Version 34 of Counting characters in a string

Updated 2016-09-15 08:49:29 by pooryorick

Recently a discussion arose concerning a way of determining how many occurrences of a character appeared in a string. Several methods were proposed:

Isn't this page a good reason why 'string count' should be added to Tcl?

- RS 2007-1013: This wiki has some 20,000 pages, many with one or more useful algorithms. But I wouldn't want them all drawn into the Tcl core... (Tcllib maybe, although that is already too crowded in some parts). If you can implement a (sometimes) useful function in one line of code, just do it locally :^) - but let's keep Tcl simple!

- troym 2010-0819: A "string count string1 string2" command would not be any less simple than some of the other string commands. Why not add it to the Tcl core?

AMG: Write a TIP for it if you think it should go in. But consider carefully all the variations and permutations that may be desired. The trouble is that for little-used functionality, the Total Worldwide Complexity might be less if each of the handful of programs that need a function implement it themselves, than if the function is put into the core. This applies both to the variations/permutations of a command and to the command itself. I don't see much of a practical use for this command, and this page shows how easy it is to implement it in terms of existing commands.

#! /usr/bin/env tclsh

proc count_strmap str {
    expr {[string length $str]-[string length [string map {\n {}} $str]]}

proc count_split string {
    set rc [llength [split $string \n]] 
    incr rc -1
    return $rc

proc count_regexp string {
    set rc [regexp -all \n $string]
    return $rc

proc count_regsub string {
    regsub -all {[^\n]} $string[set string {}] {} string
    string length $string

proc count_firstchar string {
    set offset 0
    set count 0
    while {[set idx [string first \n $string $offset]] >= 0} {
        incr count
        set offset [expr {$idx + 1}]
    return $count

proc count_splitchar string {
    foreach x [split $string {}] {if {[catch {incr counters($x)}]} {set counters($x) 1}}
    set rc $counters(\n)
    return $rc

set string_short line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\n
set string_long [string repeat $string_short 100]

proc test1 string {
    puts [list {timings for string of length} [string length $string]]
    # in order of performance
    foreach method {
    } {
        puts [list $method [time [list $method $string] 10002]]

test1 $string_short
puts {}
test1 $string_long

PYK 2016-09-15: Historical timings for some procedures are found in the history for this page. Here are the timings on a modern laptop:

{timings for string of length} 24
count_strmap {0.5483903219356129 microseconds per iteration}
count_split {0.8829234153169366 microseconds per iteration}
count_split2 {0.853629274145171 microseconds per iteration}
count_stringfirst {2.174365126974605 microseconds per iteration}
count_stringfirst2 {1.9952009598080385 microseconds per iteration}
count_regexp {1.9660067986402718 microseconds per iteration}
count_regsub {2.531593681263747 microseconds per iteration}
count_splitchar {16.71735652869426 microseconds per iteration}

{timings for string of length} 2400
count_strmap {8.252149570085983 microseconds per iteration}
count_split {23.400419916016798 microseconds per iteration}
count_split2 {29.57268546290742 microseconds per iteration}
count_stringfirst {151.48400319936013 microseconds per iteration}
count_stringfirst2 {135.4359128174365 microseconds per iteration}
count_regexp {153.73485302939412 microseconds per iteration}
count_regsub {165.56628674265147 microseconds per iteration}
count_splitchar {337.49000199960005 microseconds per iteration}

Brett Schwarz contributed count_stringmap, which for small strings has about the same performance as count_split, but for larger strings, has by far the best performance.

It is alleged that Michael A. Cleverly contributed count_split2, and count_regsub, and that Miguel Sofer contributed count_splitchar2.

RS contributes maybe not the fastest, but for now the shortest variation, to be called with the wanted character and the string as additional arguments:

interp alias {} countCharsA {} regexp -all

Stu 2007-10-13 I've taken the above procs and tried to make them as similar as possible and then run some tests with various lengths of data. Some of the procs only count characters, others can count strings. Some procs have been adjusted for this. Note the difference in speed between splitchar2 and splitchar2a simply by using eq instead of ==. The overall winner is strmap. Also shown in the output is the result of each proc; they should be all the same. If I've gotten your name wrong or you feel I misrepresented you or your proc somehow please make corrections.

