Version 0 of Eiffel-like Invariants

Updated 2003-02-07 20:53:28

I've been thinking about how Eiffel lately and how useful class invariants were. In Eiffel, an invariant clause sets conditions that must remain true throughout the lifetime of an object. These conditions (assertions really) are bound to instance variables.

Playing around with Tcl, we can come up with a useful(?) fascimile (*hack*) in just a few lines of code:

 proc invariant {var expression {msg "Illegal value"}} {
    uplevel trace variable $var w \[list invariant_check \{$expression\} \{$msg\}]


 proc invariant_check {expression msg v1 v2 mode} {
    if {![uplevel expr \{$expression\}]} {
        error $msg

This could be very useful for Itcl (contrived example alert!):

 package require Itcl

 itcl::class Person {
    variable age
    variable sex

    constructor {i_age i_sex} {
        invariant age {$age >= 0 && $age < 120} {Must be between 0 and 120.}
        invariant sex {$sex == "M" || $sex == "F"} {Must be M or F.}

        set age $i_age
        set sex $i_sex

    method set_age {years} {
        set age $years

    method change_sex {mf} {
        set sex $mf

So that,

 Person bob 5 M
 bob change_sex Male ; # this will raise an error
 bob set_age 134 ; # this will raise and error

The errors are quite useful too (for example):

 can't set "sex": Must be M or F.
    while executing
 "set sex $mf"
    (object "::bob" method "::Person::change_sex" body line 2)
    invoked from within
 "bob change_sex Male"

Note that the 2 invariants hold across all methods in this class. The real usefulness would be in deeply complex classes where you could not guarentee that an instance variable doesn't maintain correctness through usage in derived classes.

The major difference between my hack and Eiffel is that in Eiffel the variable can break the invariant clause temporarily. The clause is only checked at the end of a method's invocation. (Which we could hack here too in Tcl -- left as a later exercise).

Of course, for those who don't use Itcl, this all works in plain old Tcl too...

-- Todd Coram