$num $word" } proc MakeCoverPage {} { global E set html_name "cover.xhtml" set tempname [file join $::E(epub,tempdir) $html_name] set fout [open $tempname w] puts $fout [MakeHtmlPage "" $E(title)] close $fout return $html_name } proc MakeOPF {} { global E set opf [subst $::PACKAGE_OPF] if {$E(cover,source) eq ""} { INFO "removing cover page from opf" regsub -all -line {^.*id_cover.*$} $opf "" opf } if {! $E(toc)} { INFO "removing TOC from spine" regsub -all -line {^.*" opf } return $opf } proc MakeOPF_Images {} { global E if {[llength $E(images)] == 0} return set E(manifest,images) "" for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $E(images)]} {incr i} { set fname [lindex $E(images) $i] file copy $fname $E(epub,tempdir) set tailname [file tail $fname] set media $::media_types([file extension $fname]) set id "id_image_$i" append E(manifest,images) \ " \n" INFO "adding image $tailname" } } proc MakeOPF_Stylesheets {} { global E if {[llength $E(css)] == 0} return set E(manifest,stylesheets) "" set E(css,link) "" for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $E(css)]} {incr i} { set fname [lindex $E(css) $i] file copy $fname $E(epub,tempdir) set tailname [file tail $fname] set id "id_css_$i" set media "text/css" append E(manifest,stylesheets) \ " \n" append E(css,link) " \n" INFO "adding stylesheet $tailname" } } ##+########################################################################## # # ZipEpub -- zips up all the files in E(output,tempdir) making sure that # mimetype is first and uncompressed, followed by everything else. # # ::zipfile::encode v0.3 doesn't work--no way to ensure mimetype is # first and uncompressed. # proc ZipEpub {} { global E if {$E(output) eq ""} { INFO "skipping zipping" return } INFO "zipping $E(output,final)" set old_pwd [pwd] cd $E(output,tempdir) catch {file delete $E(output,final)} catch {package require zipfile::encode 0.4} ;# Not yet released if {[info commands ::zipfile::encode] ne ""} { set zip [::zipfile::encode epubCreator_zipper] $zip comment: "Created with epubCreator on $E(date)" INFO " zip file: $E(mimetype) nocompress=true" $zip file: $E(mimetype) 0 $E(mimetype) 1 INFO " zip file: $E(meta-inf)/* $E(epub)/*" foreach fname [glob $E(meta-inf)/* $E(epub)/*] { $zip file: $fname 0 $fname } $zip write $E(output,final) } else { INFO " zip -0X $E(output,final) $E(mimetype)" exec zip -0X $E(output,final) $E(mimetype) INFO " zip -rX $E(output,final) $E(meta-inf)/ $E(epub)/" exec zip -rX $E(output,final) $E(meta-inf)/ $E(epub)/ } cd $old_pwd } proc CopyTextFile {src dest} { WriteAllData $dest [TextToHtml $src] } proc WriteAllData {fname data} { INFO "copying [file tail $fname]" set fout [open $fname w]; puts -nonewline $fout $data; close $fout; } proc ReadAllData {fname} { if {! [file exists $fname]} { ERROR "file $fname does not exists" } set fin [open $fname r] set data [read $fin] ; list close $fin return $data } proc Cleanup {} { global E if {$E(output) eq ""} { INFO "skipping cleanup" return } INFO "cleanup $E(output,tempdir)" file delete -force -- $E(output,tempdir) } ##+########################################################################## # # Searches data file for title, author and links to images and stylesheets # proc ExtractMetadata {} { global E if {$E(html) == 0} return if {$E(title) ne "*" && $E(author) ne "*" && $E(css) ne "*" && $E(images) ne "*"} return set all(stylesheet) {} set all(image) {} foreach data_name $E(data) { set html [ReadAllData $data_name] ; list if {! [IsHtmlData $html]} continue if {$E(title) eq "*"} { set n [regexp {(.*?)