The following ''competitive'' extensions contain more or less additional [list] functions: * [Tcllib]'s [struct] module, package [struct::list] * AsserTcl [] supports quantifier commands to test whether an expressions holds universally or existentially over a data structure such as a list or array aggreggate data structure. * [ExtraL] [] * [aqtools] * Jultaf [] * Pool / Pool_Base [] , []. * TclX []. Search the documentation [] for ''LIST MANIPULATION COMMANDS''. * Key List printing procedures [] which pretty prints Tclx's key lists []. * mtcl [] ([HaO] 2010-08-24: dead link for me) * stack.tcl [] * Listx [] contains the essential extended set of list operations. Today, most are in TCL itself. * If you're looking for 'longest common subsequence', find it as part of [diff in Tcl]. * [list map and list grep] - two operations implemented (over-)simply in Tcl. * [permutations] The wiki also has a variety of pages discussing list operations * [cartesian product of a list of lists] * [Chart of existing list functionality] * [Concatenating lists] * [counting elements in a list] * [depth of a list] * [internal organization of the list extension] * [keyed list] * [linked lists] * [list comprehension] * [list level] * [list map and list grep] * [list stripping] * [listcomp -compare the contents of two lists] * [Listex] * [lremove] * [lshift -adding unique items to lists of fixed length] * [nested list join] * [Nested list test] * [power set of a list] * [pure list] * [recursive list searching] * [set operations for tcl lists] * [shuffle a list] * [shuffling a list] * [sorted lists] * [split and join for nested lists] * [striding a list] * [struct::list] * [summing a list] * [trees as nested lists] * [Use while to iterate over a list] * [Using expr on lists] * [range] * [MakeRanges] * [randomizing a list] * [lazy lists] * [Listx] * Define the functionality we want to have in the official extension. (Or shall we skip this in favor of a '''take all''' approach ?). -- AK: No. After looking at the available functionality I believe that some parts may need a little pruning. [Chart of proposed list functionality]. Note that versions of Tcl 8.4 from mid-November 2001 on contain enhanced list functionality ; see number 22, 33, and 45 for the functionality that was added to [lset] and [lindex]. * Implement the functionality. ---- [John Ellson] posted '''forest.tcl''' which contains a couple of list oriented search functions implementing a tree structure like functionality. [LV] Anyone have a URL for this ''posting'' of forest.tcl ? [LV]: I notice that [Glenn Jackman] has posted the article [$4qi$], which is a proposal for a new [Tcllib] module called '''listutil''' [] that will contain several new list functions. ---- Note that [tcllib] now has [struct::list] with some list functions - would someone like to start submitting patches to tcllib to add to that functionality? ---- [LV]: Another useful thing would be a 'wishlist' (excuse the pun) of functionality requested. This would include things like (all of these have, in the past, either been posted to the newsgroup or offered by a contributor to the newsgroup - so if code is desired, the contacts listed in [] should be emailed.): * [lassign] - Assign [elements] of list to the given variables. -- AK: Already provided by some extensions. RS: ... or [foreach]. [DKF]: In the core in 8.5. * linear sort on list of lists - Alphanumeric comparison for linear sort of lists. -- AK: '''???''' [Lars H]: Does this mean lexicographic sort? To compare elements L1 and L2, first compare their first elements [[lindex $L1 0]] and [[lindex $L2 0]]. If these are equal, compare the second elements, and so on. * Linked list support. I (AK) had a problem here, but Larry solved it for me. Meant is stack/queue-like access to the list. Some extensions already provide this functionality: [yet another stack package]. * Remove empty elements from list. -- '''NEW'''. Added to proposed list of functions. * Given one list, create a new list consisting only of the unique elements. -- AK: Provided by some extensions. [Lars H]: How is this different from [[lsort -unique]]? * Even better - provide list sorting capability equal or greater than Unix sort- -- '''NEW'''. AK: This will