[Richard Suchenwirth] 2005-12-22 - The title says it all. Drawing lines in [Tk] is of course easiest in a [canvas], but sometimes you might need to modify [photo] images, e.g. used for buttons or labels. The following function allows to draw a straight line (and, by repeated application, unfilled polygons) of selectable color (default: black) and width (default: 1). proc photo'line {im x0 y0 x1 y1 args} { array set "" {-color black -width 1} array set "" $args set dx [expr {$x1-$x0}] set dy [expr {$y1-$y0}] set dw [expr {$(-width)/2.}] if {abs($dx)>abs($dy)} { set d [expr {double($dy)/$dx}] for {set x $x0} {$x<=$x1} {incr x} { $im put $(-color) \ -to $x [expr {round($y0-$dw)}] \ [expr {$x+1}] [expr {round($y0+$dw)}] set y0 [expr {$y0 + $d}] } } else { set d [expr {double($dx)/$dy}] for {set y $y0} {$y<=$y1} {incr y} { $im put $(-color) \ -to [expr {round($x0-$dw)}] $y \ [expr {round($x0+$dw)}] [expr {$y+1}] set x0 [expr {$x0 + $d}] } } } #-- Testing: package require Tk pack [canvas .c] set im [image create photo] $im put white -to 0 0 100 100 .c create image 5 5 -image $im -anchor nw photo'line $im 10 10 90 10 -color red -width 2 photo'line $im 10 10 90 90 -color green photo'line $im 10 10 10 90 -color blue -width 3 ---- [George Peter Staplin] - I wrote some code years ago with the same purpose on the [hypot] page as an example. My version is actually shorter than yours, which is a surprise. :) #Copyright 2003 George Peter Staplin #You may use this under the same terms as Tcl. proc draw.line.on.image {img x1 y1 x2 y2 color} { set xDiff [expr {$x2 - $x1}] set yDiff [expr {$y2 - $y1}] set numPixels [expr {hypot($xDiff,$yDiff)}] set xRatio [expr {$xDiff / $numPixels}] set yRatio [expr {$yDiff / $numPixels}] for {set p 0} {$p < $numPixels} {incr p} { set x [expr {round($xRatio * $p) + $x1}] set y [expr {round($yRatio * $p) + $y1}] $img put $color -to $x $y [expr {$x + 1}] [expr {$y + 1}] } } proc main {} { set img [image create photo -width 300 -height 300] draw.line.on.image $img 10 10 100 100 green draw.line.on.image $img 50 20 50 200 blue draw.line.on.image $img 40 50 300 50 maroon pack [label .l -image $img] } main ---- [RS]: I agree that using [hypot] makes simpler code by just using one loop - but my version above also caters for different line widths. If you add that, it'll cost you another line or two :) [George Peter Staplin]: Unfortunately my version has a problem... "suchenwi GPS: I liked the hypot solution for line drawing - though it may create a bit too many steps sometimes, e.g. hypot(3,4)=5." I'll have to think of a better solution that works in all cases. I think the ratios are a good way to go (unless you hate floating point, or it's too much of a performance problem), so I'll probably keep those and work on a better way to measure digital lines I suppose. [Lars H]: The problem of drawing sloped lines on a raster is known to be surprisingly difficult. In [Metafont], a surprising amount of ingenuity is spent on avoiding lines that accidentally come out too thin or too thick. [George Peter Staplin]: Hmm, and I just realized that I reinvented hypot() with sqrt... Does Knuth document such things he? used in Metafont? ---- [George Peter Staplin] - Here's my solution based on the comp.graphics.algorithms FAQ answer for finding the distance for a point to a line. #Copyright 2003, 2005 George Peter Staplin #You may use this under the same terms as Tcl. #Revision 3 (now with improved speed by elimination of pow($n,2)) package require Tk proc draw.line.on.image {img x1 y1 x2 y2 color} { set xDiff [expr {$x2 - $x1}] set yDiff [expr {$y2 - $y1}] set numPixels [expr {sqrt(($xDiff * $xDiff) + ($yDiff * $yDiff))}] set xRatio [expr {$xDiff / $numPixels}] set yRatio [expr {$yDiff / $numPixels}] for {set p 0} {$p < $numPixels} {incr p} { set x [expr {round($xRatio * $p) + $x1}] set y [expr {round($yRatio * $p) + $y1}] $img put $color -to $x $y [expr {$x + 1}] [expr {$y + 1}] } } proc main {} { set img [image create photo -width 300 -height 300] draw.line.on.image $img 10 10 100 100 green draw.line.on.image $img 50 20 50 200 blue draw.line.on.image $img 40 50 300 50 maroon draw.line.on.image $img 30 20 33 23 purple pack [label .l -image $img] } main (Note: wikit seems to have a bug, so this link doesn't display as [[1]] properly when enclosed with [[url]], and there's a leading g for some reason.) http://www.exaflop.org/docs/cgafaq/cga1.html#Subject%201.02:%20How%20do%20I%20find%20the%20distance%20from%20a%20point%20to%20a%20line? [HJG] the g comes from empty square brackets, as in "[[]]" ==> "[]". [Lars H]: No, the g comes from a bug/malfeature in the Wikit parser -- bracketed links are treated as a special case of free text links, which makes them extra sensitive to things like look like trailing punctuation (such as the final ? above). The g is internal markup that doesn't get properly removed by the parser. See [Wikit Problems] for more details. ---- [Category Graphics] | [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming]