Purpose: discuss the concept of command ''ensemble'' This concept has also been called "major/minor" commands by some people (like myself) who didn't know the fancier name of ensemble. Tcl has several kinds of commands. The first, a simple command like '''[set]''', provides a very simple interface. One passes either one or two arguments. Depending on the number of arguments, set either outputs the value of the variable, or it sets the variable to a value. A slightly more complex variation of this is a command that takes arguments. '''[puts]''' for instance has an optional -nonewline flag as well as an optional output channel and an output string. Next in complexity comes the ensemble. An example of this command would be '''[string]'''. What makes it more complex is that string is an ''umbrella'' name for a variety of related functionality. String is the major command name, the minor command names are things like ''bytelength'','''compare''', etc. ---- [Category Idea]