be difficult. LV: Another useful thing would be a 'wishlist' (excuse the pun) of functionality requested. This would include things like (all of these have, in the past, either been posted to the newsgroup or offered by a contributor to the newsgroup - so if code is desired, the contacts listed in [] should be emailed.): * [ulis]: leval $list, eval without concat. [DKF]: In Tcl 8.5, just use '''[[{*}$list]]''' which is now part of the core language syntax. * Linked list support. I (AK) had a problem here, but Larry solved it for me. Meant is stack/queue-like access to the list. Some extensions already provide this functionality []. [AK]: I have to admit that I currently see ''keyed lists'' as something to either add later, or to place them into a separate extension. [AK]: I would also vote to definitely place DB interfaces into their own extension. DL: also look at list utilities in the opt package of tcl 8.[[01]] (mostly tclX 'compatible' though) [Nat Pryce]: I have implemented ''map'', ''fold'' and ''zip'' functions in C AK: I have to admit that I currently see ''keyed lists'' as something to either add later, or to place them into a separate extension. AK: I would also vote to definitely place DB interfaces into their own extension. [Larry Virden]: the following pages have recently appeared on the Wiki: DL- also look at list utilities in the opt package of tcl 8.[[01]] (mostly tclX 'compatible' though) ---- [Nat Pryce]: I have implemented ''map'', ''fold'' and ''zip'' functions in C and ''lambda'' functions in Tcl, but never released them. Anyone who is working on a list extension package is welcome to the code. ====== ====== [Shuffle a list], [Striding a list], [Summing a list] - [Cartesian product of a list of lists] [Recursive list searching] proc lel {L element} { expr { $element in $L } } Though if you have Tcl8.5 you should write `if {$elt in $list} ...` rather than `if {[[lel $list $elt]]} ...`. proc lel {L element} {expr {[lsearch $L $element]>=0}} proc ladd {_L args} { upvar $_L L ====== ====== proc ladd {_L args} { upvar $_L L if {![info exists L]} {set L {}} foreach i $args {if {![lel $L $i]} {lappend L $i}} } upvar 1 $_L L set pos [expr {int(rand() * [llength $L])}] set res [lindex $L $pos] set res proc lrandom L {lindex $L [expr {int(rand()*[llength $L])}]} ====== '''Remove elements from a list''' by value: ====== proc ldraw {_L} { upvar 1 $_L L set pos [expr {int(rand()*[llength $L])}] set res [lindex $L $pos] set L [lreplace $L $pos $pos] set res } ====== '''[lreverse%|%Reverse] the order of a list''': Since 8.5, `[lreverse]` is a [Tcl Commands%|%built-in] Tcl command. proc lremove {_L args} { upvar $_L L foreach i $args { set pos [lsearch $L $i] ;# might be -1 if not found... set L [lreplace $L $pos $pos] ;# ... but that's fine } } set res '''Reverse the order of a list''': ====== proc lreverse L { set ret {} foreach i $l { set ret [linsert $ret 0 $i] } return $ret } ;# RS, tuned 10% faster by [rmax] ====== [RS]: Note however that the `[linsert]` requires copying the whole sublist N proc lreverse2 l { set ret "" ====== proc lreverse3 {l} { set start -1 } #EAS Note however that the [linsert] requires copying the whole sublist N times, while, the [lappend] copies each element exactly once. ([RS]) while {[incr start] < [incr end -1]} { [KPV] Here are three more ways of reversing a list that utilize [lset] to swap pairs of elements in place: lset l $end $tmp ====== proc lreverse3 {l} { For long lists you can squeeze out a bit more performance with the help of `[foreach]`: ====== proc lreverse4 {l} { set start -1 set end [llength $l] foreach tmp $l { } lset l $start [lindex $l $end] lset l $end $tmp For long lists you can squeeze out a bit more performance with the help of [foreach]: } ====== proc lreverse4 {l} { Here's a very simple version — faster than `lreverse4` but alas not the fastest: ====== proc lreverse5 {l} { set end [llength $l] foreach tmp $l { lset l [incr end -1] $tmp } } } ====== Here's a very simple version — faster than lreverse4 but alas not the fastest: nice in cases where you want to process the list elements while reversing their order. proc lreverse5 {l} { ====== proc lreverse6 {l} { set stack {} foreach item $l {set stack [list $stack $item]} set res {} } foreach {stack item} $stack break lappend res $item [Lars H]: This is not fast, but it avoids index arithmetic. The idea can be nice in cases where you want to process the list elements while reversing their order. ====== proc lreverse6 {l} { '''Sort a list on multiple indices''': ====== proc multisort {indices L args} { set cmd "list $L" foreach i [lreverse $indices] { set cmd "lsort $args -index $i \[$cmd\]" } } } ;# RS ====== ======none {john smith 14} {abe zyx 25} {mary jones 32} {harold brown 99} proc multisort {indices L args} { set cmd "list $L" foreach i [lreverse $indices] { set cmd "lsort $args -index $i \[$cmd\]" } eval $cmd } ;# RS % multisort {2 0 1} {{abe zyx 25} {john smith 14} {harold brown 99} {mary jones 32}} {john smith 14} {abe zyx 25} {mary jones 32} {harold brown 99} % multisort {0 2 1} {{abe zyx 25} {john smith 14} {harold brown 99} {mary jones 32}} -decreasing {mary jones 32} {john smith 14} {harold brown 99} {abe zyx 25} '''Permute a list''': returns a list of the possible orderings of the input set res $L set pos 0 '''Permute a list''' - returns a list of the possible orderings of the input list, e.g. ''lpermute {a b c} => {{a b c} {a c b} {b a c} {b c a} {c a b} {c b a}}. Be aware that the output length grows factorially, so a 7-element input produces over 5000 permutations... } proc lpermute L { if {[llength $L]<2} { } ;# RS ====== ''Find the list element numerically closest to a given value''' [[F]or a given value, find one element from a given list with minimal absolute difference [[...] ====== proc closest {value list} { set minElement [lindex $list 0] set minDist [expr {abs($value-$minElement)}] } ;# RS if {abs($value-$i) < $minDist} { set minDist [expr {abs($value-$i)}] set minElement $i } [[F]or a given value, find one element from a given list with minimal absolute difference [[...] } In borderline cases, it picks the first hit, though: proc closest {value list} { set minElement [lindex $list 0] set minDist [expr {abs($value-$minElement)}] foreach i [lrange $list 1 end] { if {abs($value-$i) < $minDist} { set minDist [expr {abs($value-$i)}] set minElement $i } } set minElement } In borderline cases, it picks the first hit, though: % closest 2.5 {1 2 3 4 5} 2 foreach i [lappend list {}] { lappend buf $i '''Compact an integer list:''' merge consecutive numbers, if more than two, into a dash-separated range (an extra element is appended to the list to collect the final buffer): set buf $i proc rangify list { set res {} set buf {} foreach i [lappend list ""] { if {$buf=="" || $i==[lindex $buf end]+1} { lappend buf $i } else { if {[llength $buf]>2} { set buf [lindex $buf 0]-[lindex $buf end] } lappend res $buf set buf $i } } join $res } ;#RS % rangify {1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 12 13 14 17 18 19} 1-3 5-7 9 10 12-14 17-19 for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $list] - 1} {incr i} { } lappend res [lindex $list end] regsub -all -- { - (- )*} $res - proc compress list { for {set i 1} {$i <[llength $list]-1} {incr i} { proc expand clist { if {$it==[lindex $list [expr {$i-1}]]+1 && $it==[lindex $list [expr {$i+1}]]-1} { while {$from <= $to} {lappend res $from; incr from} } else {lappend res $part} } set res };# RS } ====== ---- ====== proc expand clist { '''List constructor:''' After the advent of multi-index [lindex] and [lset], nested lists can conveniently be used e.g. for matrixes, but all list elements must be present for them to work. Here's a nestable constructor that fills a while {$from<=$to} {lappend res $from; incr from} ====== proc lrepeat {value number} { };# RS lappend res $value } set res '''List constructor:''' After the advent of multi-index [lindex] and [lset], nested lists can conveniently be used e.g. for matrixes, but all list elements must be present for them to work. Here's a nestable constructor that fills a list with the specified initial value: proc lrepeat {value number} { separately, just like lset or lindex: ====== proc lrepeat {value args} { } ;# RS % lrepeat foo 5 foo foo foo foo foo % lrepeat [lrepeat 0 5] 5 {0 0 0 0 0} {0 0 0 0 0} {0 0 0 0 0} {0 0 0 0 0} {0 0 0 0 0} lappend buf $value The second edition saves you the nesting, accepts indices in a list