C# is a [Microsoft] language standard. Microsoft provides its own "Introduction and Overview" here [http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/techinfo/articles/upgrade/Csharpintro.asp] (but note that MS moves its Web pages around quite capriciously; this page is likely to expire at any time). It was introduced with the [.NET] Framework. Visual Studio .NET ships with a C# compiler. [Mono] is an [Open Source] version of C# and its related libraries. [explain how it's like Java and C++] [who was the main designer of C#?] [what is it used for?] [can it be used with Tcl or Tk?] ---- 2003/01/06 JJM - Yes, it can be used with Tcl/Tk via [TCLBridge]. ---- There's a great deal of competition for mindshare among those who think they want to program with C#. Among the leading online resources are: * http://www.csharptoday.com , sponsored by Wrox * http://www.c-sharpcorner.com * http://www.csharphelp.com * Microsoft's own "Visual C# .NET Home Page" [http://msdn.microsoft.com/vcsharp/] * http://www.csharp-station.com * http://www.MasterCSharp.com