What is a droplet? It is a way to drag and drop a file(s) or directory(ies) onto a tcl program which can then pick up the file/directory names using the standard [argc] and [argv] command line argument variables. ---- [ET] Here is how one goes about this on windows (w2k and up, not w9x): Create a text file with a .bat extention, and prefix the tcl code with ::if 0 { start wish "%~f0" %* exit } Tcl/tk code follows.... Note: This assumes you have '''wish''' in your path. If you install ActiveState's tcl/tk, this should set the path for you. Here are 2 examples, ---- 2clip.bat This simply lets one drag/drop a file onto the batch file and the full path to the file is placed into the clipboard. It will put up a dialog box because the clipboard gets cleared when the program exits. It will also just quit in 30 seconds as well. So, before the 30 seconds are up, you can paste the full name of the file into, say, a console windows. ::if 0 { start wish "%~f0" %* & exit } wm wi . if {$argc > 0} { clipboard clear set f [lindex $argv 0] clipboard append $f after 30000 exit tk_messageBox -message "Clipboard:\n$f" } exit ---- pic2tcl.bat Drag/drop a .gif or .jpg file(s) onto the batch file and it will create a file of the same path and name but with a .tcl extension that can be used as an inline image. ::if 0 { start wish "%~f0" %* & exit } package require base64 proc trans {arg} { set file $arg set fd [open $file r] fconfigure $fd -translation binary set rawdata [read $fd] close $fd set fd [open [file root $arg].tcl w] set b64data [base64::encode $rawdata] puts $fd "image create photo -data {\n$b64data\n}" close $fd } wm wi . if {$argc > 0} { foreach f $argv { set f [file normalize $f] #tk_messageBox -message "Doing something with \n$f" trans $f } } tk_messageBox -message Done. exit ---- [Category Windows]