or separately, just like lset or lindex: } proc lrepeat {value args} { if {[llength $args]==1} {set args [lindex $args 0]} % lrepeat 0 {3 4} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} % lrepeat 0 {3 4 5} for {set i 0} {$i<$number} {incr i} { ====== (1): See [Stress testing] for why this makes the code safer. [DKF]: Tcl 8.5a0 has a variation on this which behaves like this: } % lrepeat 0 3 4 {0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} % lrepeat 0 {3 4} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} % lrepeat 0 {3 4 5} {{0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0}} {{0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0}} {{0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0}} {{0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0}} {{0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} {0 0 0}} } return $result } ====== proc lrepeat {count value args} { proc lrepeat {count args} { set result {} set cmd [list eval [list lappend result]] for {set i 0} {$i < $count} {incr i} { lappend cmd $args } } } ====== proc lrepeat {count args} { ====== proc lrepeat {count args} {string repeat "$args " $count} ====== [AMG]: [DKF]'s "efficient" version does far more work than it has to. Here's a significantly faster approach: } ====== proc lrepeat {count args} { [FW]: Here's a most minimalist way (and of course the less efficient). proc lrepeat {count args} {string repeat "$args " $count} [HaO] 2014-09-16: [aspect] proposed on the chat: ======tcl [list {*}$l1] eq [list {*}$l2] ====== proc lequal {a b} { '''Check if combination of list elements is valid''' against a list of lists, [JM] 2004-01-04: this code relies on 'lequal' } ;# RS set thisCase [list a c b] } ''2004-Jan-4'' [JM] (this code relies on 'lequal') ====== set thisCase [list a c b] ====== set lstValid [list \ {a b c}\ {a a c}\ {a b b}\ {a a a}\ ] foreach validCase $lstValid { proc chkValidCombination {lstValid thisCase} { set valid 0 foreach validCase $lstValid { set equal [lequal $validCase $thisCase] if {$equal} {set valid 1} } puts [chkValidCombination $lstValid $thisCase] return $valid } ====== puts [chkValidCombination $lstValid $thisCase] } ;# RS % keyget {fnm John lnm Brown phone (123)456-7890 email} phone (123)456-7890 [plist] is for lists what [parray] is for arrays. ---- '''Keylist access:''' Data arranged as alternating ''key value''... can be searched like this, where non-existing keys just return an empty list: proc keyget {list key} { ====== proc linsertsorted {list newElement} { } ;# RS % keyget {fnm John lnm Brown phone (123)456-7890 email} phone (123)456-7890 % keyget {fnm John lnm Brown phone (123)456-7890 email} fax } } ;# RS -- testing: ======none a b c d e f proc linsertsorted {list newElement} { 0 a b c d e % linsertsorted {a b c d e} aa a aa b c d e ====== [DKF] notes that this is the most efficient way to maintain a sorted list of } ;# RS -- testing: % linsertsorted {a b c d e} f a b c d e f % linsertsorted {a b c d e} 0 0 a b c d e % linsertsorted {a b c d e} aa a aa b c d e [AF]: here is my implementation of a BINARY insertion sort: ''[DKF] notes that this is the most efficient way to maintain a sorted list of things with occasional insertions of elements. The alternative - append and full resort - is much more costly as the list size increases.'' 04oct04 [jcw] - Let me split hairs here. What you end up with is "insertion sort", not the most efficient sort algorithm in the world. For single, incidental inserts: yes, good approach. But if the insertions come in bursts, it's not optimal. One could collect insertions, and resort lazily on first access. Implementation left as exercise for the reader (heh!). set hi [llength $list] [AF] here is my implementation of a BINARY insertion sort: } elseif {$res > 0} { return [linsert $list $test $pattern] proc BinaryInsert {list pattern} { set test [expr {($hi + $lo) / 2}] } return [linsert $list $hi $pattern] } ====== ---- '''Swap a paired list''': e.g. dictionaries, string maps, x/y coordinates... ====== proc lswap list { set res {} foreach {a b} $list {lappend res $b $a} set res } % lswap {a b c d e f g h} b a d c f e h g ====== ---- '''List intersection:''' For a number of lists, return only those elements