AitCS - Array in the Command's Shadow Found at: [Stu] 2018-05-16 Created page. Version 1.0. An Array in the Command's Shadow is an array with an associated set of commands that each provide access to or allow certain useful manipulations of the array. An AitCS may be used where a program would normally use global or namespace variables to hold configuration, state, widget paths, temp values, etc. *Examples* ======tcl # Set/Get/Variable Reference # Save a widget and link a textvariable aitcs new rec aitcs new gui set fld preference rec $fld Tcl gui $fld [entry .e -textvariable [rec& $fld]] [gui $fld] insert end /Tk string length [rec preference]; # 6 # Get/Set aitcs new things things a 3 things b [expr {[things a] + 2}] things c [expr {[things b] * [things a]}] things c; # 15 # Setto/Exists/Unset/Variable Reference aitcs new fruits fruits= apple orange pear apricot 0 if {![fruits? peach]} { fruits= peach 0 } array names [fruits&]; # {apple orange pear apricot peach} fruits- p* a* array names [fruits&]; # {orange} # Lappend aitcs new store store this one store+ this two three four five store this; # {one two three four five} # Incr aitcs new counters counters cycles 0 counters+= cycles counters+= cycles 2 counters+= cycles -1 counters cycles; # 2 # Make Exist/Exists aitcs new cow cow! set cow(sound) moo if {[cow? sound] && $cow(sound) eq "moo"} { puts "Standard English Cow" } # Command Reference/Variable Reference/Incr aitcs new callback callback count 0 after 1000 [list [callback&&]+= count] vwait [callback& count] callback count; # 1 # Destroy aitcs new tmp tmp count 5 tmp+= count -1 tmp count; # 4 set fqarr [tmp&] info exists $fqarr; # 1 tmp--- info exists $fqarr; # 0 tmp count; # ====== <>Array