Version 6 of Drawing diagrams

Updated 2005-02-17 12:21:04 by AM

Arjen Markus (28 january 2005) Besides drawing geometrical objects, drawing simple diagrams can be an exercise in positioning and repositioning. Volker Hetzer drew my attention to "PIC", a program by Brian Kernighan that allows you to draw diagrams in a simple language, entirely but not quite unlike Tcl :).

So, I tried to reinvent that particular wheel with the script below. Note that it is far from completed, and I claim no actual useability for the current version. Still, if you look at the example, you can almost see something useful appear.

AK See for papers on PIC

AM (17 february 2005) I am redesigning the code below to make it an actually useful tool. This is both tougher and easier than I expected:

  • It is fairly easy to make the box command use the plaintext command for the actual display of the text
  • Because now the box commands produces two objects instead of one, managing the direction and the current position and all other stuff is more complicated. Presumably the simplest way out is to store the state in a kind of stack that gets pushed and popped ...

 # draw_diagram.tcl
 #    A toy derived from "PIC" by B. Kernighan to draw diagrams
 # TODO:
 #    - Make each item as "self-supporting" as possible (include
 #      the coordinates of the anchor points)
 #    - Creation routines should put it in a known place and then
 #      use a generic routine to move them to the right position
 #    - Routines to:
 #      - Set the various options
 #      - Re-initialise a page
 #      - Collect the height and width of text (for objects that
 #        have several text strings possibly in different fonts)

 namespace eval ::Diagrams {
     variable state
     variable anchors
     variable dirinfo
     variable torad [expr {3.1415926/180.0}]

     namespace export box arrow currentpos getpos direction \
                      drawin saveps line position plaintext

     array set state {
         attach         "northwest"
         canvas         ""
         colour         "black"
         default_dir    "east"
         dir            "init"
         font           "Helvetica 12"
         justify        center
         default_width  "fitting"
         default_height 20
         xdir           1
         ydir           0
         xshift         0
         yshift         0
         xcurr          10
         ycurr          10
         xgap           10
         ygap           10
         scale          {1.0}
         xprev          10
         yprev          10
         lastitem       {}
         usegap         1
     set anchors(X) {south xns north xns west x1 east x2
                     S     xns N     xns W    x1 E    x2
                     southeast x2 northeast x2
                     SE        x2 NE        x2
                     southwest x1 northwest x1
                     SW        x1 NW        x1
                     centre xns   center xns C xns}
     set anchors(Y) {south y2  north y1 west yew east yew
                     S     y2  N     y1 W    yew E    yew
                     southeast y2 northeast y1
                     SE        y2 NE        y1
                     southwest y2 northwest y1
                     SW        y2 NW        y1
                     centre yew   center yew C yew}

     # Name of direction, xdir, ydir, default attachment
     set dirinfo(south)      {south  0  1 north}
     set dirinfo(north)      {north  0 -1 south}
     set dirinfo(west)       {west  -1  0 east}
     set dirinfo(east)       {east   1  0 west}
     set dirinfo(southwest)  {southwest  -1  1 north}
     set dirinfo(northwest)  {northwest  -1 -1 south}
     set dirinfo(southeast)  {southeast   1  1 north}
     set dirinfo(northeast)  {northeast   1 -1 south}
     set dirinfo(down)       $dirinfo(south)
     set dirinfo(up)         $dirinfo(north)
     set dirinfo(left)       $dirinfo(west)
     set dirinfo(right)      $dirinfo(east)
     set dirinfo(SE)         $dirinfo(southeast)
     set dirinfo(NE)         $dirinfo(northeast)
     set dirinfo(SW)         $dirinfo(southwest)
     set dirinfo(NW)         $dirinfo(northwest)

 # drawin --
 #    Set the canvas widget in which to draw
 # Arguments:
 #    widget    Name of the canvas widget to use
 # Result:
 #    None
 proc ::Diagrams::drawin {widget} {
     variable state
     set state(canvas) $widget

 # saveps --
 #    Save the drawing in a PostScript file
 # Arguments:
 #    filename   Name of the file to write
 # Result:
 #    None
 proc ::Diagrams::saveps {filename} {
     variable state
     $state(canvas) postscript -file $filename

 # direction --
 #    Set the direction for moving the current position
 # Arguments:
 #    newdir    Direction (down, left, up, right)
 # Result:
 #    None
 proc ::Diagrams::direction {newdir} {
     variable state
     variable dirinfo

     if { [info exists dirinfo($newdir)] } {
         foreach s {dir xdir ydir attach} v $dirinfo($newdir) {
             set state($s) $v
     } else {
     if { $state(lastitem) != {} } {
         currentpos [getpos $state(dir) $state(lastitem)]

