''The Tcl Programming Language'' is a comprehensive guide to Tcl, covering Tcl 8.6. The ebook version (PDF format) is available from https://gum.co/tclprog%|%Gumroad%|%. The print version is available from Amazon in https://www.amazon.com/dp/154867964X%|%USA/Canada%|% and their European sites including https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/154867964X%|%UK%|%, https://www.amazon.de/dp/154867964X%|%Germany%|%, https://www.amazon.fr/dp/154867964X%|%France%|%, https://www.amazon.es/dp/154867964X%|%Spain%|% and https://www.amazon.it/dp/154867964X%|%Italy%|%. '''If you like the book, positive reviews on Amazon are greatly appreciated.''' See the https://www.magicsplat.com/ttpl/index.html%|%official book page%|% for more information and a detailed Table of Contents. [TTPLImage%|% width=150 height=204] **Support** Please send any errors or other comments about the book to apnmbx-wits at yahoo. **Errata** Section, bottom of page 97, in the code example regexp {(?ic)RE} STRING should be regexp {(?in)RE} STRING Thanks to Saurabh G. for his careful reading! Executable scripts on Windows C:\temp>ftype TclApp=C:\Tcl\bin\tclsh.exe should be C:\temp>ftype TclApp=C:\Tcl\bin\tclsh.exe "%1" %* Section 6.4, bottom of page 162, the syntax description of `dict for` should be dict for {KEYVAR VALUEVAR} DICTIONARY SCRIPT Thanks to Gregor E. **Discussion** ---- [JJM] - 2017-07-25 - Got the book in the mail, looks really great. Nice job. '''[arjen] - 2017-07-06 19:35:22''' Congratulations! It is a welcome addition to the Tcl library and a voluminous one at that :) ---- [bll] 2017-7-6 Looks very comprehensive. Looking forward to reading it. [ALX] 2017-07-09 17:45 Year! First! :-) "Well, thanks for your prompt purchase! You are the very first buyer of my book! /Ashok" [RLH]: Will there be a book/ebook bundle? [APN] No bundle because of the different distribution channels. But you might be able to make use of the discounted price as noted above. [RLH] Got them both. Reading through the book now. :) [MHo] This book is simply ''overwhelming''! ---- '''[JOB] - 2017-11-14 22:15:55''' Congratulations as well! I quickly went through the TOC which looks really promising. Good to see that all those extensions and functionality recently added to the core like coroutines, TclOO, threads, database connectivity, etc. are all covered by the book. [APN] Thanks, and that was indeed one of the primary motivations behind writing the book. ---- [SYStems] did anyone buy the ebook via gumroad, I googled gumroad and the reviews are really bad. [APN] When you say reviews, I presume you mean Gumroad and not the book :-) I'm surprised you saw so many negative reviews of gumroad because I chose it based on the positive reviews I'd seen. (Also because they take care of EU VAT without my having to individually file.) I think most negative reviews of gumroad are from the seller's perspective (which would be me), not the buyer's. Personally, I have had no issues with selling through them. About a hundred e-book copies have downloaded so far and have not heard of any complaints from buyers. [SYStems] yes 100% I meant gumroad, not the book :) [DPG] This book is great! I got the physical version because I'm just physical like that ;) This book has a good Index, which is important to physical book people. [APN] Thanks, appreciated. However, such comments on the book's Amazon page would be appreciated even more, hint, hint :-) [DPG] Done! [APN] Great! Thank you. [SYStems] Can you please make available an epub version of the ebook. [APN] Unfortunately not. I did try producing both epub and mobi formats originally but did not find the results acceptable the way tables and figures were displayed. It just leaves a bad impression about the book. <> Book