Example output from my machine:

 1 char search, 240000 chars string
 splitchar   238632 microseconds per iteration (40000)
 splitchar2  305889 microseconds per iteration (40000)
 splitchar2a 167124 microseconds per iteration (40000)
 strmapC     19843 microseconds per iteration (40000)
 splitline   45872 microseconds per iteration (40000)
 splitline2  42932 microseconds per iteration (40000)
 regline     192236 microseconds per iteration (40000)
 regsubline  32450 microseconds per iteration (40000)
 strmapS     19131 microseconds per iteration (40000)
 countCharA  185561 microseconds per iteration (40000)
 strfirst    61804 microseconds per iteration (40000)
 100 chars search, 11900 chars string
 regline     67589 microseconds per iteration (100)
 regsubline  544 microseconds per iteration (100)
 strmapS     138 microseconds per iteration (100)
 countCharA  64383 microseconds per iteration (100)
 strfirst    458 microseconds per iteration (100)

The procs:

 proc splitline {string countChar} {
         set rc [llength [split $string $countChar]]
         incr rc -1
         return $rc
 proc regline {string countString} {
         set rc [regexp -line -all $countString $string]
         return $rc
 proc splitchar {string countChar} {
         foreach x [split $string ""] {if {[catch {incr counters($x)}]} {set counters($x) 1}}
         set rc $counters($countChar)
         return $rc
 # Brett Schwarz (split into char and string versions)
 proc strmapC {string countChar} {
         return [expr {[string length $string]-[string length [string map [list $countChar ""] $string]]}]
 proc strmapS {string countString} {
         return [expr {([string length $string]-[string length [string map [list $countString ""] $string]]) / [string length countString]}]
 # Richard Suchenwirth
 interp alias {} countCharsA {} regexp -all
 # Michael A. Cleverly
 proc regsubline {string countString} {
         return [regsub -all -- $countString $string $countString string]
 # Miguel Sofer
 proc splitchar2 {string countChar} {
         set rc 0
         foreach x [split $string ""] {
                 if {$x == $countChar} {
                         incr rc
         return $rc   
 # Miguel Sofer (== changed to eq)
 proc splitchar2a {string countChar} {                                                                
         set rc 0
         foreach x [split $string ""] {
                 if {$x eq $countChar} {
                         incr rc
         return $rc
 # Michael A. Cleverly
 proc strfirst {string countString} {   
         set rc [set ndx 0]
         while {[set ndx [expr { [string first $countString $string $ndx] + 1}]]} {
                 incr rc
         return $rc   

The thing:

 proc go {string countString times} {
         if {[string length $countString] < 2} {
                 puts "splitchar   [time {splitchar $string $countString} $times] ([splitchar $string $countString])"
                 puts "splitchar2  [time {splitchar2 $string $countString} $times] ([splitchar2 $string $countString])"
                 puts "splitchar2a [time {splitchar2a $string $countString} $times] ([splitchar2a $string $countString])"
                 puts "strmapC     [time {strmapC $string $countString} $times] ([strmapC $string $countString])"
                 puts "splitline   [time {splitline $string $countString} $times] ([splitline $string $countString])"
                 puts "splitline2  [time {splitline2 $string $countString} $times] ([splitline2 $string $countString])"
         puts "regline     [time {regline $string $countString} $times] ([regline $string $countString])"
         puts "regsubline  [time {regsubline $string $countString} $times] ([regsubline $string $countString])"
         puts "strmapS     [time {strmapS $string $countString} $times] ([strmapS $string $countString])"
         puts "countCharA  [time {countCharsA $countString $string} $times] ([countCharsA $countString $string])"
         puts "strfirst    [time {strfirst $string $countString} $times] ([strfirst $string $countString])"
 set times 1000
 puts "Tcl patchlevel: [info patch]"
 for {set rep 100} {$rep <= 100} {incr rep 10} {
         set countString "\n"
         set string [string repeat "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\n" $rep]
         puts "[string length $countString] char search, [string length $string] chars string"
         go $string $countString $times
         puts ----
         set countString "line"
         set string [string repeat "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\n" $rep]
         puts "[string length $countString] chars search, [string length $string] chars string"
         go $string $countString $times
         puts ----
         set countString "\n"
         set string [string repeat [string repeat "line1\nline2\nline3\nline4\n" $rep] $rep]
         puts "[string length $countString] char search, [string length $string] chars string"        
         go $string $countString $times
         puts ----
         set countString [string repeat hovercraft 10]
         set string [string repeat "my $countString is full of eels" $rep]
         puts "[string length $countString] chars search, [string length $string] chars string"
         go $string $countString $times