that proc lswap list { ====== proc intersect args { } ;# RS % lswap {a b c d e f g h} b a d c f e h g foreach list [lrange $args 1 end] { set found 0; break '''List intersection:''' For a number of lists, return only those elements that are present in all lists: set res proc intersect args { set res {} foreach element [lindex $args 0] { set found 1 foreach list [lrange $args 1 end] { if {[lsearch -exact $list $element] < 0} { set found 0; break } } if {$found} {lappend res $element} } set res } ;# RS '''List intersect3:''' Compares 2 lists and detects entries that only exist in list 1, only exist in list 2 or that exist in both lists inList2: Name of the list in which to put list2 only elements ====== * list1 - The first input list * list2 - The second input list * inList1 - Name of the list in which to put list1 only elements * inList2 - Name of the list in which to put list2 only elements * inBoth - Name of the list in which to put elements in list1 & list2 upvar $inList2 in2 proc intersect3 {list1 list2 inList1 inList2 inBoth} { upvar $inList1 in1 upvar $inList2 in2 upvar $inBoth inB set i 0 set in1 [list] set in2 [list] set inB [list] set list1 [lsort $list1] set list2 [lsort $list2] } else { # Shortcut for identical lists is faster if { $list1 == $list2 } { set inB $list1 } else { set i 0 foreach element $list1 { if {[set p [lsearch [lrange $list2 $i end] $element]] == -1} { lappend in1 $element } else { if { $p > 0 } { set e [expr {$i + $p -1}] foreach entry [lrange $list2 $i $e] { lappend in2 $entry } incr i $p } incr i lappend inB $element } } foreach entry [lrange $list2 $i end] { lappend in2 $entry } } } ;# David Easton is -2 ... like so: ====== set myList [lreplace $myList -1 -2 5] proc lprepend {var args} { ====== } ;# DKF [GPS] 2003: In the [Tcl Chatroom] I came up with this idea. You may find it [TR] You can also use [lreplace] where the first index is -1 and the second is -2 ... like so: set myList [list 0 1 2] set myList [lreplace $myList -1 -2 5] -> 5 0 1 2 [GPS] Oct 14, 2003 - In the Tcl'ers Chat I came up with this idea. You may find it easier than using lreplace to do the same. proc remove.list.item {lPtr i} {upvar $lPtr l; set l [lreplace $l $i $i]} ======none % set l [list a b c] a b c % remove.list.item l 1 a c % set l a c % kvsearch {1 one 2 two 3 three} four ;# returns empty string/list '''Key-value list searching''': Before [dict] arrives, we can have a two-way map key<->value like this: ====== proc kvsearch {kvlist item} { set pos [lsearch $kvlist $item] if {$pos != -1} { lindex $kvlist [expr {$pos+1-2*($pos%2)}] } } ;# RS % kvsearch {1 one 2 two 3 three} four ;# returns empty string/list % kvsearch {1 one 2 two 3 three} 1 one 0 % kvsearch {1 one 2 two 3 three} one 1 lappend res [list [lindex $set $ia] $b] } } } ;# RS {a b} {a c} {a d} {b c} {b d} {c d} proc pairs set { Simpler: ====== proc pairs set { set res {} foreach a [lrange $set 0 end-1] { set set [lrange $set 1 end] } ;# RS % pairs {a b c d} {a b} {a c} {a d} {b c} {b d} {c d} } ;# RS ---- proc pairs set { '''In-place queues''' using the [K] combinator ====== proc K {a b} {set a} ## # Pop an item off a list, left or right } ;# RS proc lpop {how listName} { upvar $listName list switch -- $how { right { } left { K [lindex $list 0] [set list [lrange $list 1 end]] proc K {a b} {set a} ## # Pop an item off a list, left or right # proc lpop {how listName} { } ## "right" { K [lindex $list end] [set list [lrange $list 0 end-1]] } "left" { K [lindex $list 0] [set list [lrange $list 1 end]] } default { return -code error "lpop right|left listName" } set list [linsert [K $list [set list {}]] 0 $item] } ## # Pop an item onto a list, left or right # proc lpush {how listName item} { } ====== "right" { lappend list $item } "left" { set list [linsert [K $list [set list ""]] 0 $item] } default { return -code error "lpush right|left listName item" } } ::struct::list flatten ?-full? ?