 # currentpos
 #    Set the current position explicitly
 # Arguments:
 #    pos       Position "object" (optional)
 # Result:
 #    Current position as an "object"
 # Side effect:
 #    Current position set
 proc ::Diagrams::currentpos { {pos {}} } {
     variable state

     if { [lindex $pos 0] == "POSITION" } {
         set state(xprev) $state(xcurr)
         set state(yprev) $state(ycurr)
         set state(xcurr) [lindex $pos 1]
         set state(ycurr) [lindex $pos 2]

     return [list POSITION $state(xcurr) $state(ycurr)]

 # CoordName
 #    Return the name of the variable for a particular "anchor" point
 # Arguments:
 #    coord     Which coordinate to return
 #    anchor    Which anchor point
 # Result:
 #    Name of the variable
 proc ::Diagrams::CoordName {coord anchor} {
     variable anchors

     if { $anchor == "init" } {
         direction "east"
         set anchor "east"

     set idx [lsearch $anchors($coord) $anchor]
     if { $idx >= 0 } {
         return [lindex $anchors($coord) [incr idx]]
     } else {
         return -code error "Unknown anchor: $anchor"

 # getpos
 #    Get the position of a particular "anchor" point of an object
 # Arguments:
 #    anchor    Which point to return
 #    obj       Drawable "object"
 # Result:
 #    Position of the requested point
 proc ::Diagrams::getpos {anchor obj} {
     variable state

     if { [lindex $obj 0] == "BOX" } {
         foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [lrange $obj 1 end] {break}
         set yew [expr {($y1+$y2)/2}]
         set xns [expr {($x1+$x2)/2}]
     if { [lindex $obj 0] == "ARROW" ||
          [lindex $obj 0] == "LINE" } {
         foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [lrange $obj 1 end] {break}
         set yew [expr {($y1+$y2)/2}]
         set xns [expr {($x1+$x2)/2}]

     set xp [set [CoordName X $anchor]]
     set yp [set [CoordName Y $anchor]]

     return [list POSITION $xp $yp]

 # computepos
 #    Compute the new position
 # Arguments:
 #    None
 # Result:
 #    X- and Y-coordinates
 proc ::Diagrams::computepos {} {
     variable state

     set xcoord [expr {$state(xcurr)+$state(xgap)*$state(xdir)*$state(usegap)}]
     set ycoord [expr {$state(ycurr)+$state(ygap)*$state(ydir)*$state(usegap)}]

     return [list "POSITION" $xcoord $ycoord]

 # position
 #    Create a position "object"
 # Arguments:
 #    xcoord    X-coordinate
 #    ycoord    Y-coordinate
 # Result:
 #    List representing the object
 proc ::Diagrams::position {xcoord ycoord} {

     return [list "POSITION" $xcoord $ycoord]

 # box --
 #    Draw a box from the current position
 # Arguments:
 #    text      Text to be fitted in the box
 #    width     (Optional) width in pixels or "fitting"
 #    height    (Optional) height in pixels
 # Result:
 #    ID of the box
 # Side effect:
 #    Box drawn with text inside, current position set
 proc ::Diagrams::box {text {width {}} {height {}}} {
     variable state

     if { $width == {} } {
         set width $state(default_width)

     if { $height == {} } {
         set height $state(default_height)

     set items [$state(canvas) create text 0 0 -text $text \
                   -font    $state(font) \
                   -justify $state(justify)]

     if { $width == "fitting" } {
         foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$state(canvas) bbox $items] {break}

         set width  [expr {$x2-$x1+10}]
         set height [expr {$y2-$y1+10}]

     # Construct the box
     set x1 0
     set x2 $width
     set y1 0
     set y2 $height

     $state(canvas) move $items [expr {$width/2}] [expr {$height/2}]

     lappend items [$state(canvas) create rectangle $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]

     set item2 [list BOX $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]

     # Compute the coordinates of the box (positioned correctly)
     foreach {dummy xcurr ycurr}     [computepos] {break}
     foreach {dummy xanchor yanchor} [getpos $state(attach) $item2] {break}

     set xt [expr {$xcurr-$xanchor}]
     set yt [expr {$ycurr-$yanchor}]

     foreach i $items {
         $state(canvas) move $i $xt $yt

     set x1 [expr {$x1+$xt}]
     set x2 [expr {$x2+$xt}]
     set y1 [expr {$y1+$yt}]
     set y2 [expr {$y2+$yt}]

     set item [list BOX $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]

     currentpos [getpos $state(dir) $item]

     set state(lastitem) $item
     set state(usegap)   1
     puts $item
     return $item

