Version 11 of Concatenating lists

Updated 2008-06-11 15:09:07 by LV

From a recent query on The comp.lang.tcl newsgroup on combining 2 list into a single list:

Here is the test code used:

 proc SET         {l1 l2} { set l1 "$l1 $l2" }
 proc APPEND      {l1 l2} { append l1 " $l2" }
 proc CONCAT      {l1 l2} { set l1 [concat $l1 $l2] }
 proc EVAL/LAPPEND {l1 l2} { eval [list lappend l1] $l2 }
 proc FOREACH/LAPPEND {l1 l2} {foreach i $l2 {lappend l1 $i} ; set l1}

 proc makeList {len item} {
     for {set i 0} {$i< $len} {incr i} {
         lappend res $item
     return $res

 proc testem {len} {
     global cases
     set res {}
     foreach p $cases {
         catch {unset l1}
         catch {unset l2}
         set l1 [makeList $len a]
         set l2 [makeList $len b]
         puts -nonewline stderr "$p..." ; flush stderr
         lappend res $p,$len [lindex [time {llength [$p $l1 $l2]} 1000] 0]
     return $res

 foreach l {10 100 1000 10000} {
     puts -nonewline stderr "testing size $l..." ; flush stderr
     array set data [testem $l]
     puts stderr done ; flush stderr

 puts "Tcl Version - [info patchlevel]\n"

 set fmtstr "| %15s | %6d | %6d | %6d | %6d |"
 set divid  "|-----------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|"
 set ends  "|-----------------------------------------------------|"

 puts $ends
 puts [format $fmtstr Method 10 100 1000 10000]
 puts $divid

 foreach p $cases {
     puts [format $fmtstr $p \
                 $data($p,10) $data($p,100) \
                 $data($p,1000) $data($p,10000)]

 puts $ends

And here are the results on an oLder alPha box running Tru64 UNIX

 Tcl Version - 7.4p3
 |          Method |     10 |    100 |   1000 |  10000 |
 |             SET |     14 |     45 |   1298 |  12978 |
 |          APPEND |     13 |     43 |   1474 |  12787 |
 |          CONCAT |     17 |     57 |   1639 |  15712 |
 |    EVAL/LAPPEND |     29 |    104 |   3494 |  34986 |
 | FOREACH/LAPPEND |     42 |    796 |  10501 | 105971 |

 Tcl Version - 7.5  
 |          Method |     10 |    100 |   1000 |  10000 |
 |             SET |     15 |     45 |   1334 |  13277 |
 |          APPEND |     14 |     45 |   1396 |  12904 |
 |          CONCAT |     18 |     54 |   1632 |  16561 |
 |    EVAL/LAPPEND |     26 |    108 |   3635 |  36794 |
 | FOREACH/LAPPEND |     44 |    832 |  11428 | 114468 |

 Tcl Version - 7.6
 |          Method |     10 |    100 |   1000 |  10000 |
 |             SET |     21 |     64 |   1592 |  17324 |
 |          APPEND |     21 |     62 |   1801 |  15949 |
 |          CONCAT |     28 |     72 |   2237 |  19821 |
 |    EVAL/LAPPEND |     43 |    719 |   6153 |  66896 |
 | FOREACH/LAPPEND |     80 |   2261 |  22370 | 232325 |

 Tcl Version - 8.0
 |          Method |     10 |    100 |   1000 |  10000 |
 |             SET |     20 |    146 |   6727 |  61365 |
 |          APPEND |     27 |    215 |   7527 |  72501 |
 |          CONCAT |     21 |    661 |   6224 |  63780 |
 |    EVAL/LAPPEND |     34 |    344 |   3140 |  24726 |
 | FOREACH/LAPPEND |     37 |   1018 |  10688 | 107653 |

 Tcl Version - 8.2.0
 |          Method |     10 |    100 |   1000 |  10000 |
 |             SET |     20 |    145 |   6611 |  67115 |
 |          APPEND |     28 |    176 |   7485 |  78008 |
 |          CONCAT |     21 |    598 |   6069 |  67277 |
 |    EVAL/LAPPEND |     31 |    172 |   2805 |  26525 |
 | FOREACH/LAPPEND |     36 |    925 |  10676 | 108879 |

 Tcl Version - 8.4a4
SET 21150655569080

How do I interpret these results?

The entries in the tables are the times (in microseconds) it takes to concatenate two lists of length equal to the column heading, using the method in the row heading. The smaller the number, the faster the method.