Version 60 of Documentation

Updated 2013-10-23 19:09:37 by pooryorick

Tcl documentation


What is Tcl
Getting Started
Learning Tcl
User Guide
official documentation
official documentation pages
man pages
official language overview
Developer Guide
documents all the public Tcl C calls that a C programmer should consider safe to use.
The Tcl Core (Want to hack on Tcl?)
BOOK TCL/TK Pocket Reference
a community version is also available for download
this wiki
documents all the Tcl commands available in the core distribution.
Operating System specific Tcl commands
see Advanced Tcl
the rules of Tcl, and a command reference
syntax help
and command reference
Best Practices
ActiveTcl 8.5.12 User Guide
ActiveTcl 8.6Beta User Guide
A User's Guide to Tcl/Tk
Tcl/Tk Documentation Project (TTDP)
Tcl performance
Tcl Command Evaluation: Layer by Layer
Help! My Tcl application just crashed!
Common Tcl Error Messages and Possible Explanations
Where can I find a book about Tcl
is a nice searchable resource for Tcl and Tk. A direct link is here: [L1 ]. "de loves to point people to , because it's the best-looking tcl/tk core documentation ..."
Easy documentation in proc bodies
API documentation generator. builds html documentation from comments in the source code
provides documentation in Windows Help (CHM) format for Tcl/Tk and several extensions, with a comprehensive table of contents and integrated index.

Use the Category link at the bottom of the page for some more pages dealing with documentation on this wiki. You can also search this site on keywords, see Searching and bookmarking URLs on the Tcl'ers Wiki.

Quick Pointers to some popular extensions documentation:


Specials (OS specific, particular questions, etc.)

Apple Macintosh and Tcl/Tk
Microsoft Windows and Tcl
(not tk)
Microsoft Windows and Tk
Windows COM/DCOM/ActiveX/.NET integration
Windows Helper Utilities
operating system specific Tcl commands
Why can I not place unmatched braces in Tcl comments
future of Tcl/Tk
changes in Tcl/Tk
and most recently about changes in tcl/tk 8.5.