--? sequence ====== See also [Stacks and queues], [Implementing FIFO queues] and [Tcllib]'s [stack] and [queue]. The subcommand will remove any nesting it finds if the option -full is ======none ====== proc flatten list {string map {\{ "" \} ""} $list} ;#RS % flatten {a {b {c d {e f {g h}}}}} a b c d e f g h ====== 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 {8 9} 10 An alternative way which handles embedded { in lists ====== proc flatten {list} { while {1} { set lt [join $list] if {[llength $lt]==[llength $list]} { return $list } else { set list $lt } } } ====== ====== [LES]: No, it doesn't: % ::struct::list flatten -full {1 2 3{4 5} {6 7} {{8 9}} 10} $ set foo [list \{ \}] $ flatten $foo (empty string) Because `3{4` and `5}` are syntactically valid, which `{4 5}{6` isn't (the closing brace that closes the initial opening brace isn't the last character in the word). `3{4` and `5}` can't be transformed into `3 4 5` since that would change the data content. $ set foo "\{ \}" $ flatten $foo (empty string) [MAK]: Perhaps belongs in [Additional string functions], but: I just spent 40 minutes looking for a solution here and in [list] and haven't found the perfect solution that will pass all my tests. [MAK] Perhaps belongs in [Additional string functions], but: ====== array set lengths {} # Determine the longest element in each column This function takes a list of lists representing cell information for a table (i.e., each element of the top-level list is a row of data, and each element of those are individual columns of data) and generates text output with all of the columns aligned with each other. By default a single space is output between the longest cell and the next one; extra spaces can be added through the optional padding argument. set lengths($colnum) $length } proc listToTable { in {padding 0} } { set result "" array set lengths "" # Determine the longest element in each column foreach line $in { set colnum 1 foreach column $line { set length [string length $column] if {[info exist lengths($colnum)]} { if {$lengths($colnum) < $length} { set lengths($colnum) $length } } else { set lengths($colnum) $length } incr colnum } } # Format the output foreach line $in { set colnum 1 set maxcol [llength $line] foreach column $line { if {$colnum < $maxcol} { append result [format "%-*s" \ [expr {$lengths($colnum) + 1 + $padding}] $column] } else { append result $column } incr colnum } append result "\n" } return $result } ---- [AMG]: [interleave] lets you combine parallel lists so you can pass them to [[array set]]. [[listc]] and [[[lcomp]]] provide [list comprehension]s. % listToTable {a {aaaa bb cccccc} {aaaaaa bbbbbbb cc ddddddd} {a b c d}} a aaaa bb cccccc aaaaaa bbbbbbb cc ddddddd a b c d ====== set beginning [lrange $list 0 end-$size] [AMG] [interleave] lets you combine parallel lists so you can pass them to [[array set]]. [[listc]] and [[[lcomp]]] provide [list comprehension]s. set end [lrange $list end-[expr {$size-1}] end] [Sarnold] A command for '''splitting one list into segments''' Instead of doing : ====== set beginning [lrange $list 0 end-$size] set end [lrange $list end-[expr {$size-1}] end] Ok, so I'd propose also my extensions. '''Selects elements of a list on given positions and return them as a list'''. ======none foreach {beginning end} [lrange -split $list end-$size] {break} ... %lselect $a 0 3-4 one four five ====== ====== proc lselect {list args} { set result {} foreach i $args { } %set a {one two three four five} ... %lselect $a 0 3-4 one four five continue proc lselect {list args} { set result {} return $result foreach i $args { set range [split $i -] if { [llength $range] == 2 } { mset {from to} $range for {set n $from} {$n <= $to} {incr n} { lappend result [lindex $list $n] } continue } lappend result [lindex $list $i] list [ return $result } Functional extensions: '''Filter each element through given command and return them as a list:''' proc lsplit {ls index} { return [list \ [lrange $ls 0 [expr $index-1]] \ [lrange $ls $index end] \ ] } return $result } ====== ======none %set a { { 1 } { 2 } { 3 } } ... %set a { " 1 " " 2 " " 3 " } ... %filter $a "string trim" 1 2 3 proc filter {list cmd} { 1 2 3 ====== lappend result [eval "$cmd {$i}"] [HaO] see [lmap] (new in tcl8.6) } ======none foreach i $list { % set l {0 5 3 4 2} 0 5 3 4 2 % select $l "expr 2<" 5 3 4 [MG] offers an alternative version, that uses `[uplevel]` to evaluate `$pred` in the caller's scope, and also uses `[string map]` to allow the value being proc select {list pred} { only reason it uses `##` as the