} $html . title] if {$n} { set E(title) $title INFO "found title: $E(title)" } } if {$E(author) eq "*"} { # foreach meta [regexp -all -inline -indices {]*name=.author[^>]*>} $html] { set author [ExtractAttributeForTag [string range $html {*}$meta] meta content] if {$author ne ""} { set E(author) [lindex $author 0] INFO "found author: $E(author)" break } } } # Pick up css and images set dirname [file dirname $data_name] foreach {who tag attr} {stylesheet link href image img src} { set all_values {} foreach tag [regexp -all -inline "<${tag}\\M.*?>" $html] { set n [regexp " $attr=(\[\"'])(.*?)\\1" $tag a b value] if {$n && $value ni $all_values} { lappend all_values $value } } foreach path $all_values { set actual [FindResourceFile $who $dirname $path] if {$actual ne "" && $actual ni $all($who)} { lappend all($who) $actual } } } } if {$E(css) eq "*"} { set E(css) $all(stylesheet) INFO_LIST stylesheet $E(css) } if {$E(images) eq "*"} { set E(images) $all(image) INFO_LIST image $E(images) } } ##+########################################################################## # # Insures path exists, either as absolute path or directly in dirname # proc FindResourceFile {type dirname path} { if {[file pathtype $path] eq "relative" && [llength [file split $path]] > 1} { WARN "skipping $type: directory not allowed in path: $path" return "" } set full [file join $dirname $path] if {[file exists $full]} { return $full } WARN "skipping $type: cannot locate file: $path" return "" } ##+########################################################################## # # Returns the attr value for each instance of in html # proc ExtractAttributeForTag {html tag attr} { set all {} foreach tag [regexp -all -inline "<${tag}\\M.*?>" $html] { set n [regexp " $attr=(\[\"'])(.*?)\\1" $tag a b value] if {$n && $value ni $all} { lappend all $value } } return $all } ##+########################################################################## # # Tries to extract the ... text to use # as chapter title # proc GuessChapterTitles {fname chapter} { set data [ReadAllData $fname] set navlabel "Chapter $chapter" set n [regexp {(.*?)} $data . navlabel] if {! $n} { regexp {]+?title=['"](.*?)["']} $data . navlabel } INFO "chapter $chapter title: => $navlabel" return $navlabel } ##+########################################################################## # # guid -- like uuid::uuid generate but that functions displays a warning on OSX # proc guid { } { if {![info exists ::GuiD__SeEd__VaR]} {set ::GuiD__SeEd__VaR 0} if {![info exists ::GuiD__MaChInFo__VaR]} { set ::GuiD__MaChInFo__VaR $::tcl_platform(user)[info hostname]$::tcl_platform(machine)$::tcl_platform(os) } set MachInfo [expr {rand()}]$::GuiD__SeEd__VaR$::GuiD__MaChInFo__VaR binary scan $MachInfo h* MachInfo_Hex set CmdCntAndSeq [string range "[info cmdcount]$::GuiD__SeEd__VaR$::GuiD__SeEd__VaR" 0 8] binary scan [expr {rand()}] h* Rand_Hex set guid [format %2.2x [clock seconds]] # Pick though clock clicks for a good sequence. append guid -[string range [format %2.2x [clock clicks]] 0 3] \ -[string range [format %2.2x $CmdCntAndSeq] 0 3] \ -[string range $Rand_Hex 3 6] \ -[string range $MachInfo_Hex 0 11] incr ::GuiD__SeEd__VaR return [string toupper $guid] } ################################################################ # # Makes a cover image # namespace eval ::BlankCover { variable blank_cover_tile { /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgHBwcJCQgKDBQNDAsLDBkSEw8UHRofHh0a HBwgJC4nICIsIxwcKDcpLDAxNDQ0Hyc5PTgyPC4zNDL/2wBDAQkJCQwLDBgNDRgyIRwhMjIyMjIy MjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjL/wAARCABAAEADASIA AhEBAxEB/8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQA AAF9AQIDAAQRBRIhMUEGE1FhByJxFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3 ODk6Q0RFRkdISUpTVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWm p6ipqrKztLW2t7i5usLDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4+Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3+Pn6/8QAHwEA AwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSEx BhJBUQdhcRMiMoEIFEKRobHBCSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl8RcYGRomJygpKjU2Nzg5OkNERUZHSElK U1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ3eHl6goOEhYaHiImKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaanqKmqsrO0tba3 uLm6wsPExcbHyMnK0tPU1dbX2Nna4uPk5ebn6Onq8vP09fb3+Pn6/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDi2xgE jIHON3OP8/yo6r1XbnGM8etKQQ27IJU9D1xik8zcMP8Ad7kt+h44rzj0BTv9eOON3akGMlc5PoeK aApG4EA9cEZ/Wg7QoJU9PmwQB/OmIdnBzvy3Rffnpn1o24YqPlOfb0pOn1bg8DP/ANel3Zx13diT xkdv8/0oATJLbDj5ufmX6/T0zQAQmBlk6cnHHcH/AD+VKwyGz97sev8AkUg+QsR0/un9KAFHylct n+Erx1z0/nSjKhMgjjGfX0P+fWmA4UFhtYdh049qdtYkjI+ZuRigBeA/zZLZ7df85pM7SoG4svqP wpvDBApP17A9f8/hSjnqoI/3u/8A+ugALMRgSAEtyCMHPT+Qo+Zh/ex7f05oIThiCgHfOMUrgKMg 5IyeB/n1/WgAUEA7Ccngg8YpCzFQyx/N6/h+ff0pMlS4xtwMkfT3pzKQSoIBAycnvQAhAIITvwRg YH+eaXcQD949+RyPr+vNNIV9qkDdkAkj/GlbeDsz1/CgAwCADkZbqeo4PT9KcRkMVLYP94f4U0sF 3Y2gd8c/h/npRhQ+VyT1BxmgA6EfJyD/AHcZ4/8A1UctlQHJwQRnH+e9OAJ+8/fjAz+tMVTjrweD u7n/ADmgB4Zy2SMlh03Y/KkAxtGWAxjhenp19qAwDbhkY7fl2pGI2NhFI/u46D/P86AH9FA3de56 nnimHdtXOQD684P50oXPzdGJ7etKV5+9nBzwhoGxozxhsdOo9KRwME4KnHTIOfWnKwO4A8f71Ivz YGMhuQB9D3oEA2hf4lOecfKBz7UAbWYZbvzmjJCllOG9ex+lAGGUIARjHTjFMAO0gk7d3B4PI55F BbnCk5xzlqXjnKk7eq+n/wBagEbfRlPYc4/H8aQH/9k=} proc CanMakeCoverImage {} { if {$::E(tk) > 1} { set ::auto_execs(convert) "" } ;# Hidden way to force Tk if {[auto_execok convert] ne "" && [auto_execok montage] ne ""} { return 1 } if {$::E(tk) == 0} { return 0 } foreach pkg {Tk Img} { set n [catch [list package require $pkg] emsg] if {$n} { WARN "cannot load $pkg: $emsg" return 0 } wm withdraw . } return 1 } proc MakeCoverImage {title author output_image} { if {[auto_execok convert] ne ""} { INFO "creating cover image using ImageMagick" MakeBlankCover $output_image WriteOntoBlankCover $title $author $output_image } else { MakeCoverImage_Tk $title $author $output_image } } proc MakeBlankCover {output_image} { set fout [open $output_image wb] puts -nonewline $fout [::base64::decode $::BlankCover::blank_cover_tile] close $fout # Tile our blank_cover_tile INFO " montage -mode concatenate -tile 8x12 \$img*96 \$img" exec montage -mode concatenate -tile 8x12 \ {*}[lrepeat [expr {8 * 12}] $output_image] $output_image ;# Add black border around page INFO [sjoin " convert \$img -fill none -stroke black -strokewidth 10 " \ "-draw {rectangle 20 20 492 748} \$img"] exec convert $output_image -fill none -stroke black -strokewidth 10 \ -draw {rectangle 20 20 492 748} $output_image } proc WriteOntoBlankCover {title author output_image} { set font [WhichImageMagickFont] INFO " using ImageMagick font '$font'" if {$font ne ""} { set font "-font $font" } set title [::textutil::adjust $title -length 18 -strictlength true] set author [::textutil::adjust $author -length 18 -strictlength true] set txt "$title\n\nby\n$author" set cmd [list convert $output_image -fill black -stroke black {*}$font] lappend cmd -pointsize 64 -gravity north -annotate +0+100 $txt $output_image INFO [sjoin " convert \$img -fill black -stroke black $font -pointsize 64 " \ "-gravity north -annotate +0+100 \$title \$img"] exec {*}$cmd } proc WhichImageMagickFont {} { # ImageMagick doesn't seem to have consistent font names across systems # so we list all available fonts and search for a Times Roman font. set fin [open "|convert -list font" r] set all [read $fin] ; list catch {close $fin} ;# convert exits with non-zero status set times(all) {} set times(good) {} foreach {. font} [regexp -inline -all -line {^.*Font: (.*Times.