 # plaintext --
 #    Draw plain text from the current position
 # Arguments:
 #    text      Text to be fitted in the box
 #    width     (Optional) width in pixels or "fitting"
 #    height    (Optional) height in pixels
 # Result:
 #    ID of the box
 # Side effect:
 #    Text drawn, current position set
 # NOTE:
 #    Quicky
 proc ::Diagrams::plaintext {text {width {}} {height {}}} {
     variable state

     if { $width == {} } {
         set width $state(default_width)

     if { $height == {} } {
         set height $state(default_height)

     set items [$state(canvas) create text 0 0 -text $text \
                   -font    $state(font) \
                   -justify $state(justify)]

     if { $width == "fitting" } {
         foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$state(canvas) bbox $items] {break}

         set width  [expr {$x2-$x1}]
         set height [expr {$y2-$y1}]

     # Construct the box
     set x1 0
     set x2 $width
     set y1 0
     set y2 $height

     $state(canvas) move $items [expr {$width/2}] [expr {$height/2}]

     set item2 [list BOX $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]

     # Compute the coordinates of the box (positioned correctly)
     set state(usegap) 0
     foreach {dummy xcurr ycurr}     [computepos] {break}
     set state(usegap) 1
     foreach {dummy xanchor yanchor} [getpos $state(attach) $item2] {break}

     set xt [expr {$xcurr-$xanchor}]
     set yt [expr {$ycurr-$yanchor}]

     foreach i $items {
         $state(canvas) move $i $xt $yt

     set x1 [expr {$x1+$xt}]
     set x2 [expr {$x2+$xt}]
     set y1 [expr {$y1+$yt}]
     set y2 [expr {$y2+$yt}]

     set item [list BOX $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]

     currentpos [getpos $state(dir) $item]

     set state(lastitem) $item
     set state(usegap)   1
     puts $item
     return $item

 # arrow --
 #    Draw an arrow from the current position to the next
 # Arguments:
 #    text      (Optional) text to written above the arrow
 #    length    (Optional) length in pixels
 # Result:
 #    ID of the arrow
 # Side effect:
 #    Arrow drawn
 proc ::Diagrams::arrow { {text {}} {length {}}} {
     variable state

     if { $length != {} } {
         set factor  [expr {hypot($state(xdir),$state(ydir))}]
         set dxarrow [expr {$length*$state(xdir)/$factor}]
         set dyarrow [expr {$length*$state(ydir)/$factor}]
     } else {
         set dxarrow [expr {$state(xdir)*$state(xgap)}]
         set dyarrow [expr {$state(ydir)*$state(ygap)}]

     set x1      $state(xcurr)
     set y1      $state(ycurr)
     set x2      [expr {$state(xcurr)+$dxarrow}]
     set y2      [expr {$state(ycurr)+$dyarrow}]

     set item [$state(canvas) create line $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 \
                  -fill    $state(colour) \
                  -arrow   last]

     set xt [expr {5+($x1+$x2)/2}]
     set yt [expr {($y1+$y2)/2}]

     set item [$state(canvas) create text $xt $yt -text $text \
                  -font    $state(font) \
                  -justify $state(justify)]

     set item [list ARROW $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]

     # Ignore the direction of motion - we need the end point
     currentpos [position $x2 $y2]

     set state(lastitem) $item
     set state(usegap)   0
     return $item

 # line --
 #    Draw a line specified via positions or via line segments
 # Arguments:
 #    args        All arguments (either position or length-angle pairs)
 # Result:
 #    ID of the line
 # Side effect:
 #    Line drawn
 proc ::Diagrams::line {args} {
     variable state
     variable torad

     # Get the current position if the first arguments
     # are line segments (this guarantees that x, y are
     # defined)
     if { [lindex [lindex $args 0] 0] != "POSITION" } {
         set args [linsert $args 0 [currentpos]]

     set xycoords {}
     set x1       {}
     set x2       {}
     set y1       {}
     set y2       {}

     set idx 0
     set number [llength $args]
     while { $idx < $number } {
         set arg [lindex $args $idx]

         if { [lindex $arg 0] != "POSITION" } {
             incr idx
             set length $arg
             set angle  [lindex $args $idx]

             set x      [expr {$x+$length*cos($torad*$angle)}]
             set y      [expr {$y-$length*sin($torad*$angle)}]
         } else {
             foreach {dummy x y} [currentpos] {break}

         lappend xycoords $x $y

         if { $x1 == {} || $x1 > $x } { set x1 $x }
         if { $x2 == {} || $x2 < $x } { set x2 $x }
         if { $y1 == {} || $y1 > $y } { set y1 $y }
         if { $y2 == {} || $y2 < $y } { set y2 $y }

         incr idx

     set item [$state(canvas) create line $xycoords \
                  -fill  $state(colour)] ;# -dash?