placeholder for the value is because I couldn't think of a ''good'', more Tcl'ish way to do it, and that's what's used in another language I use. If someone can think of a good way to do it that fits if { [eval "$pred {$i}"] } { lappend result $i } ====== } set result [list] [MG] offers an alternative version, that uses [uplevel] to evaluate ''$pred'' in the caller's scope, and also uses [string map] to allow the value being checked to placed anywhere in it (as '##') - it's called inside [expr]. The only reason it uses ## as the placeholder for the value is because I couldn't think of a ''good'', more Tcl'ish way to do it, and that's what's used in another language I use. If someone can think of a good way to do it that fits more with the Tcl way, please change it. ====== proc select2 {list pred} { set result [list] a b c d e foreach i $list { if { [uplevel 1 "expr {[string map "## $i" $pred]}"] } {lappend result $i} } return $result; } item to consider, thus: % set list1 {a b c d e} a b c d e % set list2 {c d e f g} c d e f g % select2 $list1 {[lsearch $list2 ##]>-1} c d e } [Lars H] thinks the Tcl way to do it is to have a variable that contains list item to consider, thus: proc select3 {var expr list} { ======none % select3 s {[string is integer $s]} {0 3 x 0x3 09 35 -7 0. 000 1e3} if {[uplevel 1 [list ::expr $expr]]} then { lappend res $item } ====== } % interp alias {} nonzero {} select3 s {$s!=0} % select3 s {[string is integer $s]} {0 3 x 0x3 09 35 -7 0. 000 1e3} 0 3 0x3 35 -7 000 % select3 s {$s != 0} {0 3 x 0x3 09 35 -7 0. 000 1e3} 3 x 0x3 09 35 -7 1e3 ====== % interp alias {} nonzero {} select3 s {$s!=0} % nonzero {0 3 x 0x3 09 35 -7 0. 000 1e3} 3 x 0x3 09 35 -7 1e3 proc filter {p xs} { [NEM] (2008-02-17) Would call the ''filter'' above [map], and ''select'' would be [filter]. I agree with [Lars H] about taking the list argument last (the [tcllib] version don't do this, alas). As an example: # Usage: ====== foreach x $xs { if {[uplevel #0 $p [list $x]]} { lappend ys $x } } ====== proc func {p b} {list ::apply [list $p [list expr $b]]} filter [func x {$x != 0}] $xs ====== proc let {name = args} { interp alias {} $name {} {*}$args } [FW]: '''A more versatile key-value search''' list, with the added feature that the length of each "row" can be anything the key and for the value to retrieve. The first argument is the list, the proc func {p b} { list ::apply [list $p [list expr $b]] } filter [func x { $x != 0 }] $xs key, and the fifth (default 1) is the index within the row of the value to one here for completeness). [FW]: '''A more versatile key-value search''' This function allows for searching an associative [dict]- or [array]-style list, with the added feature that the length of each "row" can be anything (instead of just 2: ''key value'') and you can pick which sub-index is used for the key and for the value to retrieve. The first argument is the list, the second is the key to search for. Optional args: the third (default 2) is the length of each row, the fourth (default 0) is the index within the row of the key, and the fifth (default 1) is the index within the row of the value to retrieve. This proc requires an lrepeat proc (as offered above; I've included one here for completeness). return -code error {No match found.} proc lrepeat {val num} { ====== Example: } ====== proc lassoc {list key {rowsize 2} {keyind 0} {valind 1}} { foreach [lreplace [lreplace [lrepeat "nullvar" $rowsize] $keyind $keyind "qkey"] $valind $valind "qval"] $list { if {[string equal $qkey $key]} {return $qval} {J'achèterai le potage} \ return -code error "No match found." } ====== ---- [Sarnold]: I would like to filter elements when walking a list with `foreach`. # English, Dutch, French set phrases [list \ ====== {I'll have the soup.} {Ik geef opdracht tot de soep.