Purpose: to provide a command that allows one to see what extensions/packages are available within a particular interpreter's environment, as well as what commands/procs are available within a particular extension/package. ---- The following code is a first draft at providing this functionality. It is incomplete - currently the code only outputs a sorted list of packages available to '''[package] require''', along with their versions. I'll hopefully have time to enhance this to add the ability to list commands from a package - once I figure out how to do that. #! /usr/tcl84/bin/tclsh # Name: WhatsAvailable # Purpose: List the packages, versions, and commands within a package # able to be package required by the tcl interpreter. # Version: 1.1 # Author: Larry W. Virden set a [eval [package unknown] Tcl [package provide Tcl]] set pkglist [lsort -dictionary [package names]] foreach i $pkglist { set a [lsort -dictionary [package versions $i] ] puts [format "%s, versions: %s " $i $a] } ---- See also [Introspection]. [[ [Category Application] | ]]