**ComboBox megawidget - return associated values** [bll] 2017-9-20 This combobox displays one set of values and returns the associated value from another list. e.g. If you have a list: January, February, ..., December, you can have it return 1-12. Good for localized text. The `-returnvalues` argument is required and specifies the list of values returned by the combobox. The `get` and `set` sub-commands will return and should set a value from the `-returnvalues` list. If you re-configure `-values`, be sure to reconfigure `-returnvalues` at the same time. ====== # cboxassoc is an associative combobox # -returnvalues : a list of of return values. The length of this list # must match the length of the -values list. # When a value is selected, the corresponding value in the -returnvalues list # is returned. 'get' and 'set' use the values in the -returnvalues list. # proc ::cboxassoc { nm args } { cboxassociative new $nm {*}$args return $nm } proc ::cboxassocHandler { cbox args } { $cbox {*}$args } ::oo::class create cboxassociative { constructor { nm args } { my variable vars set widgettype ttk::combobox if { [info commands cboxadj] eq "cboxadj" } { set widgettype cboxadj } set vars(widget) [$widgettype ${nm}] set vars(cbox) ${nm}_cboxassoc rename $vars(widget) ::$vars(cbox) interp alias {} $vars(widget) {} ::cboxassocHandler [self] uplevel 2 [list $vars(widget) configure {*}$args] bind $vars(widget) +[list [self] destruct] bind $vars(widget) <> +[list [self] select] bind $vars(widget) +[list [self] select] } method destruct { } { my variable vars trace remove variable $vars($k) write [list [self] settrace] interp alias {} $vars(widget) {} [self] destroy } method unknown { args } { my variable vars set nm $vars(cbox) return [uplevel 2 [list $nm {*}$args]] } method select { args } { my variable vars set curr [$vars(cbox) current] if { [info exists vars(-returnvalues)] && [info exists vars(-textvariable)] } { set v [lindex $vars(-returnvalues) $curr] set $vars(-textvariable) $v } } method current { args } { my variable vars if { [llength $args] == 0 } { set curr [$vars(cbox) current] } else { set curr [lindex $args 0] $vars(cbox) current $curr } return $curr } method get { } { my variable vars set rv {} if { [info exists vars(-textvariable)] } { set rv [set $vars(-textvariable)] } return $rv } method settrace { args } { my variable vars if { [info exists vars(-textvariable)] } { my set [set $vars(-textvariable)] } } method set { val } { my variable vars if { [info exists vars(-textvariable)] } { set $vars(-textvariable) $val } set idx -1 if { [info exists vars(-returnvalues)] } { set idx [lsearch -exact $vars(-returnvalues) $val] } if { $idx != -1 } { $vars(cbox) current $idx } return $val } method cget { key } { my variable vars set rv {} if { $key eq "-textvariable" || $key eq "-returnvalues" } { if { [info exists vars($key)] } { set rv $vars($key) } } else { set rv [$vars(cbox) cget $key] } return $rv } method configure { args } { my variable vars foreach {k v} $args { if { $k eq "-textvariable" } { set fqv {} if { [string match {::*} $v] } { set fqv $v } if { $fqv eq {} } { set fqv [uplevel 2 [list namespace which -variable $v]] if { $fqv eq {} } { set ns [uplevel 2 [list namespace current]] set fqv $ns$v if { [string match ::::* $fqv] } { set fqv [string range $fqv 2 end] } } } if { [info exists vars($k)] && $vars($k) ne $fqv } { trace remove variable $vars($k) write [list [self] settrace] } set vars($k) $fqv } elseif { $k eq "-returnvalues" } { set vars($k) $v } elseif { $k eq "-values" } { set vars($k) $v set nm $vars(cbox) uplevel 2 [list $nm configure $k $v] } else { set nm $vars(cbox) uplevel 2 [list $nm configure $k $v] } } set k -textvariable if { [info exists vars($k)] && [info exists $vars($k)] } { my set [set $vars($k)] trace add variable $vars($k) write [list [self] settrace] } return -code ok } } package provide cboxassoc 1.0 ====== <>Widget | Megawidget