*)$} $all] { set font_ [string map {- ""} $font] if {$font_ eq "Times"} {return $font} if {$font_ eq "TimesRoman"} { return $font } if {$font_ eq "TimesNewRoman"} { return $font } lappend times(all) $font if {[string match -nocase "*italic" $font]} continue if {[string match -nocase "*I" $font]} continue if {[string match -nocase "*oblique" $font]} continue if {[string match -nocase "*O" $font]} continue lappend times(good) $font } if {$times(good) ne {}} { return [lindex $times(good) 0] } return [lindex $times(all) 0] } proc MakeCoverImage_Tk {title author output_image} { if {[package version Img] eq ""} { ERROR "requires Img package" } INFO "creating cover image using Tk" foreach img [image names] { if {[string match "::cover::*" $img]} { image delete $img } } image create photo ::cover::tile -data [::base64::decode $::BlankCover::blank_cover_tile] image create photo ::cover::blank_cover -width 512 -height 768 ::cover::blank_cover copy ::cover::tile -to 0 0 512 768 set font {Times 40 bold} set title [::textutil::adjust $title -length 18 -strictlength true] set author [::textutil::adjust $author -length 18 -strictlength true] set txt "$title\n\nby\n$author" destroy .c wm deiconify . wm geom . -10000-10000 pack [canvas .c -width 512 -height 768 -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0] .c create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image ::cover::blank_cover .c create rect 20 20 492 748 -fill {} -outline black -width 10 # .c create text 256 50 -font $font -tag a -anchor n -justify center -text $txt set y 50 foreach line [split [string trim $txt] \n] { .c create text 256 $y -font $font -tag b -anchor n -justify center -text $line incr y 50 } ;# Now copy canvas into an image and save it raise . update image create photo ::cover::cover -data .c ::cover::cover write $output_image -format jpeg wm withdraw . destroy .c foreach img [image names] { if {[string match "::cover::*" $img]} { image delete $img } } } } proc sjoin {args} { return [join $args ""] } ################################################################ # # Various XHTML templates # HTML_TEMPLATE -- convert text into xhtml, also used by cover page # CONTAINER_XML -- for META-INF/container.xml # PACKAGE_OPF -- for the EPUB/package.opf file # NAV_XHTML# -- for the nav.xhtml navigation document # CONTENT_NCX# -- for the EPub version 2.0 toc.ncx navigation document # set HTML_TEMPLATE { $title $::E(css,link) $body } set CONTAINER_XML { } set PACKAGE_OPF { $E(title) $E(author) $E(guid) en $E(date) $::E(manifest,sources) $::E(manifest,stylesheets) $::E(manifest,images) $::E(opf,spine_items) } # EPUB 3.0 section 2.2 EPUB Navigation Document # see http://www.idpf.org/epub/301/spec/epub-contentdocs.html#sec-xhtml-nav set NAV_XHTML0 { Table of Contents } # NCX format # see: http://www.idpf.org/epub/20/spec/OPF_2.0.1_draft.htm#Section2.4.1.2 # also: http://gbenthien.net/Kindle%20and%20EPUB/ncx.php set CONTENT_NCX0 { $E(title) $E(author) } set CONTENT_NCX1 { $navlabel } set CONTENT_NCX2 { } ################################################################ ################################################################ proc Main {} { global E set E(when) [clock milliseconds] ParseArgs Init MakeEpubFiles ZipEpub Cleanup set done "created $E(output,final)" if {$E(output) eq ""} { set done "epub in $E(output,tempdir)" } INFO $done INFO "elapsed time: [expr {[clock milliseconds] - $E(when)}]ms" INFO "to upload to Google books, goto https://play.google.com/books/uploads" if {! $E(verbose)} { puts $done } } puts "\nepubCreator v$version\nby Keith Vetter & Clif Flynt\n" if {$tcl_interactive} { set argv {-data _data/epub_1_1.html -author "Keith Vetter" -output ~/FBooks/me.epub -verbose 1} set argv {-data "/tmp/foo_13569879.html" -verbose 1 -output "~/FBooks/me.epub" -title "Another Innocent Bystander" -author "Rose_Milburn"} return } if {"-data" ni $argv || [llength $argv] < 2} { Usage "" } Main exit return ====== <>Application