Version 2 of Deploying With Freewrap

Updated 2006-12-18 00:40:06

This page is for tips about deploying standalone applications with Freewrap. I (EKB) have decided to stick with Freewrap, in spite of the excitement over Starkits, partly because it's got BLT already packaged and ready to go, and partly because it works just fine and I'm used to it.

Some deployment tips

I develop on Windows, and create build scripts that are a mix of batch files and tcl scripts. One quick-and-dirty small project looks like this:

The batch file _BuildAll.bat has contents

 call replaceSnippets.bat
 call wrapDrivingForce.bat

(In larger projects, _BuildAll.bat checks out all the files from a CVS or Subversion repository.)

This batch file calls two other batch files:


 tclsh ReplaceSnippets.script "drivingforce.tcl" snippets.txt
 del "drivingforce.tcl"
 ren "drivingforce_snipped.tcl" "drivingforce.tcl"


 freewrap drivingforce.tcl drivingforce.ico

The wrapDrivingForce.bat batch file is standard for calling freewrap. The "replaceSnippets.bat" file calls a utility that I use to convert from a development version of a script to a freewrap-ready release version. It goes through and replaces anything between "## SNIP" and "## PINS" with corresponding code in a "snippets.txt" file. For example, in this file, it replaces

 ## SNIP
 set appdir [file dirname [info script]]
 ## PINS


 ## SNIP
    wm iconbitmap . -default drivingforce.ico
 ## PINS


 ## SNIP
 set appdir [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]
 ## PINS


 ## SNIP
    wm iconbitmap . -default "/development/DrivingForce/drivingforce.ico"
 ## PINS

Category Deployment