} {J'achèterai le potage} \ puts [lassoc $phrases "Hi" 3 0 2] ;# English to French whole list. (foreach is lazy) [AK]: I have no idea what you mean by 'foreach is lazy'. Can you elaborate ? [Sarnold] I would like to filter elements when walking a list with foreach. Something like this: foreach-filter x {$x > 0} $list {puts "$x is positive"} This improves over list comprehension for cases we do not want to walk the whole list. (foreach is lazy) [AK]: I have no idea what you mean by 'foreach is lazy'. Can you elaborate ? The [struct::list] package has a command very similar that, modulo arrangement of the arguments, and not using a script body ... This is [|%filterfor]. [Sarnold] I admit I abused the term 'lazy' but I meant that, in the following: foreach-filter x cmd $hugelist { foreach x [filter $hugelist cmd] { if {[somecmd $x]} break } the hugelist has to be filtered completely before the foreach is invoked, because of Tcl's eager evaluation. And the huge list is transformed even if only one item is processed and the foreach loop is exited (via break). But the same treatment could be optimized with the proposed foreach-filter: internals would be the introduction of generators. Although, with Tcl 8.6's foreach-filter x cmd $hugelist { if {[somecmd x]} break } not yet a workable way of partial processing of a computed/infinite list. Compared with the first version, it does not have to process $hugelist totally, like Haskell's list filters. (And Haskell works with ''lazy'' evaluation) We could build a similar foreach-map command. [AK]: Ok, now I understand. Both Tcl using 'strict' evaluation and the use case you are looking for. Another possibility, but way more complex for the internals would be the introduction of generators. Although, with Tcl 8.6's coroutines we have a way of doing that already. Have the filter be a coroutine which yields each element as requested. Still, foreach is not prepared to ask for elements one by one, it will always take the whole list. So even that is not yet a workable way of partial processing of a computed/infinite list. Tcl 8.6? [LV]: I am not certain, but would the [foreach async] discussion be a way of interacting with the computed infinite generated lists? If so, then is this perhaps something that could appear in [tcllib]'s [control] module for use with Tcl 8.6? if {whatever} break [MR]: Wouldn't following suffice (unless Haskell-like / generators-like semantics are really required) ? uplevel 1 [list foreach $varName $lst [list if $predicate $cmd]] foreach x $lst { if {![predicate $x]} {continue} if {whatever} {break} we_can_do_whatever_we_want_with $x now } ====== foreach_filter x {aa bb ab ac} {[string index $x 0] == {a}} { if {$x == {ab}} break proc foreach_filter {varName lst predicate cmd} { uplevel 1 [list foreach $varName $lst [list if $predicate $cmd]] } aa ====== foreach_filter x {aa bb ab ac} {[string index $x 0] == "a"} { puts $x if {$x == "ab"} {break} } [YOSIFOV]:|%Original is aa ab ie. bb is skipped by the filter and after encountering/printing ab the '''break''' kicks in (hallelujah for Tcl metaprogramming !!! ;-)) here%|% [YOSIFOV]|%Original is here%|% ====== Walking on paths (like MS-DOS paths, but each path should be list of dirs, not one string): proc _cmp {a b} { if {[expr {$a > $b}]} { return 1 } elseif {[expr {$a < $b}]} { return -1 } else {return 0} } proc _trackpath {track level dir} { dict set group {*}$path "@LEAF" switch -- [_cmp [expr $level+1] [llength $track]] { 0 {lset track end $dir} if {[expr {$a > $b}]} { return 1 } \ elseif {[expr {$a < $b}]} { return -1 } \ else { return 0 } # here $level is level in tree, not in stack if {$track eq ""} { set track {"@DUMMY"} } upvar $_deep $keyName key $levelName level 1 { lappend track $dir } 0 { lset track end $dir } -1 { set track [lreplace $track $level end $dir] } set level [expr {$_deep-2}] set gtrack [_trackpath $gtrack $level $k] set key $gtrack if {$v eq @LEAF} { uplevel $_deep $body } else { # nested set leaf 0 uplevel $_deep $body if {$leafName ne ""} { upvar $_deep $leafName leaf } } } } _walk $group $keyName $levelName $leafName $body if {$v eq "@LEAF"} { ====== And usage something like this: ====== forpaths {key level leaf} $dirs {...} # OR forpaths {key level} $dirs {...} # OR forpaths key $dirs {...} ====== ''Find the difference between two lists'' ====== lmap elem $a { expr {$elem in $b ? [continue] : $elem} } } ====== ---- [AMG]: '''Sorting a list by element string length''' ====== ---- **See also** * [list] (that page has pointers to other Tcl specific list related commands) * [Tcl syntax] * [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] <> Command | Data Structure