     set item [list LINE $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]

     currentpos [getpos $state(dir) $item]

     set state(lastitem) $item
     set state(usegap)   1
     puts $item
     return $item

 # A small demonstration ...

 pack [canvas .c -width 500 -height 500 -bg white]

 namespace import ::Diagrams::*

 #console show
 drawin .c

 box "There is\nstill a lot to\ndo!"
 arrow "" 230
 box "But it looks nice"
 direction south
 box "Or does it?"
 direction southwest
 arrow "" 100
 set B1 [box "Yes, it sure does!"]

 foreach {text dir} {A southwest B south C southeast} {
     direction $dir
     currentpos [getpos $dir $B1]
     arrow "" 100
     box $text

 line 20 45 20 90 20 135 30 10

 # Sample shapes:
 # diamond
 # slanted rectangle
 # ellipsis
 # vessel
 proc diamond {x y width height} {
    set x1 [expr {$x-$width/2}]
    set x2 [expr {$x+$width/2}]
    set y1 [expr {$y+$height/2}]
    set y2 [expr {$y-$height/2}]

    .c create line $x1 $y $x $y1 $x2 $y $x $y2 $x1 $y

 proc slanted {x y width height angle} {
    set cosa [expr {cos($angle*3.1415926/180.0)}]
    set sina [expr {sin($angle*3.1415926/180.0)}]
    set x1   [expr {$x-$width/2.0}]
    set y1   [expr {$y+$height/2.0}]
    set x11  [expr {$x1+$cosa*$height}]
    set y11  [expr {$y1-$height}]
    set x2   [expr {$x+$width/2.0}]
    set y2   $y11
    set x22  [expr {$x2-$cosa*$height}]
    set y22  $y1

    .c create line $x1 $y1 $x11 $y11 $x2 $y2 $x22 $y22 $x1 $y1

 proc vessel {x y width height aspect } {
    set hellips [expr {$height*$aspect}]

    set xtop1   [expr {$x-$width/2}]
    set xtop2   [expr {$x+$width/2}]
    set ytop1   [expr {$y-$height/2+$hellips/2}]
    set ytop2   [expr {$y-$height/2-$hellips/2}]

    set xline1  $xtop1
    set xline2  $xtop2
    set yline1  [expr {$y-$height/2}]
    set yline2  [expr {$y+$height/2}]

    set xbot1   $xtop1
    set xbot2   $xtop2
    set ybot1   [expr {$y+$height/2+$hellips/2}]
    set ybot2   [expr {$y+$height/2-$hellips/2}]

    .c create oval $xtop1  $ytop1  $xtop2  $ytop2
    .c create line $xline1 $yline1 $xline1 $yline2
    .c create line $xline2 $yline1 $xline2 $yline2
    .c create arc  $xbot1  $ybot1  $xbot2  $ybot2 \
         -start 180 -extent 180 -style arc

 #diamond 100 100 30 20
 #slanted 200 200 50 50 70.0
 #vessel  300 300 100 100 0.2

 proc ring {} {
    set side 20
    line $side 60 $side 0 $side -60 $side -120 $side 180 $side 120
 proc benzene {} {
    set item [ring]

    foreach {dummy x1 y1 x2 y2} $item {break}

    $::Diagrams::state(canvas) create oval \
       [expr {($x1+$x2)/2-12}] [expr {($y1+$y2)/2+12}] \
       [expr {($x1+$x2)/2+12}] [expr {($y1+$y2)/2-12}]

    return $item

 proc bond { {angle 0} {item {}} } {
    set side 20

    set anchor E
    switch -- $angle {
    "0"   { direction E  ; set anchor E  }
    "60"  { direction NE ; set anchor NE }
    "90"  { direction N  ; set anchor N  }
    "120" { direction NW ; set anchor NW }
    "180" { direction W  ; set anchor W  }
    "240" { direction SW ; set anchor SW }
    "-90" -
    "270" { direction S  ; set anchor S  }
    "-60" -
    "300" { direction SE ; set anchor SE }

    if { $item != {} } {
       currentpos [getpos $anchor $item]

    line $side $angle

 # Very primitive chemical formula
 # -- order of direction/currentpos important!
 direction east
 currentpos [position 100 400]
 benzene; bond;

 set Catom [plaintext C]

 bond 90 $Catom
 direction north
 plaintext C
 direction east
 plaintext OOH

 bond -90 $Catom
 direction south
 plaintext H

 bond 0 $Catom
 direction east
 bond; direction east
 plaintext NH\u2082    ;# NH2, except 2 is a subscript

 saveps arjen.eps

Wow, that looks great !

[ Category Graphics

Category Application
