Version 1 of EasyTextPrint

Updated 2016-02-06 23:05:38 by HJG

if 0 {


HJG 2016-02-02: This is another attempt at quick, easy, ad-hoc printing of simple textfiles.

I often have some informations in a textfile, and if I need that printed out, I want a nice looking page,
e.g. with a few headers, some text in bold etc., but I don't want to use an 'Office'-textprocessor for that.

The idea is to convert that textfile to a html-file, and use the browser to print it.

That converter basically copies the file x.txt to x.html, adds some lines like "<html>" "<head>", "<body>" etc. and wraps the first line of text in <h1>-tags.

Then I can drop that file x.html on the browser and print.

Add some CSS to taste...

With ideas and code from the following pages:



 # EasyTextPrint001.tcl - HaJo Gurt - 2016-02-02

  puts "EasyTextPrint:"
  set i 0
  foreach s { foo bar grill }  { incr i; puts "$i $s" }


 ### EOF ###



See also:

  • ...