[APN] 2018-04-10 The following sample code for a custom sash handle was posted by debianuser on the Tclers chat. In particular it illustrates how to pass on the mouse events to the underlying paned window handler. ====== package require Tk panedwindow .pw -orient horizontal listbox .pw.l1 listbox .pw.l2 .pw add .pw.l1 .pw.l2 pack .pw -fill both -expand true image create photo img::grip -data R0lGODlhBAAvAPEAALetnfXz7wAAAAAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAEAC8AAAIjRBwZwmKomjsqyVdXw/XSvn1RCFlk5pUaw42saL5qip6gnBUAOw== label .pw.grip -image img::grip -cursor sb_h_double_arrow ;# this cursor works!!! place .pw.grip -relx 1 -rely .5 -anchor w -in .pw.l1 bind .pw.grip { event generate .pw -x [expr %x+[winfo x .pw.grip]] -y [expr %y+[winfo y .pw.grip]] } bind .pw.grip { event generate .pw -x [expr %x+[winfo x .pw.grip]] -y [expr %y+[winfo y .pw.grip]] } wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit vwait forever ====== The above is for Tk's (not ttk) [panedwindow] widget but should work for ttk::panedwindows as well. Also see [ttk::panedwindow] for an alternative specific to it. <>paned window|Widget|Tk