Version 4 of Debian packages for Tcl/Tk

Updated 2004-04-28 13:28:48

Unofficial reposiroties

  1. Maintaned by daapp (add this code to your /etc/apt/sources.list):
    deb woody my-tcl
    deb-src woody my-tcl

Contain following extensions and applications: ctext, mktclapps, snit, tclsyslog, tkcon, tkpiechart, wcb.

davidw Why don't you see about integrating those into Debian proper? tkcon is already in unstable/testing, in any case.

daapp Because I am not a debian developer and I have not a lot of to support these packages in testing and unstable. I use only stable.

Packaged but not yet uploaded: xotcl, xotclide