[Brian Theado] 20Jan2005 - Inspired by the wealth of Tcl/Tk games available at [sdarchive] and elsewhere, I wrote some code that can be used to browse and execute a bunch of applications all bundled together into a single starkit. I bundled together over 60 games in a just over 2MB starkit that can be downloaded from http://tkoutline.sourceforge.net/tkgamepack.kit. Run the program and see a hierarchical list of Tcl/Tk games. Click on the game title to launch it. Click on the game's url to find more information. Add the title of a game to the command line and that game will be run directly. [http://tkoutline.sourceforge.net/tkgamepack.png] '''Implementation details.''' * Each game is itself an unmodified starkit. Each starkit's vfs resides as a subdirectory of the main directory of the Game pack starkit * Each game is launched in its own slave interpreter. * Most of the starkits were pulled unmodified from [sdarchive]. I found a couple of dozen more games on the wiki and at [tclapps] that I starkitified and added in. Some of these needed a "package require Tk" added. * I did have to modify one game [dots and boxes] because it was trying to do some things with the console that didn't work in a slave interpreter. * The interface for selecting games is an outline from [tkoutline]. The full functionality of tkoutline is also available (see the miscelleneous category) just because it is there. * I find the interface to be a bit cluttered, but using an outline was the easiest way for me to get this working (and I am motivated to make use of my own code). * Adding new games involves adding new text to the launcher outline (using the full version of tkoutline) and adding a new starkit vfs. ''Way cool! I've wondered for a long time when someone would take the initiative on this ;) -[jcw]'' ---- [LV] So, if people come up with additional script only games, how would they go about requesting the code be added? [Brian Theado] - putting a request here seems like a good start. ---- [LV] So each time I select a game, a new starkit will end up in the real world flat directory where the starkit resides? Is there no way to run the starkits from where they are in the bundle? [[Removed information about package require Tk error that has been fixed]] [Brian Theado] - I guess I didn't explain the implementation well enough. It is a single file and stays a single file. All the games run from within the starkit. ---- Discussion about keysym error (which has been fixed) moved to [Cross platform keysyms]. ---- If you get an error like "couldn't open setup.tcl, no such..." when launching a game like [Felipe Voloch] reported, then try getting the latest version of tclkit. Any tclkits built in 2004 or later (and probably some in 2003) contain the fix for launching starkits in slave interpreters. ---- [Category Games]