Version 5 of Alphabet Wheel

Updated 2005-06-01 18:14:13

if 0 {Richard Suchenwirth 2003-07-05 - Another look into my games cupboard brought forth this quiz, which used to be quite popular with children (in Germany know as "DenkFix"): find a word from a given category that starts with the letter selected by a spinning arrow. Simple, but it gave me another opportunity to practice atan2/hypot/sin/cos... So here's my version, runnable on PocketPC and elsewhere.

HJG Spin-Button added... It would also be nice if the letter where the arrow points to would highlighted - especially if this is close to the edge of a letter-sector. }

 package require Tk
 proc main {} {
    global xm ym spinning
    set xm 118 ; set ym 135
    set spinning 0
    pack [canvas .c]
  # .c create text 120 10 -text "Hit any key to spin, and assign task"
    .c create text  90 10 -text "Hit any key to  spin,   and assign task"
    button .c.s -text "Spin" -command {spin .c spin}
    button .c.x -text X      -command exit
    .c create window 220 10 -window .c.x
    .c create window  86 10 -window .c.s
    spinarrow .c $xm $ym -tag spin -fill red
    bind . <Key> {spin .c spin}
    cdial .c $xm $ym 85 {A B C D E F G H
       I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z}
    .c create text 120 255 -tag task -font {Tahoma 12 bold}
 set tasks {
    animal plant city river country profession {girl's name} {boy's name}
    mountain food {famous person}

# Draw and place the spinning arrow

 proc spinarrow {w x y args} {
    set id [eval $w create poly {\
       30 0 0 50 20 45 20 135 0 155\
       0 200 30 170 60 200 60 155\
       40 135 40 45 60 50} $args]
    $w move $id [expr $x-30] [expr $y-100]
    $w scale $id $x $y .8 .8
 proc spin {w tag {angle ""}} {
    global xm ym spinning
    if {$angle==""} {
       if $spinning return
       incr spinning
       set angle [expr rand()*0.4+.4]
       $w itemconfig task -text [? $::tasks]?
    rotate $w $tag $angle $xm $ym
    set angle [expr {$angle*.99-0.01}]
    if {$angle>0} {
       after 40 spin $w $tag $angle
    } else {set spinning 0}
 proc rotate {w tag angle xm ym} {
    set coords {}
    foreach {x y} [$w coords $tag] {
       set r [expr {hypot($x-$xm,$y-$ym)}]
       set a [expr {atan2($y-$ym,$x-$xm)+$angle}]
       lappend coords \
          [expr {$xm+cos($a)*$r}] \
          [expr {$ym+sin($a)*$r}]
    $w coords $tag $coords
  #-- fix drifting during rotation
    foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [$w bbox $tag] break
    set dx [expr {$xm-($x0+$x1)/2.}]
    set dy [expr {$ym-($y0+$y1)/2.}]
    $w move $tag $dx $dy

# Draw a circular "dial"

 proc cdial {w x y r data} {
    set da [expr {2*acos(-1)/[llength $data]}]
    set th 0.0
    set th2 [expr {$da/2.}]
    set r2 [expr {$r+20}]
    set r3 [expr {($r+$r2)/2.}]
    set outside {}
    foreach el $data {
       set x1 [expr {$x+cos($th)*$r}]
       set y1 [expr {$y+sin($th)*$r}]
       set x2 [expr {$x+cos($th)*$r2}]
       set y2 [expr {$y+sin($th)*$r2}]
       $w create line $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2
       lappend outside $x2 $y2
       set x3 [expr {$x+cos($th2)*$r3}]
       set y3 [expr {$y+sin($th2)*$r3}]
       $w create text $x3 $y3 -text $el
       set th [expr {$th + $da}]
       set th2 [expr {$th2 + $da}]
    eval lappend outside [lrange $outside 0 1]
    $w create line $outside -smooth 1

# Select random element from a list

 proc ? L {
   lindex $L [expr {int(rand()*[llength $L])}]

#----------------- Let's go!

 wm geometry . 240x268+0+0 ;# iPaq

Category Games | Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming